On these, on us, Thy grace bestow, The wisdom from above to find. Defend us from the power of sin, TO BE SUNG BY CHILDREN. 168. C.M. THE Lord, who once our weakness knew, Born in this vale of tears, In wisdom as in stature grew, In favour as in years. And as He bare our humble lot, In mercy said, "Forbid them not, May we, O Lord, betimes obey Though Angels round Thy throne on high Thou hearest when to Thee we cry, O THOU, whose glory and whose grace Celestial hosts proclaim, Look down from heaven, Thy dwelling-place, Teach us to fear Thy Name. Within the volume of Thy Word, Thy Word displays the concord sweet O Lord! Thy glory and Thy grace Come to our hearts, Thy dwelling-place, And make us fear Thy Name. Amen. 170. SHEPHERD of Israel, from above Thou wilt not cast Thy lambs away; To guide them lest they go astray, We want Thy help, for we are frail; C.M. Teach us the things we ought to know, Amen. MORNING. 171. AWAKE, my soul, and with the sun Redeem thy misspent moments past, L.M. Let all thy converse be sincere, Wake, and lift up thyself, my heart, 172. WE wake, we wake, ye heavenly choir; May your devotion us inspire, That we, like you, our age may spend ; L.M. Lord! we our vows to Thee renew; Guard our first springs of thought and will, Direct, control, suggest, this day, That all our powers, with all their might, In Thy sole glory may unite. THROUGH all the dangers of the night, Preserved, O Lord, by Thee, Again we hail the cheerful light, Preserve us, Lord, throughout the day, Let all our words and all our ways Let us ne'er turn away from Thee; O Saviour, hold us fast, Till with unclouded eyes we see Thy glorious face at last. 174. Amen. To Thee, O Lord, with dawning light My thankful voice I'll raise, Thy mighty power to celebrate, C.M. For Thou, in helpless hour of night, And now, refresh'd with peaceful sleep, Grant me, O God, Thy quickening grace, Increase my faith, increase my hope, And when, life's labour o'er, I sink In death's dark vale be Thou my trust, That so, through Him, who bled and died, "The grave and gate of death" may prove A passage home to Thee. 175. My God, how endless is Thy love, Thou spread'st the curtains of the night, L.M. |