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Ungraded schools in Vermont, 1437.

Union College, founding, 705, 713; geology in, 841-
812, 862; university extension courses, 959.
Union Seminary, 973.

Unitarians, statistics in theological schools, 142.
United Brethren, statistics of colleges and uni-
versities, 97, 142.

United Netherlands, extent of education in, 651.
United Presbyterians, statistics of colleges and
universities, 97.

United States, Bureau of Education and manual

training, 902. See also Bureau of Education;
explores west coast of North America, 1473;
forests in, 809; influence of political crises on
education, 378; medical students, 980, 982; Pro-
fessor Baar on study of history in, 303; sani-
tary legislation affecting schools, 1301–1349;
study of history in, compared with Europe,

United States Government, certificates of debtors
to. 737.

United States Military Academy, geology in,
843, 862.

Universal education, idea of, in United States, 709;
motive power of America, 709,

Universalists, statistics of colleges and universi
ties, 97, 142.

Universities, challenge of methods and subjects of,
617; methods of instruction in law, 1000-1018;
nationalization of, in Russia, 397, 398; of Italy,
358-365; per cent of population in, 108, 109;
psychology in, 445-449.

Statistics, 97-124, 2017-2039; of benefactions to,
2234-2235; of degrees conferred, 116-120; of
nativo pupils in some colleges, 110; of peda-
gogy in, 149-153, 161; of preparation of fresh-
men, 105, 106; of property, 120-124; of resi
dence, 107, 108; of secondary students, 92-95; of
students, 4, 5; of students in courses, 104, 105.
Women, entrance to, 664.

University, administration of, in Russia, 392;

land set apart for, in Virginia, in 1619, 678;
procedure in entering in Russia, 395.
University and college students, congress of,
World's Columbian Exposition, 1741, 1742,
1743, 1744.

University College, Aberytswith, statistics, 186.
University College, Bristol, statistics, 186.
University College, Dundee, statistics, 186.
University College, Liverpool, statistics, 186.
University College, London, statistics, 186.
University College, Nottingham, statistics, 186.
University College of North Wales, Bangor, sta-
tistics, 186.

University College of South Wales and Mon-
mouthshire, statistics, 186.
University colleges in England aided by Govern-
ment, 184-186.

University extension, 954-971: congress on,
World's Columbian Exposition, 1741, 1743.
1744, 1745, 1746; courses, 951-971; in Alfred
University, 959; in American Society for Ex-
tension of University Teaching, 951, 963-966;
in Antioch College, 959, 960; in Baldwin Uni-
versity, 959, 960; in Bowdoin College, 955; in

University extension-Continued.

[ocr errors]

Brown University, 966; in Eucbtel College,
950, 960; in California, 951; in Colby Univ
sity, 955: in Colgate University, 19; in Ca
lumbia College, 959; in Cornell University
959; in Denison University, 99, 960; is E
ham College, 953; in Colorado, 952: in Heat
ton College, 959; in Heidelborg University,
959, 900; in Hiram College, 959, 900; in Hobit
College, 959; in Illinois, 97. 951; in Indiski,
953; in Indiana University, 933; in Iowa, Ki
951; in Kansas, 951; in Kenyon College O
960; in Knox College, 953; in Leland Stop.
ford University, 952; in Louisiana, 951, 905, in
Lake Forest University, 953; in Louisiana. W
in Maine, 955; in Marietta College, KOL. 26.
Maryland, 964; in Massachusetts, 964, 101,
967-971; in Minnesota, 955, 536; in Miami Cop
lege, 959, 960; in Missouri, 956; in Menton',
College, 953; in New Jersey, 930–958, 90S, 964)
965; in New York, 959, 964, 965; in North
western University, 951; in Oberlin College
959, 960; in Ohio, 959-963, 965, 967; in Ch
State University, 959, 960, 961; in Chio Uni
versity, 959, 960; in Ohio Wesleyan University,
959, 960; in Oregon. 963; in Otterbein Univers
sity, 959, 960; in Pacific University, 96%; a
Pennsylvania, 963, 964, 965; in Philadelphia
Society for, 951; in Rhode Island, 906 in
Richmond College, 966; in Rutgers College,
956-958; in School of Applied Ethics, 97-971;
in State University of Iowa, 953, 904; in Syr
acuse University, 959; in Tennessee, 966, in
Texas, 966; in Tulane University, $51, 95; in
Union College, 959; in University of Califor
nia, 951; in University of Chicage, 13-553,
in University of Cincinnati, 961-960; in U.
versity of Denver, 952; in University of Kar-
sas, 954; in University of Minnesota, 555, 824;
in University of Oregon. 963; in University
of Rochester, 959; in University of the South,
966; in University of Wisconsin. 936; in Cai
versity of Wyoming, 967; in Vassar Callers,
959; in Virginia, 966; in West Virginia, 54;
in William Jewell College, 956; in Wisconsin,
966-967; in Wittenberg College, 850, 569; in
Wyoming, 951, 967.

Endowments needed, 807.

Important to agriculture, 805,

University libraries in Europe, 308, 314.
University men as teachers in Berlin common
schools, 270.

University of Alabama, geology in, 820, 852.
University of Arizona, reorganization, 795.
University of Bologna, age, 339, history of, 350:
women teachers in, 359, note.

University of California, child study in, 49);
geology in, 821, 852; headquarters L. 8. Geo-
logical Survey, 821; university extension
courses, 951.

