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designs shortly to set out for England, this is to desire those who have borrowed any books of him to return them as soon as they conveniently can. He fixed his departure for the 2d of December, when he purposed to set out for Carolina about noon, the tide then serving: at ten o'clock on that morning the magistrates sent for him, to say that he must not quit the province, because he had not answered the allegations brought against him. He replied, "that he had appeared at six or seven courts successively in order to answer them, and had not been suffered so to do, when he desired it time after time." They insisted nevertheless that he should not go unless he would give security to answer those allegations in their court. He asked what security; and after they had consulted together some two hours, the recorder produced a bond engaging him under a penalty of fifty pounds, to appear at their court when he should be required; and he added that Mr. Williamson also required bail, that he should answer his action. Upon this he replied resolutely, that he would neither give bond nor bail, saying, "You know your business, and I know mine."

It is very certain that the magistrates desired nothing more than to make him withdraw; but in order to keep up appearances, and stigmatize his departure as if it were a flight from justice, they published an order that afternoon, requiring all the officers and sentinels to prevent him from leaving the colony, and forbidding any person to assist him so to do. This order was not meant to

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be obeyed. Being now," he says, "only a prisoner at large in a place where I knew by experience every day would give fresh opportunity to procure evidence of words I never said, and actions I never did, I saw clearly the hour was come for leaving this place: and soon as evening prayers were over, about eight o'clock, the tide then serving, I shook off the dust of my feet, and left Georgia, after having preached the gospel there (not as I ought, but as I was able,) one year and nearly nine months." He had three companions, one of whom meant to go with him to England, the other two to settle at Carolina. They landed at Purrysburg early in the morning, and not being able to procure a guide for Port Royal, set out an hour before sun-rise to walk there without one. After two or three hours they met an old man, who led them to a line of trees which had been marked by having part of the bark cut off; trees so marked are said to be blazed, and the path thus indicated is called a blaze; by following that line the old man said they might easily reach Port Royal in five or six hours. It led them to a swamp, which in America means a low watry ground overgrown with trees or canes: here they wandered about three hours before they discovered another blaze, which they followed till it divided into two branches; they pursued the one through an almost impassable thicket till it ended; then they returned and took the other with no better success. By this time it was near sun-set, and with a strange improvidence they had set out with no other

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provision than a cake of gingerbread which Wesley had in his pocket. A third of this they had divided at noon, and another third served them for supper, for it was necessary to reserve some portion for the morrow. They were in want of drink so thrusting a stick into the ground and finding the end moist, they dug with their hands, till at about three feet depth they found water; "We thanked God," he says, drank, and were refreshed." It was a sharp night; he however had enured himself to privations and physical hardships: they prayed, lay down close to each other, and slept till near six in the morning. Then they steered due east for Port Royal, till finding neither path nor blaze, and perceiving that the woods grew thicker and thicker, they thought it advisable to find their way back if they could, for this was not easy in such a wilderness. By good hap, for it was done without any apprehension that it might be serviceable, Wesley on the preceding day had followed the Indian custom of breaking down some young trees in the thickest part of the woods; by these landmarks they were guided when there was no other indication of the way, and in the afternoon they reached the house of the old man, whose directions they had followed so unsuccessfully. The next day they obtained a guide to Port Royal, and thence they took boat for Charles Town.

Having remained there ten days, and then taking leave of America, but hoping that it was not for ever, he embarked for England. He had abated

somewhat of his rigorous mode of life; now he returned to what he calls his old simplicity of diet, and imputed to the change a relief from seasickness, which might more reasonably have been ascribed to continuance at sea. Wesley was never busier in the work of self-examination than during this homeward voyage. Feeling an apprehension of danger from no apparent cause, while the sea was smooth and the wind light, he wrote in his journal, "Let us observe hereon: 1. That not one of these hours ought to pass out of my remembrance till I attain another manner of spirit, a spirit equally willing to glorify God by life or by death. 2. That whoever is uneasy on any account, (bodily pain alone excepted,) carries in himself, his own conviction that he is so far an unbeliever. Is he uneasy at the apprehension of death? Then he believeth not that to die is gain. At any of the events of life? Then he hath not a firm belief that all things work together for his good. And if he bring the matter more close, he will always find, besides the general want of faith, every particular uneasiness is evidently owing to the want of some particular Christian temper." He felt himself sorrowful and heavy without knowing why; though what had passed, and the state of excitement in which he had so long been kept, might well have explained to him the obvious cause of his depression. In this state, he began to doubt whether his unwillingness to discourse earnestly with the crew was not the cause of his uncomfortable feelings, and went, therefore, several times among the

sailors with an intent of speaking to them, but could not. "I mean," he says, "I was quite averse from speaking; I could not see how to make an occasion, and it seemed quite absurd to speak without. Is this a sufficient cause of silence, or no? Is it a prohibition from the good Spirit ? or a temptation from nature or the evil one ?" The state of the pulse or the stomach would have afforded a safer solution.

At this time in the fulness of his heart, he thus accused himself, and prayed for deliverance: " By the most infallible of proofs-inward feeling, I am convinced, 1. Of unbelief, having no such faith in Christ as will prevent my heart from being troubled; which it could not be if I believed in God, and rightly believed also in Him: 2. Of pride, throughout my life past, inasmuch as I thought I had, what I find I have not: 3. Of gross irrecollection, inasmuch as in a storm I cry to God every moment, in a calm not: 4. Of levity and luxuriancy of spirit, recurring whenever the pressure is taken off, and appearing by my speaking words not tending to edify; but most by the manner of speaking of my enemies. Lord save or I perish! Save me, 1. By such a faith as implies peace in life and in death : 2. By such humility as may fill my heart from this hour for ever, with a piercing uninterrupted sense, Nihil est quod hactenus feci, having evidently built without a foundation: 3. By such a recollection as may cry to thee every moment, especially when all is calm; give me faith, or I die! give me a lowly spirit! otherwise mihi non sit suave vivere: 4. By

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