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have met with splendid entertainments with such relations.

This is a wasting and consuming folly; let your entertainments be short and frugal, not long or profuse: let them be according to that measure that fits your own condition, not according to the greatness of the relation you entertain : if they be wise and good they will take it well, and count you the wiser in thus proportioning your entertainment: if they be vain and foolish it is no great matter how they censure you for your frugality.


Dangers that may arise from your Constitution and Complexion.

You are yet but children, and it is hard to say what your constitution or complexion may be seven years hence, for there are very great changes in the constitution of children in far less space. But as far as I conjecture of you at present, I shall give you my thoughts concerning your constitutions and complexions, and those dangers that may from thence arise to you.

My grandchild Ann Hale is of a sanguine but melancholy complexion, and the latter of the two most prevalent: she hath a ready wit, great observation, strong memory, and good disposition, and therefore is capable of excellent impressions of goodness, piety, and virtue; but she hath a soft nature, apt to take things amiss or unkindly without any just cause; subject to melancholy and black thoughts, and I doubt easily inclinable to fall in love, and will be soon won upon (in relation to marriage) by flattery

and fair pretences; she must not read melancholy books, or hear sad or tragical tales or stories; she must not see plays, read comedies, or love books or romances, nor hear nor learn ballads or idle songs, especially such as are wanton or concerning love-matters, for they will make too deep an impression upon her mind. The books that are fit for her learning or reading, are the holy Scriptures, the singing psalms, plain, practical divinity to teach people how to live well, also books of housewifery and such like.

But controverted points in divinity, especially touching predestination and the like, as also divinity books full of terror, and touching reprobation and damnation, are subjects not fit for her reading; and generally such books upon soft minds do oftentimes much harm, or make desperate or dangerous impressions, or at best breed great disturbances in peoples' minds, and that I may say it once for all, the same books that I inhibit or forbid to her, I forbid also to the rest of my grandchildren.

My grandchild Mary is of a sanguine and choleric complexion, of a great wit, and also of a great spirit, and if she can temper the latter, will make an excellent woman, and a great housewife; but if she cannot govern the greatness of

her spirit, it will make her proud, imperious, and, revengeful, impatient, and choleric; but she will have this advantage by the greatness of her spirit, that I believe she will not easily be deceived or imposed upon, especially in her matching.

My grandchild Frances is of a choleric and sanguine complexion, and the latter is the more prevalent, of a ready wit and great confidence. If she be kept in some awe, especially in relation to lying and deceiving, she will make a good woman and a good housewife.

My grandchild Matthew, hath much of his sister Ann's complexion; sanguine, melancholy, and black impressions, full of fancy, unstable in his likings and dislikings, though he must be kept in some awe of his governor, but not with overmuch severity; he is easier drawn with fair words than severity or driven; he must not be overcharged with learning, but yet kept in a constant easy track and trade of it.

I do believe he will be frugal in his expences, and keep what he hath, and rather increase than diminish it, when once he is acquainted with what he hath, and the method of good husbandry. I can as I think discern in him some impressions of piety towards God, and good nature and

compassion, which I believe will improve in him as by age he wears out those little sharp humours that are in him.

My grandchild Gabriel is of a high, sanguine, choleric complexion, bold, active, full of wit and spirit, and if he be kept in due discipline and order, will make a good scholar, and learned in what he sets himself upon; his greatest danger is lest he be quarrelsome, and given to fighting and company keeping.

If he keep himself temperate he will be, if he live, an excellent man in piety towards God, righteousness to men, and in learning and knowledge. But if he eat much salt or sweet things, or drink wines or strong drinks, or fall into any measure of excess of drinking, which the world is now guilty of, he will not only overturn his health and strong constitution of body, which he now hath, but will also overturn the strength of his brain, wit, and memory, and the whole temperament of his mind; for this will inflame his blood, and give fire to his choler, which will presently fly into his head and corrupt his brain.

And thus, my dear children, I have given you a conjecture touching your different dispositions and complexions, and the dangers that may arise to you from them; but herein I shoot

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