Изображения страниц
[blocks in formation]

sight-less, v. 39
sights, v. 407

sign, vii. 197; ix. 14
signs, viii. 436
silenced, vii. 153
silly, ix. 111

silly cheat, iv. 173
silly sooth, ii. 38
silver, ix. 329
sinew, v. 310

single, v. 351; vii. 250
single-soled, x. 49

single-state, iv. 324
singularity, viii. 116
sink-a-pace, ii. 13
sir, i. 205; iii. 270
Sir John, vi. 254
Sir Nob, v. 11
sirrah, ix. 194

sith, i. 241; ii. 112; vi. 369
sithence, iii. 334

sit out, iii. 9

sizes, ix. 395

shent, i. 222; ii. 79; vii. 319; skills, vi. 296

[blocks in formation]

skains-mates, x. 52

skirr, iv. 406

Skogan's head, v. 392

slack, i. 269

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

sneak, v. 373

sprighted, ix. 44

[blocks in formation]

soil, v. 433

sold, iv. 369

soldier, ix. 70
solely, iv. 146
solidares, viii. 41
solicited, x. 282
soliciting, iv. 322
solicits, ix. 40
sometimes, v. 207
so much, viii. 35

sooth, ii. 38; iv. 184; v. 170;
vi. 431; ix. 251
sorriest, iv. 364
sorry, iv. 294

sort, i. 169; ii, 345, 357; v.
186; vi. 103, 273, 475; vii.
303; x. 132

sort and suit, ii. 181

sorts, iii. 215; vi. 19, 77, 394;
vii. 278

[blocks in formation]

sprights, iv. 384
springhalt, vii. 168
springing, vii. 41
spritely, ix. 135

spurs, iii. 398; ix. 85

square, ii. 321; iv. 185; viii.
97, 368, 376, 425; ix. 842
squarer, ii. 211

squash, ii. 343; iv. 122
squiny, ix. 443

squire, iii. 89; iv. 190; v. 245
stag'd, viii. 425

staggers, iii. 356; ix. 128
stains, viii. 282

stake, viii. 310

stale, i. 84; iv. 248; vi. 434;

viii. 253

stalk, ii. 240

stamped, viii. 222

stand, iv. 32
stand off, vi. 34

standing bowls, vii. 260; ix. 272
stands, x. 77

stands upon, v. 154; vii. 96
stannyel, ii. 45

star, x. 152
stark, ix. 92
starkly, ii. 169
starred, iv. 158
starts, vi. 126
starving, v. 313

state, i. 143; ii. 43; iii. 58; iv.
368; v. 442, 443; viii. 234

states, ix. 65

station, viii. 404; x. 221
statist, ix. 45; x. 268

statue, i. 187

statute-cap, iii. 82

staves, v. 407; vii. 128

stay, v. 33

stays, iii. 210

stead, ix. 280

steed, viii. 132

sternage, vi. 46

sticking-place, iv. 338

stickler, vii. 399

stigmatical, iv. 275

[blocks in formation]


still-piecing, iii. 374
still-vexed, i. 19
stilly, vi. 73

stint, vii. 162; ix. 212, 308
stinted, x. 21
stints, vii. 367
stir, ix. 84

stithied, vii. 272
stithy, x. 201
stoccata, x, 61

stock, i. 163, 247; viii. 386
stomach, i. 15, 122; vi. 149;

vii. 233; x. 132
stood, viii. 211
stoop, ii. 30

stoups, x. 279

stover, i. 77

strachy, ii. 43

[blocks in formation]

success, iv. 131; v. 412

successive, ix. 145

successively, v. 433
sudden, iii. 249; x. 329
suffered, vi. 353

suggest, i. 148; iii. 409; v.
110; viii. 147; x. 344
suggested us, iii. 100
suggestion, i. 46; iii. 10, 376;

v. 422

suit, iii. 245; viii. 30; x. 27
suited, ix. 449

suits, iii. 224; v. 223
sullen, x. 370

sum, viii. 344

summer-seeding, iv. 392
summer-swelling, i. 144
summoners, ix. 404
sumpter, ix. 396

superstitious, vii. 207

suppliance, x. 145

supplied, x. 378

supposed, v. 433
supposing, ix. 317
sure, i. 188; iii. 274
sure-card, v. 394
sur-reined, vi. 59
suspire, v. 57
sustaining, i. 19

swaggerer, v. 376
swart, iv. 267

swarth, ii. 35; ix. 171
swashing, iii. 230
swath, vii. 393; viii. 75
sway, viii. 261
sweeting, x. 30

