The Lord is King! lift up your voice The Lord, who once our weakness knew The Lord will come! the earth shall quake. The race that long in darkness walk'd . The roseate hues of early dawn The sacred season now doth call The saints on earth and those above The Saviour lives, no more to die The Word, with God the Father One Thee we adore, eternal Lord 3 Thou plenteous Source of light and love, from whom all Through all the dangers of the night Through the day Thy love has spared us To God be glory, peace on earth To Thee, O Lord, with dawning light Try us, O God! and search the ground 284 We sing the praise of Him who died What star is this, with beams so bright When I survey the wondrous cross 58 172 195 30 270 267 2 52 81 51 GILBERT AND RIVINGTON, PRINTERS, ST. JOHN'S SQUARE, LONDON. 7. PSALMS & HYMNS, 24mo. Pearl 8. PSALMS & HYMNS, 24mo. Bourgeois 9. PSALMS & HYMNS, 18mo. Small Pica 10. PSALMS & HYMNS, 8vo. Pica An allowance of 25 per cent. to Members. [TURN OVER. 19. PSALMS and HYMNS, 24mo. Bourgeois 20. PSALMS and HYMNS, 18mo. Small Pica 21. PSALMS and HYMNS, 24mo. Pearl (paper cover, 2d.) 22. PSALMS and HYMNS, 8vo. Pica 1 10 2 0 ***It is proposed to publish, at as early a date as possible, an Edition of the Society's enlarged Selection of Psalms and Hymns, with accompanying appropriate Tunes, prepared under the editorship of James Turle, Esq., Organist of Westminster Abbey. An allowance of 25 per cent. to Members. Depositories: 77, GREAT QUEEN STREET, LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS, W.C.; AND 48, PICCADILLY, W., LONDON. |