Earth! from all thy depths below, Lightning, vapour, wind, and storm, ; Kings! your Sovereign serve with awe; High above all height His throne, Him let every being bless. PSALM CXLIX. N.V. (1, 2, 3, 4.) O PRAISE ye the Lord, Be glad in their King. Let them His great Name P.M. O PRAISE the Lord in that bless'd place, From whence His goodness largely flows; Praise Him in heaven, where He His face Unveil'd in perfect glory shows. Praise Him for all the mighty acts Which He in our behalf has done; His kindness this return exacts, With which our praise should equal run. Let all that vital breath enjoy, The breath He does to them afford, COME, praise the Lord, come praise Him, Within His holy seat; In all His glories praise Him, And His great acts repeat. As He excelleth, praise Him, With trumpet and with flute; With harp and psaltery praise Him, Upon the timbrel praise Him, And praise Him in the dance. In whom life-breath is found. PSALM CL. III. Hallelujah. PRAISE the Lord enthroned on high; Praise Him for His mighty deeds; Praise with trumpets, pierce the skies; Praise with silver cymbals sing; Praise the Lord of heaven and earth. 78. Hallelujah. |