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my indiscretion and the naughtiness of my heart, violated and broken this my covenant with my friends, by taking arms with evil intent against them, and that groundlessly; being now deeply sensible of my unfaithfulness and folly, do desire at this time, solemnly to renew my covenant with my ancient friends, and my father's friends, above mentioned, and to desire this may testify to the world against me, if ever I shall fail in my faithfulness towards them (whom I have now and at all times, found kind to me) or any other of the English colonies; and as a real pledge of my true intentions, for the future, to be faithful and friendly, I do freely

appeared more gifted, than any other Indian.

What important discovery did he make in his intercourse with the Indians? That they were plotting against the English.

To whom, did he communicate this? To the English.

What did he say, when he made the communication? That the Indians would murder him, if they knew it.

Where was Sausaman murdered soon after? On Assawampset pond.

Where is Assawampset pond? In Middleborough, about half way between Plymouth and Warren. What did they do with the body?

Put it under the ice.

How were they proved guilty of the murder? By an Indian, who from a distant hill, had witnessed the awful scene.

Where did Philip first attack the English?

Within the limits of what colo-
Month and day?


On what occasion? Under what apprehension? How many persons were killed? Who flew to the defence of Swanzey?

Within how many days, did 110

engage to resign up unto the gov ernment of New Plymouth, all my English arms, to be kept by them for their security, so long as they shall see reason. For true perfor mance of the premises, I have hereunto set my hand, together with the rest of my council.

The mark P. of Philip, chief sachem of Pokanoket, The mark Y. of Tavoser, The mark M. of Capt. Wispoke The mark T. of Wookaponchant, The mark 8. of Nimrod." presence of William Davis, William Hudson, Thomas Brattle.


volunteers from Boston arrive at Swanzey?

How soon was a vigorous attack made upon Philip's men?

From what place, was Philip constrained to flee, the same night? With what did he mark his route? Whose cause did the Narragansets favor?

What evidence was there of that?

With what success, did Captain Hutchinson negotiate with the Narragansets?

What were some of the most important articles of this treaty? That there should be perpetual peace between the Narragansets and English, and that the Narragansets should unite in the war against Philip.

How many hostages did the Narragansets deliver to the English? Four.

Meaning of hostages?

What were the Narragansets to receive, if they should deliver to the English, the body of Philip either dead or alive? Forty cloth


Where was Philip found about the 17th of July'

How many days was that, after the attack of Swanzey?

Present name of Pocasset? Which way was Pocasset from Mount Hope?

What separated Pocasset from Mount Hope? Mt. Hope bay.

In what state is Tiverton ? R. I.

With what success, did the English attack the Indians in Pocasset swamp?

By what method, did the Engfish then attempt to subdue the Indians.

How did Philip then avoid starvation?

To whom, did Philip then flee?
Where were the Nipmucks?
Which way from Boston?

Object of sending Captains

Wheeler and Hutchinson to the Nipmucks?

How were they treated by the Nipmucks? Capt. H. and several of their men were killed.

To what place, did the remain der flee?

English name of Quaboag? Which way is Brookfield from Worcester ?

By what special providence, were they preserved from being burnt by the Indians?

Who raised the siege? What towns on Ct. river, did the Indians attack in Sept.? Which of these towns, is most northerly?

What captain was sent to Deerfield in Sept. with 80 men? From what county? For what purpose

In what part of Ms. is Essex county? The N. E.

How many of Capt. Lathrop's men were slain by the Indians? At what place?

What was it then called? Bloody Brook.

Who soon slew 96 Indians? What other important town did the Indians partly burn in Oct.? On what river, is Springfield? On which side?

Whence came the troops, that prevented the total destruction of Springfield?

Which way is Westfield from S.? What eastern Indians began their depredations soon after the attack at Swanzey?

In what colonies?

What injury had the English done to Squando?

Who was Squando?

What other injury had been done to the eastern Indians, about that time?

Effects of these wrongs


Of what perfidy, were the Narragansets guilty, about that


Who led an army against them?

What was the given name of this Winslow? Josiah.

What relation was J. W. to Edward W. who twice visited Massasoit? Son.

How large was W.'s army? About 1150.

At what season of the year? The latter part of December.

Where were the Indians, they were going to attack? In a great fort, sometimes called Narraganset Fort.

Where was Narraganset Fort? On an elevation in a great swamp in what is now called Charlestown. In what part of R. I. is C.? In the south part, east of Westerly. Where is Westerly? In the S. W. corner of R. I.

How thick was the hedge, that surrounded the fort?

At what time in the day, did the English arrive?

Success of the English, when they first entered the fort? They were repulsed.

How did some Ct. men turn the battle? By unexpectedly attacking them in the rear.

Success of the English, after a desperate conflict?

How many wigwams were burnt?

How many Indians were killed, or mortally wounded?

Probable number of Indians in the fort?

What can justify our ancestors in killing so many

How many English captains fell?

How many of the troops were killed, or mortally wounded? Effect of this defeat upon the Indians?

To what country, did the principal part of the surviving Narragansets soon retire? To the Nipmuck country.

Where was that?

How long did they continue plundering, burning and slaying?

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How many towns are mentioned, as having been partly or wholly destroyed, during the winter?

With what success, did the Indians attack Capt. Pierce of Scituate, and the 70 with him? Who marched from Boston, with 50 men to relieve Sudbury? What became of them?

When did the tide of Indian prosperity turn?

