66 or curiosity. She is too happy to get "her liberty on any terms, and he her 66 66 66 money or her person. There is no love on either side. What happiness is to "be expected, or constancy, from such a liaison? Is it not natural, that in her "intercourse with a world, of which she "knows and has seen nothing, and unre"strained mistress of her own time and 66 actions, she should find somebody to "like better, and who likes her better, 66 66 than her husband? The Count Guic cioli, for instance, who is the richest man "in Romagna, was sixty when he married "Teresa; she sixteen. From the first they had separate apartments, and she always used to call him Sir. What 66 could be expected from such a prepos"terous connexion? For some time she 66 was an Angiolina, and he a Marino 66 Faliero, a good old man; but young women, and your Italian ones too, are "not satisfied with your good old men. Love is not the same dull, cold, calcu"lating feeling here as in the North. It "is the business, the serious occupation "of their lives; it is a want, a necessity. Somebody properly defines a woman, ‘a "creature that loves.' They die of love; particularly the Romans: they begin to love earlier, and feel the passion later than the Northern people. When I 66 66 was at Venice, two dowagers of sixty "made love to me.-But to return to "the Guiccioli. The old Count did not 66 object to her availing herself of the privileges of her country; an Italian "would have reconciled him to the thing: indeed for some time he winked at our 66 intimacy, but at length made an excep 66 66 66 66 66 tion against me, as a foreigner, a heretic, an Englishman, and, what was worse than all, a liberal. "He insisted--the Guiccioli was as ob stinate; her family took her part. Catholics cannot get divorces. But, to the "scandal of all Romagna, the matter was 66 at length referred to the Pope, who or"dered her a separate maintenance, on "condition that she should reside under "her father's roof. All this was not 66 agreeable, and at length I was forced to smuggle her out of Ravenna, having disclosed a plot laid with the sanction of "the Legate for shutting her up in a con"vent for life, which she narrowly escaped. 66 -Except Greece, I was never so attach "ed to any place in my life as to Ravenna, "and but for the failure of the Constitu “tionalists and this fracas, should probably never have left it. The peasan 66 66 try are the best people in the world, "and the beauty of their women is extraordinary. Those at Tivoli and Frescati, who are so much vaunted, are 66 66 66 66 mere Sabines, coarse creatures, comYou may pared to the Romagnese. talk of your English women, and it is true that out of one hundred Italians and English you will find thirty of the " latter handsome; but then there will be 66 one Italian on the other side of the 66 scale, who will more than balance thè deficit in numbers--one who, like the "Florence Venus, has no rival, and can "have none in the North. I have learnt 66 66 more from the peasantry of the coun tries I have travelled in than from any Ꭰ "other source, especially from the wo"men*: they are more intelligent, as "well as communicative, than the men. "I found also at Ravenna much education and liberality of thinking among "the higher classes. The climate is de 66 66 66 lightful. I was unbroken in upon by society. It lies out of the way of tra"vellers. I was never tired of my rides "in the pine-forest: it breathes of the "Decameron; it is poetical ground. "Francesca lived, and Dante was exiled "Female hearts are such a genial soil "For kinder feeling, whatsoe'er their nation, 66 They generally pour the wine and oil, "Samaritans in every situation." Don Juan, Canto V. Stanza 122. |