On what month and day? How many days after they left Plymouth ? In what part of the country, had the Pilgrims intended to settle ? Why did Capt. Jones steer so far north? He had been hired by the Dutch, to betray the Puri tans. Why? The Dutch wished to occupy the place themselves. What prevented the Pilgrims from then proceeding to the mouth of the Hudson? When did they come to anchor? Where? In Cape Cod harbor, near Provincetown, between Cape Cod and Plymouth. How many days did the Mayflower continue at anchor in Cape Cod harbor? 34. What act of devotion did they perform, immediately after their arrival ? What political measure did the Pilgrims adopt the same day? They formed themselves into a body politic. Meaning of body politic? A civil society, united together, to be governed by certain men or certain laws. What did they engage by the covenant, that they then formed ? "To submit to such government and governors, laws and ordinances, as should by general consent, from time to time, be made choice of." When and where, was this in † NOTE F. Names of the Plymotheans, who subscribed the civil compact at Cape Cod. John Carver, William Bradford, Edward Winslow, William Brewster, Isaac Allerton, Miles Standish, Johu Alden, Samuel Fuller, Christopher Martin, William Mullens, William White, Richard Warren, John Howland, Stephen Hopkins, Edward Tilly, John Tilly, strument dated ? At Cape Cod Nov. 11, 1620. By how many, was this covenant subscribed? 41.t Whom did they then elect goveruor? John Carver. CHAPTER XX. Settlement at Plymouth. How much time did the Pilgrims spend in seeking and preparing for themselves, a habitation? Two months. On what part of Cape Cod, did they seriously think of settling? A few miles S. E. of Cape Cod harbor. Which way from Plymouth ? Nearly east. On what important expedition, did some of them set out, Dec. 6 ? To go round Cape Cod bay. For what purpose? To discover the best place for a habitation. Where is Cape Cod bay? Between Cape Cod and the rest of Ms. How many set out on this important expedition? 14 Pilgrims and 4 sailors. Who were the principal characters? Carver, Bradford, Edward Winslow and Standish. How did they commence their Francis Cooke, Thomas Rogers, Thomas Tinker, John Ridgedale, Edward Fuller, John Turner, Francis Eaton, James Chilton, John Crackston, John Billington, Moses Fletcher, John Goodman, Degory Priest, Thomas Williams, Gilbert Winslow, Edmund Margeson, Peter Brown, Richard Britteridge, George Soule, Richard Clarke, Richard Gardiner, John Allerton, Thomas English, Edward Dotey, Edward Leister. expedition? From Cape Cod harbor, they proceeded towards the South, near the eastern shore of the bay. What was the state of the weather? It was so cold, that the salt water froze upon their garments. In what manner, did they after wards travel? Partly by sea, and partly by land. When did they have the first encounter with the Indians? Dec. 8. Who made the attack? The Nausets. What was the issue? It appears to have been a bloodless skirmish. After exchanging a few shots, the Nausets fled. How did the adventurers proceed, after the "first encounter?" They went on board, and proceeded a little farther along by the shore, and then turned, and sailed across the bay nearly to Plymouth. What disasters did they meet with? In a storm, they lost their rudder, mast and sails, and came very near losing their lives. Where did they keep Sabbath, Dec. 10? At Clark's island, near Plymouth. Where did they land, on Dec. 11, after leaving Clark's island ? At Plymouth. Why is this landing celebrated as THE LANDING by way of eminence? It was the first landing of any of the Pilgrims, at the oldest town in New-England. How many Pilgrims then landed? Probably 14, the same who set out on the expedition. Why is Dec. 22, observed as the anniversary of the landing? Be cause Dec. 22, N. S. is the same, as Dec. 11, O. S. which was then in use. What judgment did they then form of Plymouth? They thought it was better for settlement, than any other they could there find. When did they begin to erect the first building at Plymouth? Dec. 25. Why did they not begin sooner ↑ They were some days in fixing upon a spot, and were farther de tained by a storm. When, may we consider the set tlement of Plymouth as commen cing? On the Sabbath, Dec. 31, the last day of the year 1620. Why may we consider it as com mencing then? Because some of the company kept that Sabbath in their house at Plymouth. How many days was this, after they discovered Cape Cod ? What had been the state of the weather during that time? Uncommonly cold, stormy, and distressing. What was the effect? Much suffering and injury to the people. How many of the Pilgrims died after their arrival, before April ? 