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Who can His mighty deeds express,
Not only vast, but numberless?
What mortal eloquence can raise
His tribute of immortal praise?

Extend to me that favour, Lord,
Thou to Thy chosen dost afford :
When Thou return'st to set them free,
Let Thy salvation visit me.

O may I worthy prove to see

Thy saints in full prosperity!
That I the joyful choir may join,

And count Thy people's triumph mine.


To God above, from all below,
Let hymns of praise ascend;
Whose blessings unexhausted flow,
Whose mercy knows no end.


But chief by those His Name be bless'd,
To whom His aid He gave ;
Beheld them by the foe oppress'd,

And reach'd His arm to save.

To east, to west, to south, to north,
Condemn'd awhile to roam;

His hand in pity brought them forth,
And call'd the wanderers home.

Behold them on the desert stray,
A helpless, hopeless train;
Some city where their steps to stay
They seek, but seek in vain.

Distress'd, to God they make their prayer,
He guides, directs their feet,
And safe in His protecting care

They reach their destined seat.

Oh! then, that all would bless His Name,
Whose mercy thus they prove,

And pleased from age to age proclaim
The wonders of His love.



(1, 2, 3.)

YE saints and servants of the Lord,
The triumphs of His Name record ;
His sacred Name for ever bless.
Where'er the circling sun displays
His rising beams or setting rays,


6 of 8.

Due praise to His great Name address. God through the world extends His sway, The regions of eternal day

But shadows of His glory are.
With Him, whose majesty excels,
Who made the heav'n in which He dwells,
Let no created pow'r compare.

Though 'tis beneath His state to view
In highest heav'n what Angels do,

Yet He to earth vouchsafes His care;
He takes the needy from his cell,
Advancing him in courts to dwell,
Companion to the greatest there.



HALLELUJAH! raise, O raise
To our God the song of praise;
All His servants join to sing
God our Saviour, and our King.


Blessed be for evermore

That dread Name which we adore;
Round the world His praise be sung,
Through all lands, in ev'ry tongue.

O'er all nations God alone,
Higher than the heavens His throne;
Who is like to God most high,
Infinite in majesty !

Yet to view the heavens He bends,
Yea to earth He condescends;
Passing by the rich and great
For the low and desolate.

He can raise the poor to stand
With the princes of the land;
Wealth upon the needy shower,
Set the meanest high in power.

He the broken spirit cheers,
Turns to joy the mourner's tears;
Such the wonder of His ways,
Praise His Name, for ever praise.




(5, 6, 7, 8, 9.)

How just and merciful is God!

How gracious is the Lord!

Who saves the harmless, and to me
Does timely help afford.

Then, free from pensive cares, my soul,

Resume thy wonted rest;

For God has wondrously to thee
His bounteous love express'd.

When death alarm'd me, He removed
My dangers and my fears;
My feet from falling He secured,
And dried my eyes from tears.

Therefore my life's remaining years,
Which God to me shall lend,
Will I in praises to His Name,
And in His service spend.


(1, 2.)

WITH cheerful notes let all the earth

To heaven their voices raise : Let all, inspired with godly mirth, Sing solemn hymns of praise.

'God's tender mercy knows no bound,

His truth shall ne'er decay:

Then let the willing nations round

Their grateful tribute pay.



(1, 2. 15. 17. 19.)

O PRAISE the Lord, for He is good,

His mercies ne'er decay:

That His kind favours ever last,

Let thankful Israel say.





Joy fills the dwelling of the just,
Whom God has saved from harm;
For wondrous things are brought to pass
By His Almighty arm.

God will not suffer me to fall,

But still prolongs my days; That, by declaring all His works, I may advance His praise.

Then open wide the temple-gates
To which the just repair,
That I may enter in, and praise
My great Deliv'rer there.



(24, 25. 28, 29.)

THIS day is God's; let all the land

Exalt their cheerful voice:

Lord, we beseech Thee, save us now,
And make us still rejoice.

Thou art my Lord, O God, and still
I'll praise Thy holy Name:
Because Thou only art my God,
I'll celebrate Thy fame.

O then with me give thanks to God,
Who still does gracious prove;
And let the tribute of our praise
Be endless as His love.



Joy and salvation in the tents
Of righteous men abound;
The right hand of the Lord our God
With victory is crown'd.

The right hand of the Lord is high,
Through all the world renown'd;
The right hand of the Lord our God
With victory is crown'd.

I shall not die, but live, and tell
His works, whilst I have breath :
He hath chastised, but gave me not
Into the hand of death.




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