For why? the Lord our God is good, His truth at all times firmly stood, WITH One consent let all the earth From whom both we and all proceed; Thence to His courts devoutly press, His truth, which always firmly stood, WHEN I pour out my soul in prayer, Do Thou, O Lord, attend; To Thy eternal throne of grace Let my sad cry ascend. O hide not Thou Thy glorious face Incline Thine ear, and, when I call, C.M. THY all-commanding word of old, Yet they shall be dissolved, but Thou Them like a vesture Thou shalt change, But Thou art still the same Thou wast; Thy years no period see. THE Lord is kind and merciful, He will not always chiding be, C.M. But as the space is wondrous great PSALM CIII. II. (1, 2, 3, 4. 8. 12, 13.) N.V. L.M. My soul, inspired with sacred love, And after sickness makes thee sound d; By Him with grace and mercy crown'd. The Lord abounds with tender love, As far as 'tis from east to west, THE Lord, the universal King, In heaven has fix'd His lofty throne; To Him, ye Angels, praises sing, L.M. In whose great strength His pow'r is shown. Ye that His just commands obey, And hear and do His sacred will, Ye hosts of His, this tribute pay, Who still what He ordains fulfil. Let ev'ry creature jointly bless The mighty Lord: and thou, my heart, With grateful joy thy thanks express, And in this concert bear thy part. My soul, praise the Lord, How dost Thou appear! That great is Thy fame, In Thee shine most clear. With light as a robe Thou hast Thyself clad, Thy greatness may see: His chamber-beams lie Are made Him to bear; Upon the wings riding Of winds in the air. P.M. He maketh His spirits To save or consume things As seemeth Him best. PSALM CV. N.V. (1, 2, 3, 4.) D.C.M. O RENDER thanks, and bless the Lord; And subject of your verse. Rejoice in His Almighty Name, Alone to be adored; And let their heart o'erflow with joy Seek ye the Lord, His saving strength And, where He's ever present, seek PSALM CVI. N.V. (1, 2. 4, 5.) L.M. O RENDER thanks to God above, Whose mercy firm through ages past |