44.* How many survived? 58. How many of the 41 signers of the compact died before April? 21. How many survived? How many were at some time, sick? All but six or seven. Who was peculiarly engaged in rendering the sick all possible aid ? Gov. Carver. What method did the Pilgrims take, to prevent the Indians from knowing the extent of this mortal * The number that sailed from England, was 101. One person died on the passage, and one child, son of Stephen Hopkins, was born, who was called Oceanus. Four persons died in Cape Cod harbor. One of these was the wife of Mr. Bradford, who was soon after cho-17 in Feb. and 13 in March. sen governor. While he was absent, she fell from the Mayflower, and was drowned, Dec. 7. One child, Peregrine White, was born in Cape Cod harbor. He lived to be almost 84 years old. Of the Pilgrims, 6 died in Dec. 8 in Jan. 1 rty? Levelled the graves and sowed them with grain. When the Plymotheans were so weak, why were they not destroyed by savages? By the good providence of God, the savages were restrained from making an attack. When did the Pilgrims give the name Plymouth, to the place, where they settled? When the settlement commenced. Why was it called Plymouth? Partly because it had been so called by Capt. John Smith, and partly on account of the kindness they had received at Plymouth in England. What special preparation seems to have been made by Providence, for the settlement of Plymouth? Almost all the natives on the coast of what is now Ms. had been cut off. How? By war and pestilence. What pestilence? Probably the yellow fever. What part of the natives had died? About nineteen twentieths. When had this pestilence taken place? About the year 1617. How great were its ravages at Plymouth? Every native had been destroyed, except one, named Squanto, who was absent. What disaster had happened to a French vessel near Cape Cod, some years before ? * One remarkable circumstance, attending this pestilence, was not known till after the settlement of Plymouth. A French ship had been wrecked on Cape Cod. The men were saved with their goods. The natives kept their eye on them, till they found an opportunity to kill all but 3 or 4, and divide the goods. The captives were sent from one tribe to another, as slaves. One of them learned so much of their language, as to tell them, that God was angry with them for their aruelty, and would destroy them, How were the seamen treated by the natives ? What were they told, that God would do to them for their cruelty ? What did they reply ? What did the Frenchman answer? What afterwards called his words to their remembrance ? How did they feel, when the Pilgrims arrived at Cape Cod? Which way is Plymouth from Hartford? - from Boston? CHAPTER XXI. - p. 42. Samoset, Squanto and Massasoit Who first visited the Plymouth colony? In what month and year?.. How far from Plymouth, was the country of Samoset? Probably about 200 miles. Which way? Ν. Ε. In which of the present states, must this have been? How did he accost them ? Of whom, had he learned a little English ? What, did he say, was the Indian name of Plymouth? How did they treat Samoset? and give their country to another people. They answered, that they were too many for God to kill. He replied, that, if they were ever so many, God had many ways to kill them, of which they were then ignorant. When the pestilence came among them, they remembered the Frenchman's words; and when the Plymotheans arrived at Cape Cod, the few survivors imag. ined, that the other part of his prediction would soon be accomplished. - Belknap's Biog. 2: 208. What disposition did Samoset cherish towards the Plymotheans ? Whom did Samoset introduce at his third visit ? By whom, had Squanto been taken captive? Where had Hunt sold Squanto? Who had redeemed Squanto from slavery? Probably the monks of Spain. Who was the greatest sachem in the region of Plymouth ? Who informed the Plymotheans, that Massasoit was approaching ? With what guard, was Massasoit attended ? What