Like Him, with pardon on his tongue, He pray'd for them that did the wrong: A glorious band, the chosen few, Twelve valiant saints, their hope they knew, They climb'd the steep ascent of heaven O God! to us may grace be given 104. THEE We adore, eternal Lord! We praise Thy Name with one accord; To Thee aloud all Angels cry, And ceaseless raise their songs on high; The Apostles join the glorious throng; Thee, Holy, holy, holy King! Thee, Lord of Sabaoth, they sing: L.M. 105. ST. ANDREW'S DAY. JESUS calls us, o'er the tumult Of our life's wild restless sea, As, of old, St. Andrew heard it Turn'd from home, and toil, and kindred, JESUS calls us-from the worship In our joys and in our sorrows, Days of toil, and hours of ease, 8.7. ST. THOMAS'S DAY. O THOU, who didst with love untold And bade the eye of sense behold What faith should have made clear, And from his hour of darkness draw And while that wondrous record now Of unbelief we hear, Oh! let us only lowlier bow In self-distrusting fear; And pray that we may never dare Thy Spirit so to grieve; But, at the last, their blessing share · 107. ST. STEPHEN'S DAY. HEAD of the Church triumphant, Till Thou appear, Shall sing like those in glory. With bless'd anticipation, The praise of our salvation. Thou dost conduct Thy people While Thou art near, The fire of tribulation; The world, with sin and Satan, Break through them all, Ere death our conflict closes. P.M. By faith we see the glory To which Thou shalt restore us; For that high prize Which Thou hast set before us; At God's right hand, 108. THE HOLY INNOCENTS' DAY. GLORY to Thee, O Lord! Who, from this world of sin, By the fierce monarch's ruthless sword Glory to Thee, O Lord! For now, all grief unknown, Baptized in their own blood,- They pass'd unconsciously the flood, And safely gain'd the shore. Glory to Thee! for all The ransom'd infant band, S.M. Who since that hour have heard Thy call, And reach'd the quiet land! Oh! that our hearts within, Like theirs, were pure and bright; Oh! that as free from wilful sin Lord! help us every hour Thy cleansing grace to claim; In life to glorify Thy power, In death to praise Thy Name! Amen. 109. ST. MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS. INSPIRER and Hearer of prayer, Thou Feeder and Guardian of Thine, M all to Thy covenant care I sleeping and waking resign: If Thou art my Shield and my Sun, Thy minist'ring spirits descend, To watch while Thy saints are asleep: Thy worship no interval knows, I, too, at the season ordain'd, Their chorus for ever shall join; And love and adore without end Their faithful Creator, and mine. P.M. |