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What prevented?

Who conducted the other division?

Of how many men?

How high above Trenton did they cross the Delaware?

In how many columns, did they

march to Trenton ?

How nearly at the same time, did the two columns begin the attack?

What if there had been half an hour's difference in the times of their arrival?

arms, while 500 had the good fortune to escape. About 20 of the Hessians were killed, and only two of our men; though two others were frozen or chilled to death.

Washington did not think it prudent to remain in the vicinity of hostile forces, much superior to his own. He, therefore, collected his 1000 captives, with the booty he had taken, and hastened back across the Delaware. Passing on to Philadelphia, he exhibited them to the admiring and enraptured gaze of the people, marching through the streets with arms and banners displayed. At first, however, many of the Philadelphians could not believe it a reality. They thought it impossible, that German warriors should have been overcome by Americans. They concluded, it must be a mere stratagem of the enemy. "But when they were satisfied, that the spectacle was not an illusion, words cannot describe their exultation." Having at first rated the Hessians far above the English, they now considered them as much below.

Having given his war-worn, weather-beaten troops, two or three days to refresh themselves, Washington again crossed the Delaware, and concentrated his principal forces at Trenton, with the design of making farther inroads upon the enemy.

But shame, vengeance and am

What leader was cut down at the commencement of the action? Effect upon his men ? What was the issue? How many of the enemy es caped?

How many were killed?

How many of our men were killed?-How many chilled to death? What river did W. then cross? In what city did he soon display his captives?

How were the Philadelphians affected?


bition now conspired to rouse the British energies to crush the rebels. Cornwallis, though on the point of embarking for England, hurried back to the defence of N. J. soon collected all the forces in his power, to attack Washington at Trenton, and with part of his troops, arrived at that metropolis Jan. 2, 1777. The situation of Washington was now perhaps more critical than ever. Forces greatly superior to his own, infuriated to madness, were ready to attack him, and it seemed impossible, that he should escape. He withdrew across the Assumpink, and encamped on the S. E. side of Trenton.

And now Cornwallis enjoys the solid comfort of anticipating the tremendous attack determined upon the Ainerican camp, the next morning, and the dreadful discomfiture to ensue. He exults in the prospect of wiping away the horrid disgrace of Dec. 26, and of consigning the rebels and their cause to speedy and everlasting infamy. At break of day, his troops are roused and harnessed for the onset. A few British soldiers find it very easy and safe to pass the Assumpink, and survey the place of the American camp. No Washington, no army, not a single American soldier was there. At that moment, Washington had completed the greater part of his long and

Where did W. soon concentrate his forces ?

With what design? What conspired to arouse the British to oppose?

Who soon arrived at Trenton with superior forces, to attack Washington?

Across what creek, did Washington withdraw?

Where did he encamp?

What satisfaction did Cornwallis enjoy?

circuitous march to Princeton. About one o'clock at night, his army had withdrawn from the banks of the Assumpink so silently, so cautiously, that not one of the enemy seems to have mistrusted their departure. This is the more astonishing, as Sir William Erskine is said to have forewarned Cornwallis of this very event. "If Washington,' said he," is the general, I take him to be, his army will not be found on its present ground in the morning." Washington's danger doubtless appeared as great to himself, as it did to Erskine. Continuance on the Assumpink could hardly fail of proving the death or capture of every one of his men. To retreat over the Delaware, without striking a single blow, appeared ignominious, and would also be attended with extreme peril from ice and enemies. He, therefore, determined to march to Princeton, and attack the few British soldiers, that he expected to find there. This he did with a success not less glorious, than his victory at Trenton. The battle was much more severe. The Americans were completely victorious, and the British routed, except about 300 captured and 100 slain. The Americans had nearly 100 slain; among whom, was the worthy and much lamented Scot, Gen. Mercer.

When Cornwallis perceived that the Americans had left the Assum

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pink, he immediately mistrusted their destination, and hastened to relieve his troops at Princeton. But his subtle adversary, having finished his work of death and capture, was out of his reach; and the "old fox." that he had so doted upon catching, had safely and gloriously escaped. Washington proceeded to Pluckemin, about 25 miles N. of Princeton, where his troops were allowed to take that rest, which they so much needed. Some of them had had scarcely a moment's repose for 60 hours. a few days, he took up his winter quarters at Morristown, and continued there till the last of May.