prevented for some time, any advances from either side ? Who was first sent to Massasoit? What wish did M. express ? Who was sent for this purpose? What did Mr. Winslow carry to Massasoit? Two knives and a copper chain with a jewel in it. Whom did Massasoit leave as a hostage with his men? Meaning of hostage? NOTE G. Treaty with Massasoit. ! Rarely has the interposition of Providence been more striking, or more worthy of devout acknowledgment, than in raising up and preserving to our fathers, such a friend as Massasoit. But for his kind influence, it seems, that the destruction of their little establish ment must have been inevitable. This great and amiable prince, therefore, may not only be ranked among our benéfactors, but among the saviors of our country. Like Powhatan, he seems to have been a kind of sachem of sachems, or emperor. He was not only sovereigu in his own Pokanoket, but had great influence over other dominions. To gain his friendship, therefore, was to gain the friendship of many a chief besides. So it proved in the result. It is doubtful, whether we have ever formed With how many men, did Massasoit visit the Plymotheans? 20. With how many men, did Stan dish meet Massasoit? 6. For what purpose? To escort him to one of the best houses. Meaning of escort? When had Standish been ap pointed military commander? In February. What was the particular dominion of Massasoit? Pokanoket. Along what bay, did Pokanoket extend? Narraganset bay. What Indians inhabited that country? The Wampaneags or Wampanoags. What towns are now included in that country? Bristol, Warren, Barrington and Swanzey. Where were Massasoit's principal seats? At Mount Hope and Warren. Where was Mount Hope? In Bristol? What treaty was formed with Massasoit? + a treaty with any potentate, more important in its consequences, than that, which was formed with Massasoit at Plymouth; and no other surely is so worthy of the attention of our youth. The articles of this treaty, as first established, are the following: "1. That neither he, nor any of his, should injure or do hurt to any of their people. "2. That if any of his did any hurt to any of theirs, he should send the offender, that they might punish him. "3. That if any thing were taken away from any of theirs, he should cause it to be restored, and they should do the like to his. "4. That if any did unjustly war against him, they would aid him; and if any did war against them, he should aid them. "5. That he should send to his neighbor confederates, to inform them of this, that they might not "7. Lastly, That so doing, their sovereign Lord, King James, would esteem them as his friend and ally." "All which," says Morton, "he liked well, and withal at the same time, acknowledged himself content to become the subject of our sovereign Lord aforesaid, his heirs and successors; and gave unto them all the lands adjacent, to them and to theirs forever." Let it not be said, then, that our forefathers came to Plymouth, and robbed the Indians of their lands. The natives there were all dead; nor did a single Indian visit them, till Samoset bade them welcome. Eighteen years afterwards, Massasoit with his eldest son Mooanam How long did the Mayflower continue at Plymouth? Till April Why did she continue so long! On account of the sickness and mortality of the seamen. What part of them had died? About half. What distinguished character died the same April, that the Mayflower departed? Gov. Carver. For what, was he distinguished? For piety, and for the sacrifices, which he made for the good of the Pilgrims. CHAPTER XXII. Gov. Bradford. Who soon succeeded Carver? William Bradford. At what age? 33.t or Alexander, came to Plymouth, and solemnly confirmed this treaty, and promised not to sell any land without the consent of the Plymotheans. † NOTE H. Some account of Gov. Bradford. [The following sketch is taken principally from Allen's Biographical and Historical Dictionary, a work that will be found peculiarly useful to the students of our history.] William Bradford, second governor of Plymouth colony, was born at Ansterfield, a village in the north of England, in 1588. His parents dying, when he was young, he was educated, first by his grand parents, and afterwards by his uncles, in the practice of agriculture. His paternal inheritance was considerable; but he had no better education, than generally |