swell, viii. 56

swift, ii. 249

swinge-bucklers, v. 392
Switzers, x. 241

swoop, iv. 398

sword and buckler, v. 237

sworder, vi. 321

sworn-brothers, vi. 26

syllable, ix. 32+

Tabard, x. 246

table, iii. 136, 321; v. 34
tables, v. 410; x. 159
tabourines, vii. 373; viii. 444
tackled-stair, x. 53
tag, viii. 176

tainting, x. 329

take, iv. 291, 278

take in, iv. 199; viii. 117, 182
take order, vii. 96; x. 410
take thought, viii. 273
taken out, x. 361

taken up, v. 412
takes, i. 286; x. 134
takes on, i. 277; vi. 407
taking, iii. 359; ix. 409
tale, iv. 322

tall, i. 234; ii. 10; vii. 38
tallow-keech, v. 260

tame, viii. 209

tamed, vii. 352

tarre, v. 65; vii. 303;


tartar, vi. 34

task, vi. 12

tasked, v. 308

tassel-gentle, x. 42
Taurus, ii. 14
tawdry, iv. 187

tawny, vi. 147

taxation, iii. 218


teen, i. 11; ii. 445; vii. 93;

x. 20

teeth, viii. 406

tell, v. 350

temper, i. 168; viii. 254

temperance, i. 35
tempered, vi. 34
tempering, v. 420
tend, vii. 321; x. 148
tended, viii. 377
tender, x. 149
tender-hefted, ix. 394
tendering, vi. 212

tent, viii. 184; x. 190


tercel, vii. 333

termagant, viii. 364; x. 198
tested, ii. 132
testerned, i. 119
tetchy, vii. 107
thankful, ix. 329
tharborough, iii. 12
theme, viii. 370

theorick, iii. 399; x. 292
thewes, v. 399; viii. 263; x.

thill-horse, iii. 134
think upon, viii. 162
thirdborough, iv. 8
thirst, iv. 371

thorough, v. 346; ix. 300
though, iii. 270

thought, iii. 286; iv. 370; vii.
81; viii. 441; x. 245
thought-executing, ix. 402
thrasonical, iii. 66

thread, i. 74; viii. 171
three-hooped, vi. 325

three man, iv. 174; v. 352
three pile, iv. 173

thrift, ix. 105
throes, viii. 416

thrum'd, i. 279

thunder, ix. 303

[blocks in formation]

tinct, iii. 419; viii. 364

tinctures, viii. 282

tire, vi. 375

tired, iii. 49

tire-valiant, i. 258

tiring, viii. 57
tir'st, ix. 67

title-leaf, v. 339

to, iv. 314, 359; x. 17
to bless, viii. 310
tods, iv. 174
toged, x. 292
tokened, viii. 417
toll, iii. 421
tomboys, ix. 31

tongue, v. 277

took, v. 9

top-gallant, x. 53
to pinch, i. 287
topless, vii. 295

topple, iv. 381; v. 274; ix. 286
touch, i. 89; ii. 346; iv. 386;
vii. 94, 107, 356; viii. 6,
80, 194; ix. 11
touched, viii. 45
touches, iii. 258; viii. 353
toward, viii. 59; x. 33

toys, v. 14; vii. 7; ix. 91; x.
92, 154

toze, iv. 204

trace, iv. 385; vii. 211

trade, ii. 149; vii. 240; x. 211
tradition, v. 164
traditional, vii. 60
trail, i. 283; x. 170

trains, v. 414
traitress, iii. 324

[blocks in formation]


Trojan, iii. 96; v. 243
troll, i. 65

trol-my-dames, iv. 175
trossers, vi. 69

trowel, iii. 219

trowest, ix. 364

true, i. 102; v. 80; viii. 258;
x. 64

true men, v. 248
truncheon, vii. 388
trusted, iv. 323
truth, vii. 69
tucket, iii. 197
tucket sonuance, vi. 87
Turk Gregory, v. 321
turlygood, ix. 388
Turnbull street, v. 401
turns, viii. 41, 212
turn Turk, x. 209
turquoise, iii. 158
twangling, iv. 44
twelve-score, v. 272
twiggen, x. 337
ty'd, vii. 233

tranect, iii. 172

translate, vii. 367

trash, i. 12; x. 330

travel, x. 181

traverse, v. 400; x. 318

type, vi. 384;
tything, ix. 411


vii. 110

Vail, ii. 185; iv. 105; v. 342; vailing, iii. 83, 114

viii. 170; ix. 293

vailed, x. 138

vain, ii. 136; iv. 264

valanced, x. 184

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