"The bold, judicious and unexpected attacks, made at Trenton and Princeton," says Marshall, "by an enemy believed to be vanquished, had an influence on the fate of the war much more extensive in its consequences, than, from a mere estimate of the killed and taken, would have been supposed. They saved Philadelphia for the present winter; they recovered N. J. and, which was of still more importance, they revived the drooping spirits of America, and gave a sensible impulse to the recruiting service throughout the U. S." These achievements "were represented and considered as great victories. They were believed by the body of the people, to evidence the superiority of their army and their

What does Marshall say of the influence of these battles ?

Some of the important consequences?

For whom, did these achievements acquire immense glory? What was he pronounced?

During what period, was the firmness of Congress peculiarly manifested? +

What idea would they not admit for a moment?

Of what measure, were they con

general. The opinion, that they were engaged in a hopeless contest, yielded to a confidence, that proper exertions on their part, would be crowned with ultimate success."

The Italian historian Botta, is the recorder of still higher praise. "Achievements so astonishing, acquired an immense glory for the Captain General of the U. S. All nations shared in the surprise of the Americans; all equally admired and applauded the prudence, the constancy and the noble intrepidity of Washington. A unanimous voice pronounced him the savior of his country; all extolled him as equal to the most celebrated commanders of antiquity, all proclaimed him the Fabius of America."

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strained to think, when Cornwallis approached

With what, did their exertions seem to increase

To what city, did Congress then adjourn?

Upon whom, did they confer almost unlimited powers? For how long?

What resolution did they adopt at the time of their lowest depression?

To whom, did they send it?


fellow citizens. Unawed by the dangers which threatened them, and regardless of personal safety, they did not for an instant admit the idea, that the independence they had declared was to be surrendered, and peace to be purchased, by returning to their ancient colonial situation. As the British army approached Philadelphia, they were constrained to think of adjourning to a place more remote from the seat of war. their exertions seemed to increase with their difficulties. They sought to remove the despondence, which was seizing and paralyzing the public mind, by an address to the States, in which every argument was suggested, which could rouse them to vigorous action. They made the most strenuous efforts to animate the militia, and impel them to the field, by the agency of those, whose popular eloquence best fitted them for such a service.

"When reassembled at Baltimore, to which they had adjourned, their resolutions exhibited no evidence of confusion or dismay; and the most judicious efforts were made, by collecting, as soon as possible, a military force, to repair the mischief of past errors. That the war might be carried on with greater vigor, they authorized Washington to raise 16 additional regiments, and conferred upon him, for six months, powers for the con

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What prevented another battle Sept. 16 ?

When did Howe enter Phil.?

How long after the battle of Chad's Ford?-after Howe's landing at Elkton? A month and a day.

Where was then the principal part of the British army? How far is Germantown from Philadelphia? - Which way? To what place, had Congress adjourned?

Which way is L. from Phil. ? When was the battle of Germantown? Issue?

How much greater was the loss of the Americans?

Effect upon Washington?

By what, was his chagrin increased?

What sentiment did Congress express ?

Where did the English then remove?

What project did the English form, to stop the intercourse between N. E. and the other States? To establish sufficient forces upon the Hudson, and upon Lake Champlain, and to connect them by a line of forts.

To whom, did they commit the execution of this project?

What important fortress did Burgoyne invest, July 1st? How large was the garrison of Ticonderoga? Commander? Issue of the siege?

How long had T. been in the hands of the Americans?

Where did St. Clair retreat? Who was then commander of our northern army ?

Where did St. Clair join Gen. Schuyler?

At the mouth of what river, did the whole army take post, Aug. 18th ?

Where did Burgoyne soon destroy a great quantity of stores? Where was Skeensborough? At the S. end of Lake Champlain.

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Who had obstructed B.'s army in their way to F. E.?

In what, did the English army exceedingly exult, when they ar rived at Fort Edward? In their past success and future prospects.

Of what, had they the most confident expectation? That they should proceed down the Hudson, unite with a British force from N. Y. cut off the communication between N. E. and the rest of the U. S. and soon reduce the rebels to subjection.

What then seemed to be almost the only evil, with which they had to contend? The extreme difficulty of procuring provisions, which were principally brought from Canada.

In what village, had the Americans a magazine of stores?

How far was Bennington from F. E. About 35 miles. Which way?

Whom did Burgoyne send, to seize those stores?

With what forces?

What did Baum learn, when they arrived near Bennington?

Who then commanded the mili. tia at Bennington?

For whom, did Stark then send to Manchester? For Col. Warner with his regiment.

Who attacked Baum in his entrenchments? On what day? With what success?

Fate of Baum? He was mortally wounded.

Who commanded this reinforcement? Col. Breyman.

With what success, did Breyman attack the Americans? At first, he had greatly the advantage, and there was reason to fear that he would gain a complete victory.

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