THE JOURNAL OF THE SENATE OF THE ' LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE THIRTEENTH REGULAR SESSION, 1885. STAT SALEM, OREGON. W. H. BYARS, STATE PRINTER, 1885. St. E MEMBERS OF THE SENATE. ELECTED IN 1882. Baker-I. D. Haines. Benton--Thos. E. Cauthorn. Clackamas-John Myers. Clatsop, Columbia and Tillamook--F. C. Reed. Grant-Henry Hall. Jackson P. P. Prim. Lane-Geo. B. Dorris. Linn-Enoch Hoult and W. R. Bilyeu. Marion-William Waldo, T. W. Davenport, Jacob Voorhees, Wasco, Crook, Klamath and Lake C. M. Cartwright, Washington W. D. Hare. Yamhill Henry Warren, C. H. Burch, 227134 |