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bas reliefs and mantel-pieces

Introduction to Lord Byron. His cordiality
of manner. Description of his person; his
bust by Bertolini; the cloven foot; his tem-
perate habits, and regard for the brute
creation. Conversations on Switzerland and

Germany; strong predilection for Turkey

Residence at Geneva. Malicious intruders.

Madame de Staël. Dinner disaster. Ex-

cursions on the lake; Shelley and Hob-

house; St. Preux and Julia; classical

drowning. Lord Byron's horsemanship;

pistol-firing; remarks on duelling; his own

duels. Anecdote

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Lady Byron's abilities. Lord B.'s various
counter-parts. "The Examiner" and Lady
Jersey. Sale of Newstead Abbey; depar-
ture from England

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Madame de Staël and Goëthe. Lord B.'s
partiality for America; curious specimen of
American criticism. The Sketches of
Italy.' Lord B.'s life at Venice; further
remarks on his Memoirs.
Anecdotes of himself and companions; Lord
Falkland. Lord B.'s presentiments; early
horror of matrimony; anti-matrimonial wa-
ger. Anecdotes of his father. Craniology.
Anecdote of his uncle. Early love for
Scotland; Mary C. Harrow School;
Duke of Dorset; Lords Clare and Cal-
thorpe; school rebellion.

The Hours of Idleness.' The skull goblet;

a new order established at Newstead. Julia

Alpinula. Skulls from the field of Morat.

Lord B.'s contempt for academic honours;

his bear; the ourang-outang. A lady in

masquerade. Mrs. L. G.'s depravity. Sin-

gular occurrence. Comparison of English

and Italian profligacy

Fashionable pastimes; Hell in St. James's

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Ali Pacha's barbarity. Affecting tale. Real
incident in The Giaour.' Albanian
guards. The Doctor in alarm. Lord By-
ron's ghost. He prophesies that he should
die in Greece. Lord Byron and the Drury
Lane Committee. Theatricals. Obstacles
to writing for the stage. Kemble; Mrs.
Siddons; Munden; Shakspeare; Alfieri;
Maturin; Miss Baillie. Modern sensitive-

ness. 'Marino Faliero.' Ugo Foscolo 119-141

Ada. Singular coincidence. Ideas on edu-

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cation. Ada's birth-day. Lord Byron's

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