Psalms and hymns for public worship [ed. by T.V. Fosbery]., Стр. 82Thomas Vincent Fosbery 1862 |
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Стр. 6
... death The least corruption see . Thou shalt the paths of life display , That to Thy presence lead ; Where pleasures dwell without allay , And joys that never fade . PSALM XVI . II . LORD , keep me , for I trust in Thee ; Be Thou my ...
... death The least corruption see . Thou shalt the paths of life display , That to Thy presence lead ; Where pleasures dwell without allay , And joys that never fade . PSALM XVI . II . LORD , keep me , for I trust in Thee ; Be Thou my ...
Стр. 12
... death , Yet will I fear no ill : Thy rod and staff do comfort me , And Thou art with me still . Through all my life Thy favour is So frankly show'd to me , That in Thy house for evermore My dwelling - place shall be . PSALM XXIII . N.V. ...
... death , Yet will I fear no ill : Thy rod and staff do comfort me , And Thou art with me still . Through all my life Thy favour is So frankly show'd to me , That in Thy house for evermore My dwelling - place shall be . PSALM XXIII . N.V. ...
Стр. 44
... harmless , and to me Does timely help afford . Then , free from pensive cares , my soul , Resume thy wonted rest ; For God has wondrously to thee His bounteous love express'd . When death alarm'd me , He removed My dangers and 44 PSALMS .
... harmless , and to me Does timely help afford . Then , free from pensive cares , my soul , Resume thy wonted rest ; For God has wondrously to thee His bounteous love express'd . When death alarm'd me , He removed My dangers and 44 PSALMS .
Стр. 45
Thomas Vincent Fosbery. When death alarm'd me , He removed My dangers and my fears ; My feet from falling He secured , And dried my eyes from tears . Therefore my life's remaining years , Which God to me shall lend , Will I in praises to ...
Thomas Vincent Fosbery. When death alarm'd me , He removed My dangers and my fears ; My feet from falling He secured , And dried my eyes from tears . Therefore my life's remaining years , Which God to me shall lend , Will I in praises to ...
Стр. 46
... I shall not die , but live , and tell His works , whilst I have breath : He hath chastised , but gave me not Into the hand of death . N.V. C.M. C.M. Open the sanctuary gates , The gates of righteousness ; 46 PSALMS .
... I shall not die , but live , and tell His works , whilst I have breath : He hath chastised , but gave me not Into the hand of death . N.V. C.M. C.M. Open the sanctuary gates , The gates of righteousness ; 46 PSALMS .
Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
age to age Alleluia Almighty Amen Angels behold bless bless'd blood bright cheerful Christ clouds crown darkness death didst divine doth dwell endless eternal evermore eyes faith Father fear foes glorious God the Father God's gracious grief Hallelujah hath hear heart heaven heaven and earth heavenly heavenly host Holy Ghost Holy Spirit hope Hosanna hosts humble HYMNS Israel James Turle JESUS joyful King Lamb Lamb of God Let Thy light LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS mighty mortal night o'er peace PRAISE the Lord pray prayer proclaim PSALM ransom'd reign rejoice rest righteous rise sacred salvation Saviour shine sing sinners sins songs of praise soul Spirit strength Thee Thine Thou art Thou hast Thy face Thy glory Thy grace Thy love Thy mercy Thy Name Thy praise Thy presence Thy throne Thy Word tis Thou tongue truth voice wondrous worship
Популярные отрывки
Стр. 140 - Lord my pasture shall prepare, And feed me with a shepherd's care ; His presence shall my wants supply, And guard me with a watchful eye ; My noon-day walks he shall attend, And all my midnight hours defend.
Стр. 69 - COME, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire, And lighten with celestial fire. Thou the anointing Spirit art, Who dost Thy sevenfold gifts impart. Thy blessed Unction from above, Is comfort, life, and fire of love. Enable with perpetual light The dulness of our blinded sight. Anoint and cheer our soiled face With the abundance of Thy grace. Keep far our foes, give peace at home ; Where Thou art guide, no ill can come.
Стр. 19 - HAIL to the Lord's Anointed, Great David's greater Son ; Hail, in the time appointed, His reign on earth begun ; He comes to break oppression, To set the captive free, To take away transgression, And rule in equity.
Стр. 113 - New mercies, each returning day, Hover around us while we pray ; New perils past, new sins forgiven, New thoughts of God, new hopes of heaven. If on our daily course our mind Be set to hallow all we find, New treasures still, of countless price, God will provide for sacrifice.
Стр. 3 - THE Lord descended from above, And bowed the heavens most high; And underneath his feet he cast The darkness of the sky. 2 On cherub and on cherubim, Full royally, he rode ; And on the wings of mighty winds Came flying all abroad.
Стр. 149 - I'd be Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee! 3. There let the way appear Steps unto Heaven; All that Thou sendest me In mercy given; Angels to beckon me Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee!
Стр. 173 - God, our Help in ages past, Our Hope for years to come, Our Shelter from the stormy blast, And our eternal Home...
Стр. 96 - What though the spicy breezes Blow soft o'er Ceylon's isle, Though every prospect pleases, And only man is vile : In vain with lavish kindness The gifts of God are strown ; The heathen, in his blindness, Bows down to wood and stone...
Стр. 100 - HARK, the song of jubilee, Loud as mighty thunders roar, Or the fulness of the sea, When it breaks upon the shore : Hallelujah ! for the Lord God Omnipotent shall reign ; Hallelujah ! let the word Echo round the earth and main.