Open the sanctuary gates, PSALM CXVIII. IV. WHILE my God His succour sendeth, 8.7. Trust in God, more sure reliance Who didst strength and succour bring, Let my heart's deep adoration Aid my tongue Thy truth to sing. PSALM CXIX. I. (9, 10, 11, 12.) N.V. C.M. How shall the young preserve their ways From all pollution free? By making still their course of life With Thy commands agree. With hearty zeal for Thee I seek, O suffer not my careless steps Safe in my heart, and closely hid, Secured by that, my grateful soul PSALM CXIX. II. (17. 19. 24.) BE gracious to Thy servant, Lord, Though like a stranger in the land, N.V. C.M. Thy righteous judgments from my sight For Thy commands have always been By them I learn, with prudent care, PSALM CXIX. III. (65. 67. 71.) N.V. C.M. WITH me, Thy servant, Thou hast dealt Most graciously, O Lord; Repeated benefits bestow'd, According to Thy Word. Before affliction stopp'd my course, 'Tis good for me that I have felt PSALM CXIX. N.V. IV. (105. 108. 111, 112.) THY Word is to my feet a lamp, C.M. Let still my sacrifice of praise Thy testimonies I have made My heritage and choice; For they, when other comforts fail, My drooping heart rejoice. My heart with early zeal began And, till my course of life is done, PSALM CXIX. N.V. V. (169. 173, 174, 175.) To my request and earnest cry Inspire my heart with heav'nly skill, Let Thy Almighty arm appear, For I the laws Thou hast ordain'd My soul has waited long to see C.M. Nor comfort knew, but what Thy laws, Prolong my life that I may sing My great Restorer's praise; Whose justice from the depth of woe PSALM CXXI. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 9.) To Sion's hill I lift my eyes, Then thou, my soul, in safety rest, N.V. C.M. Shelter'd beneath the Almighty's wings Thou shalt securely rest, Where neither sun nor moon shall thee At home, abroad, in peace, in war, PSALM CXXII. (1. 4. 6, 7.) O 'TWAS a joyful sound to hear His Name with praise and prayer. N.V. C.M. PSALM CXXV. N.V. (1, 2.) C.M. WHO place on Sion's God their trust, Like Sion's rock shall stand; Like her immoveably be fix'd |