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For why? the Lord our God is good,
His mercy is for ever sure;

His truth at all times firmly stood,
And shall from age to age endure.

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WITH One consent let all the earth
To God their cheerful voices raise ;
Glad homage pay with awful mirth,
And sing before Him songs of praise.
Convinced that He is God alone,

From whom both we and all proceed;
We, whom He chooses for His own,
The flock that He vouchsafes to feed.
O enter then His temple-gate,

Thence to His courts devoutly press,
And still your grateful hymns repeat,
And still His Name with praises bless.
For He's the Lord, supremely good,
His mercy is for ever sure;

His truth, which always firmly stood,
To endless ages shall endure.

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WHEN I pour out my soul in prayer,

Do Thou, O Lord, attend;

To Thy eternal throne of grace

Let my

sad cry ascend.

O hide not Thou Thy glorious face
In times of deep distress;

Incline Thine ear, and, when I call,
My sorrows soon redress.


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THY all-commanding word of old,
The earth's foundations laid:
The heavens, with all the glories there,
Thy powerful hands display'd.

Yet they shall be dissolved, but Thou
Dost Thy duration hold:
They all shall like a garment lose
Their beauty, and grow old.

Them like a vesture Thou shalt change,
And they shall changed be:

But Thou art still the same Thou wast; Thy years no period see.

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THE Lord is kind and merciful,
When sinners do Him grieve,
The slowest to conceive a wrath,
And readiest to forgive:

He will not always chiding be,
Though we be full of strife;
Nor keep our faults in memory,
For all our sinful life.


But as the space is wondrous great
"Twixt earth and heaven above;
So is His goodness much more large
To them that do Him love.



(1, 2, 3, 4. 8. 12, 13.)



My soul, inspired with sacred love,
God's holy Name for ever bless;
Of all His favours mindful prove,
And still thy grateful thanks express.
'Tis He that all thy sins forgives,

And after sickness makes thee sound d;
From danger He thy life retrieves,

By Him with grace and mercy crown'd.

The Lord abounds with tender love,
And unexampled acts of grace;
His waken'd wrath does slowly move,
His willing mercy flows apace.

As far as 'tis from east to west,
So far has He our sins removed,
Who with a father's tender breast
Has such as fear Him always loved.

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THE Lord, the universal King,

In heaven has fix'd His lofty throne;

To Him, ye Angels, praises sing,


In whose great strength His pow'r is shown.

Ye that His just commands obey,

And hear and do His sacred will, Ye hosts of His, this tribute pay, Who still what He ordains fulfil.

Let ev'ry creature jointly bless

The mighty Lord: and thou, my heart, With grateful joy thy thanks express, And in this concert bear thy part.

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My soul, praise the Lord,
Speak good of His Name;
O Lord our great God,

How dost Thou appear!
So passing in glory,

That great is Thy fame,
Honour and Majesty

In Thee shine most clear.

With light as a robe

Thou hast Thyself clad,
Whereby all the earth

Thy greatness may see:
The heavens in such sort
Thou also hast spread,
That they to a curtain
Compared may be.

His chamber-beams lie
In the clouds full sure,
Which as His chariots

Are made Him to bear;
And there with much swiftness
His course doth endure,

Upon the wings riding

Of winds in the air.


He maketh His spirits
As heralds to go,
And lightnings to serve
We see also press'd;
His will to accomplish
They run to and fro,

To save or consume things

As seemeth Him best.



(1, 2, 3, 4.)


O RENDER thanks, and bless the Lord;
Invoke His sacred Name;
Acquaint the nations with His deeds,
His matchless deeds proclaim.
Sing to His praise, in lofty hymns
His wondrous works rehearse;
Make them the theme of your discourse,

And subject of your verse.

Rejoice in His Almighty Name,

Alone to be adored;

And let their heart o'erflow with joy
That humbly seek the Lord.

Seek ye the Lord, His saving strength
Devoutly still implore;

And, where He's ever present, seek
His face for evermore.



(1, 2. 4, 5.)


O RENDER thanks to God above,
The fountain of eternal love;

Whose mercy firm through ages past
Has stood, and shall for ever last.

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