THOU, gracious Lord, art my defence; Thou art my glory, and shalt yet Since whensoe'er in like distress His blessing He extends to all, PSALM III. II. THE Tempter to my soul hath said, Thus to the Lord I raised my cry; I laid me down and slept ;-I woke ; C.M. L.M. I will not fear, though armed throngs His presence guards His people's path. PSALM V. (1, 2, 3. 8. 12.) N.V. C.M. LORD, hear the voice of my complaint, Accept my secret prayer; To Thee alone, my King, my God, Thou in the morn my voice shalt hear; To Thee devoutly I'll look up, To Thee devoutly pray. Conduct me by Thy righteous laws, For watchful is my foe; Therefore, O Lord, make plain the way To righteous men the righteous Lord And with His favour all His saints, PSALM VIII. N.V. C.M. (1, 2, 3, 4. 9.) O THOU, to whom all creatures bow Within this earthly frame, Through all the world how great art Thou! How glorious is Thy Name! In heaven Thy wondrous acts are sung, And yet Thou mak'st the infant tongue When heaven, Thy beauteous work on high, The moon that nightly rules the sky, What's man (say I), that, Lord, Thou lov'st O Thou to whom all creatures bow Through all the world how great art Thou! To celebrate Thy praise, O Lord, I will my heart prepare; To all the list'ning world Thy works, The thought of them shall to my soul Whilst to Thy Name, O Thou most High, All those who have His goodness proved, Whose mercy ne'er forsook the man Sing praises, therefore, to the Lord, From Sion, His abode; Proclaim His deeds, till all the world How long wilt Thou forget me, Lord? How long wilt Thou withdraw from me, How long shall anxious thoughts my soul, How long my enemies insult, And I have no redress? > hear, and to my longing eyes Then shall my song, with praise inspired, To Thee, my God, ascend; Who to Thy servant in distress PSALM XV. WHO shall in Thy tent abide ? holy hill reside? ~nocent; intent; 12 of 7 PSALM XVI. I. (8, 9, 10, 11.) I STRIVE each action to approve No danger shall my hopes remove, Therefore my heart all grief defies, N.V. My flesh shall rest in hope to rise, Thou shalt the paths of life display, PSALM XVI. II. LORD, keep me, for I trust in Thee; If Thou art at my side. C.M. C.M. Thou art my portion, Lord, from Thee My cup with jov ~*ws : The safety of my Thy strong defer My soul shall ever t 4 home |