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Like Him, with pardon on his tongue,
In midst of mortal pain,

He pray'd for them that did the wrong:
Who follows in His train?

A glorious band, the chosen few,
On whom the Spirit came;

Twelve valiant saints, their hope they knew,
And mock'd the cross and flame.

They climb'd the steep ascent of heaven
Through peril, toil, and pain:

O God! to us may grace be given
To follow in their train.


THEE We adore, eternal Lord!

We praise Thy Name with one accord;
Thy saints, who here Thy goodness see,
Through all the world do worship Thee.

To Thee aloud all Angels cry,

And ceaseless raise their songs on high;
Both Cherubin and Seraphin,
The heavens and all the powers therein.

The Apostles join the glorious throng;
The Prophets swell the immortal song;
The Martyrs' noble army raise
Eternal anthems to Thy praise.

Thee, Holy, holy, holy King!

Thee, Lord of Sabaoth, they sing:
Thus earth below, and heaven above,
Resound Thy glory and Thy love.




JESUS calls us, o'er the tumult

Of our life's wild restless sea,
Day by day His sweet voice soundeth,
Saying, "Christian, follow Me."

As, of old, St. Andrew heard it
By the Galilean lake,

Turn'd from home, and toil, and kindred,
Leaving all for His dear sake.

JESUS calls us-from the worship
Of the vain world's golden store,
From each idol that would keep us―
Saying, "Christian, love Me more."

In our joys and in our sorrows,

Days of toil, and hours of ease,
Still He calls, in cares and pleasures,
"Christian, love Me more than these."
JESUS calls us-by Thy mercies,
Saviour, may we hear Thy call,
Give our hearts to Thy obedience,
Serve and love Thee, best of all.


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O THOU, who didst with love untold
Thy doubting servant cheer,

And bade the eye of sense behold

What faith should have made clear,
Grant us, like him, with heartfelt awe,
To own Thee God and Lord,

And from his hour of darkness draw
A fuller faith's reward!

And while that wondrous record now

Of unbelief we hear,

Oh! let us only lowlier bow

In self-distrusting fear;

And pray that we may never dare

Thy Spirit so to grieve;

But, at the last, their blessing share
Who see not, yet believe.

· 107.


HEAD of the Church triumphant,
We joyfully adore Thee;

Till Thou appear,
Thy members here

Shall sing like those in glory.
We lift our hearts and voices

With bless'd anticipation,
And cry aloud,
And give to God

The praise of our salvation.

Thou dost conduct Thy people
Through torrents of temptation;
Nor will we fear,

While Thou art near,

The fire of tribulation;

The world, with sin and Satan,
In vain our march opposes:
By Thee we shall

Break through them all, Ere death our conflict closes.


By faith we see the glory

To which Thou shalt restore us;
The world despise

For that high prize

Which Thou hast set before us;
And if Thou count us worthy,
We each, as dying Stephen,
Shall see Thee stand

At God's right hand,
To take us up to heaven.



GLORY to Thee, O Lord!

Who, from this world of sin,

By the fierce monarch's ruthless sword
Those precious ones didst win!

Glory to Thee, O Lord!

For now, all grief unknown,
They wait in patience their reward,
The martyr's heavenly crown!

Baptized in their own blood,-
Earth's untried perils o'er,

They pass'd unconsciously the flood,

And safely gain'd the shore.

Glory to Thee! for all

The ransom'd infant band,


Who since that hour have heard Thy call,

And reach'd the quiet land!

Oh! that our hearts within,

Like theirs, were pure and bright;

Oh! that as free from wilful sin
We shrank not from Thy sight!

Lord! help us every hour Thy cleansing grace to claim; In life to glorify Thy power,

In death to praise Thy Name!




INSPIRER and Hearer of prayer,

Thou Feeder and Guardian of Thine, M all to Thy covenant care

I sleeping and waking resign:

If Thou art my Shield and my Sun,
The night is no darkness to me,
And, fast as my moments roll on,
They bring me but nearer to Thee.

Thy minist'ring spirits descend,

To watch while Thy saints are asleep:
By day and by night they attend,
The heirs of salvation to keep:

Thy worship no interval knows,
Their fervour is still on the wing;
And while they protect my repose,
They chant to the praise of my King.

I, too, at the season ordain'd,

Their chorus for ever shall join; And love and adore without end Their faithful Creator, and mine.


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