What great western tribe did Philip attempt to rouse against the English? How?

Result of his detection? To what part of New England, did Philip return?

Who then conducted an expedition against Philip?

What became of Philip?

Name of the Indian that shot Philip through the heart? Alder


Where did Alderman belong? To Pocasset.

What reason can be offered, to show, that Philip was a patriot? He labored most assiduously and fought most valiantly, for his nation.

What reason can be offered, to show, that he was not a genuine patriot? He wickedly involved his nation in a distressing and ruinous war, that greatly hastened their destruction.

In what month and year, was Philip killed?

What was the effect of Philip's death in terminating the war? How many months had the war continued?

How much longer did the war with the Indians continue in Maine?

How many English warriors fell in this war?"

How many dwelling houses were


How many towns were destroyed?

What part of the English houses and soldiers did the Indians de

stroy? About one sixteenth part.t What colony suffered less in this war, than any other in N. E.? Ct. Which colony suffered more than all the rest? Ms.


Capture of N. Y. by the Dutch, and restoration to the British. Administration of Andros in N. Y. Acts of trade. Bacon's rebellion.

To what power, was N. Y. surrendered in 1673?

How soon was N. Y. restored to the British?

Why did the duke of York take out a new patent?

What part of Ct. was included in that patent?

Whom did the duke of York appoint his governor?

Character of Andros's administration?

From what most important privilege, did he exclude the people? Meaning of legislation?

Over what part of Ct. did Andros claim jurisdiction? Meaning of jurisdiction?

What fort did he attempt to take?

By whom, was Fort Saybrook defended against Andros? Date of Bacon's rebellion? In what colony was it? By what causes produced? Profession of Bacon? Law. What military office had Bacon sustained? Office of Colonel.

Personal appearance of Bacon? Uncommonly interesting. Who was then governor of Va. ?

+ See Morton's Memorial, edited by Judge Davis, p. 457, 458.

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With what Indians, were the Virginians then at war?

What special commission did Berkley refuse Bacon ?

What did he order Bacon to do with his men?

What illegal punishment did Berkley inflict upon Bacon? Meaning of illegal?

How did Berkley attempt to conciliate him?

What request did Bacon then renew?

Of whom, did Bacon soon demand his commission, at the head of an armed force?

Why did the assembly advise Berkley to grant the commission ? What denunciation did Berkley soon publish against Bacon?

Immediate effect upon Bacon ? Open rebellion.

Upon whom, did Bacon wreak his vengeance?

How did Berkley escape? By whom, was Jamestown burnt? What stopped Bacon's rebellion? How long had Bacon been master of the colony? Seven months. How long did the evils of Bacon's rebellion continue ?

How long was Berkley's administration?

Who succeeded William Berk


How did Culpepper compel the assembly to pass most offensive laws? By threatening to hang the adherents of Bacon, in case of refusal.

CHAPTER XL. - p. 72.

Division and reunion of N. J. Patents of Maine and N. H.

Into what parts, was N. J. divided in 1676 ?

How long did East Jersey and West Jersey continue distinct?

By whom, were the representatives chosen after the union?

Who appointed the governor and council?

What state was under the same governor as N. J. till 1738? N. Y. Of whom did Ms. purchase Maine in 1677?

For how much?

Equal to how many dollars? Till what year, did Maine continue under Ms. ?

How many years after the purchase?

To whom, did the Council of Plymouth grant N. H.? In what year ?

How long after the patent of Ms. ? after the settlement of Dover? To whom, had they granted Laconia seven years before? To Mason and Gorges.

By what rivers, was Laconia bounded? The Merrimac and Sagadahoc.

In what states, does the land now lie ?

To what colony, did the patentees of N. H. assign its jurisdiction, about the year 1640?

How long did N. H. continue united to Ms. ?

To whom, was the separation in 1679, disagreeable?

What high civil privilege had they enjoyed under Ms. ?

From what, had they derived great peace and harmony?

Who soon disturbed their tranquillity after separation?

From whom, had Wheelwright and others been supposed to have purchased a large portion of N. H. in 1629 ? +

+ Mr. Savage has most ably and clearly proved, that the deed, purporting to have been given by four Sagamores to Wheelwright and others, was a forgery, and probably fabricated some years after the death of Wheelwright. See Winthrop's History of New England, Vol. I. P. 405.

CHAPTER XLI.—p. 75. Settlements of Pennsylvania. — Ms. deprived of her charter.Andros governor general of New England. - Revolution in England.


To whom, was granted the tent of Pennsylvania? In what year? By whom?

In consideration of what? How far did this patent encroach on the territory of Lord Baltimore? Over what colony, did it extend on the north?

Between what colonies, did this occasion contentions?

How long did these contentions continue?

Of what other territory, did Penn receive deeds of the duke of York?

In what year, was Delaware united in government with Pa.! 1662.

Meaning of Pennsylvania? The wood of Penn.

In what year, did Penn send over a few men, to begin a settlement?

In what year, did Penn come over? In 1682.

How many planters came with him?

Of what religious sect?

Most distinguishing peculiarity of the Quakers? Never to make war, or to perform any act of violence, even in self-defence.

With whom, did Penn soon form a treaty?

What did he purchase of them! What city did he immediately found?

How many houses and cottages did it contain within a year?

What colony had the most rapid and prosperous settlement ?

To what cause, was this chiefly owing?

How is Pa. bounded?

In what part is Philadelphia ?
Between what rivers ?

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