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ings-Actions-Orders of arrest-Replevin-Injunctions -Attachments-Trial of actions-Executions-Appeals. Commercial paper, comprising promissory notes, bankbills, bills of exchange, and checks-Their history-When within the statute passed during the reign of Queen Anne -When not within the statute-Peculiar privileges attached, if within the statute-When negotiable-Effect of negotiability-Different modes of indorsement-Conditional liability of the indorsers-Conditions precedent to absolute liability-When a protest is necessary-Notice of dishonor-What will excuse notice-Accommodation paper-Actions on commercial paper-What facts must be alleged-What defences may be imposed-The allegations and denials form the issue-Evidence-It demonstrates to the jury the truth or falsity of the points at issue-Evidence admitted-Evidence rejected-Order of introducing evidence-The best evidence required-How witnesses are compelled to attend-Their competencyTheir credibility-They may be perfectly competent, and yet entitled to no credit with the jury-Witnesses may be impeached-Mode of impeaching a witness-Upon whom lies the burden of proof-The jury are to weigh the evidence-Direct examination-Cross-examinationLeading questions-Hearsay evidence-Presumptive evidence-Salus populi suprema lex, the safety of the Republic the supreme law.

The candid and judicious reader will make due allowance for the difficulties of investigating subjects so extensive and so laborious.







1. In order to acquire a complete knowledge of the Government of the Republic of the United States of America, it will be necessary for us to trace its development from its earliest history to the present time. A knowledge of the government of England is next in im-1 portance; for it is the government of our ancestors, and the country from which we have derived our language and literature, and our civil and religious institutions.

2. The history of no country, except our own, in ancient or modern times, is calculated to excite deeper interest than that of England. We there see the gradual rise of a people from a low state of barbarism to the highest rank in national power, commercial wealth, and intellectual and moral greatness.

3. That country was little known to the rest of the world, until the time of its conquest by the Romans,

1. In order to acquire a complete knowledge of our Government, what is necessary? The knowledge of what government is next in importance? Why?

2. What do we see in the history of England?

under Julius Cæsar, fifty-five years before the commencement of the Christian era. At the time of the conquest, the people were rude and barbarous, divided into numerous tribes, clothed in skins of animals. Their religion was Druidism, a cruel superstition. The Druids, their priests, possessed great authority over them. They taught the doctrine of the transmigration of souls, and offered in Isacrifice human beings in great numbers.

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4. In the fifth century, the Romans took their final leave of Britain, four hundred and sixty-five years after the landing of Julius Cæsar. Soon after, the Scots and Picts, from the northern part of the island, invaded and ravaged the country. The Britons applied for assistance to the Saxons, inhabiting the north of Germany. Assistance was granted, and the invaders were repulsed. The Saxons, finding the country superior to their own, procured re-enforcements, and took possession of it for themselves.

5. About one hundred and fifty years thereafter, the Saxons established seven Saxon kingdoms, known as the Heptarchy. In the year 827, these kingdoms were united into one monarchy, under the name of England. The royal throne was thereafter filled by a succession of monarchs, among whom was Alfred the Great, one of the best sovereigns that ever sat on a throne. He was the greatest warrior, legislator, and scholar of the age in which he lived.

6. In the year 1041, Edward the Confessor ascended the throne, who died in 1066, having bequeathed the

3. At what time did that country become known to the rest of the world? At the time of the conquest, what was the condition of the people? What was their religion? What did the Druids teach? What did they offer in sacrifice?

4. When did the Romans take their final leave of Britain? By whom was it soon after invaded? To whom did the Britons apply for assistance? What was the result?

5. What did the Saxons establish? When were they united into one monarchy? Under what name? What was the character of Alfred the Great?

6. In what year did Edward the Confessor ascend the throne? To


crown to William, duke of Normandy. The nobility and
clergy selected and proclaimed Harold king. William
resolved to maintain his claim to the crown of England
by force of arms.
Harold was defeated and slain at the

battle of Hastings. The nation soon submitted to the
sceptre of William; who was thereafter called THE CON--
QUEROR, and whose descendants have to this day occupied
the throne of England.

7. In the year 1215, the barons formed a confederacy, and demanded of King John the ratification of a charter of privileges, which is known as magna charta, or the great charter. The king at first refused; but finding that the barons would proceed to open war, signed and sealed the charter, which secured important liberties and privileges to every order of men in the kingdom, and which is regarded as the great bulwark of English liberty.

8. In the year 1471, the art of printing was introduced 47 into England by William Caxton.

9. In the year 1485, Edward IV. died, leaving two sons, the eldest but thirteen years of age, who was proclaimed king, with the title of Edward V. Richard, the brother of Edward IV., having been appointed protector, seized the crown, on pretence that Edward V. and his brother were illegitimate, and he was proclaimed king, under the title of Richard III. Soon after the young princes disappeared. They were supposed to have been murdered, by the order of Richard.

whom did he bequeath the crown? Who was proclaimed king in opposition to William? What did William resolve to do? What was the result? What name was thereafter given to William? Whose descendants now occupy the throne of England?

7. What action did the barons take in 1215? By what name is this charter known? Why did King John grant this charter? What was secured by this charter? How is it considered?

8. In what year was the art of printing introduced into England? By whom?

9. In what year did Edward IV. die? How many sons did he leave? What was the age of the eldest son when he was proclaimed king? Under what title was he proclaimed king? Who was appointed protector? Under what pretence did he seize the crown? Under what title was he proclaimed king? What became of the two sons of Edward IV.?

10. Richard III., who waded to the throne through the blood of his nearest relatives, found an avenger in the Earl of Richmond, the only surviving heir of the house. of Lancaster. The armies of the two rivals met, a desperate battle was fought, and Richard was defeated and slain. His rival was immediately crowned on the battlefield by the title of Henry VII. This battle terminated the long and bloody conflict between the houses of York and Lancaster. The two houses were soon after united by the marriage of Henry VII. with the daughter of Edward IV. It was during the reign of Henry VII. that America was discovered.




1. THE existence of the continent of America, and its adjacent islands, was concealed from the civilized world for 5,496 years from the Mosaïc account of the creation, and for 1,492 years after the beginning of the Christian In the month of October, 1492, Christopher Columbus, a native of Genoa, in Italy, discovered a small island, now called St. Salvador, lying near the Gulf of Mexico, and about two hundred miles from the continent. He soon after discovered Cuba and San Domingo. The following year he discovered Jamaica, and some other small islands. He took formal possession of these islands, for and in the name of Ferdinand and Isabella, king and queen of Spain.

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10. How did Richard III. reach the throne? In whom did he find an avenger? What was his fate? Who then became king of England? Under what title? What did the battle between Richard III. and Henry VII. terminate? How were the two houses soon after united? During the reign of what king was America discovered?

1. In what year of the world, and of the Christian era, was America discovered? What discoveries were made by Columbus?

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