University of Chicago, child study in, 429; geol-
ogy in, 819, 825, 851; university extension
courses, 952-953.

University of Cincinnati, university extension
courses, 961-963.

University of Colorado, university extension
courses, 952; mineral collecting in, 82, 852.
University of Denver, geology in, 822, 852.
University of Dorpat, beginnings of, 410; deprived
of right of self-government, 412; Russianiza-
tion of, 397.398.

University of East Tennessee, founded, 713.
University of Georgia, chartered, 722.
University of Helsingfors, account of, 420-421;
beginnings of, 410; organized, 422; statistics,


[blocks in formation]

University of Michigan, geology in, 835, 858; psy-Vallambrosa, forestry school at, 811.
chology in, 429.

University of Minnesota, additions to, 799; geol-
ogy in, 836, 858; university extension courses,
955, 956.

University of Mississippi, geology in. 837, 858.
University of Missouri, forestry in, 817; geology
in, 837, 860.

University of Moscow, founded, 411.

University of Munich, professional forestry
tanght in, 816.

University of Naples, number of faculties, 362.
University of Nashville and Peabody Fund, 745.
University of Nebraska, condition of, 800; for-
estry in, 817; geology in, 838, 8G0.

University of Nevada, forestry in, 817; geology
in, 838, 860; progress of, 809.

University of North Carolina, founded, 712, 721;
geology in, 843, 802.

University of Ohio, progress of, 801.

University of Oklahoma, geology in, 845, 864.
University of Omaha, geology in. 838, 869.
University of Oregon, geology in, 815, 864; uni.

versity extension courses, 963.

University of Paris, prominence of theology in,359.
University of Pennsylvania, child study in, 428;

Franklin a founder of, 668; Friend's school
annexed to, 997; geology in, 845, 864; medical
course, 985; purging of Toryism from, 720;
nonsectarian in Revolution, 711.
University of Rochester, geology in, 841, 862; uni-
versity extension courses, 950.
University of St. Petersburg, established, 411.
University of Salerno, age of, 358, 359; influence of

Arabian science on, #39; medical school of, 339.
University of South Dakota, geology in, 847, 866.
University of Tennessee, admission of women, 803;
geology in. 848, 866.

University of Texas, geology in, 848, 866; univer-
sity extension courses, 966.

University of the City of New York, geology in,
842, 862; university extension courses, 959.
University of the South, university extension
courses, 966.

University of Utah, geology in, 848, 806.

University of Vermont, founded, 713; geology in,
818, 806; progress, 803.

University of Virginia, geology in, 849, 868; hos-
tility to, 733.

University of Washington, geology in, 849, 868.
University of West Virginia, additions to, 804.
University of Wisconsin, agricultural work in,

804; child study in, 429; geology in, 819, 868;
university extension courses, 965.
University of Wyoming, geology in, 850, 868; im-
provements in, 804; university extension
courses, 967.

University students, diagrams of residence, 110,
111; statistics, 100-104; of residence, 112-116.
Urban life, the life of the future, 804.
Ursinns College, geology in, 846, 864.
Truguay, statistics of education, 2240-2241.
Utah, city superintendents, 780; college presi-
dents, 786.

Forestry in, 818.

Geology in, 848, 866.

Per cent of male students in, 62: progress of
Agricultural and Mechanical College, 803.
Sanitary school legislation, 1324.

Statistics of agricultural and mechanical col-
Jeges, 136, 138, 791, 2042-2043; of business col-
leges, 2170-2171, 2194-2195; of city schools, 27-
28. 1795, 1811, 1821: of colleges and universities,
98. 100-102, 105-103, 108-118, 120, 122-123, 2033;
of deaf, dumb, and blind schools, 2202, 2206; of
manual training, 2116-2117, 2124-2125, 2132-
2133, 2141, 2155, 2164; of normal schools, 154-
162, 164, 2090-2091; of private secondary
schools, 74-80, 82-85, 88-91, 95, 2002-2003, 2012-
2013; of public high schools, 65-71, 73, 85. 88-91.
93, 1911; of reform schools, 2228, 2232-2233; of
State school systems, 8, 9, 11, 12-23.


Vaccination of school children. 1302. 1304–1307,
1309, 1311, 1314, 1317. 1319, 1322, 1324, 1325, 1327,
1329-1331, 1335, 1339, 1340, 1343-1346.
See also School laws.

Value of property, of private high schools, 55;
of statistics of common schools, 17; of public
schools, 49.

Valnes, educational, W. T. Harris on 617-635.
Van Hise, Charles R., geologist, 825, 819, 868.
Van Ingen, Professor, geologist, 841.
Vanderbilt University, geology in, 847, 856.
Vane, Sir Harry, aid Boston common schools, 743.
Vassar College, geology in, 843, 852; university
extension courses, 953.

Venetia, joins Italy, 330.

Venezuela, statistics of education, 2240, 2241.
Ventilation of school houses. See Sanitary legis

lation affecting schools in the United States.
Verbation reports of recitations in arithmetic and
language, 557-616.

Vermout, city superintendents, 780; college pres
idents 783; common schools, supported in, 716;
course of study, 1437.

Free text-books, 1436-1437.
Geology in, 818-849, 866.
Organization of, 660.

Per cent of students of physics, 54; Plymouth
claims, 694; progress of Agricultural and
Mechanical college, 803.

Statistics of agricultural and mechanical col-
leges, 135, 137, 791, 2042-2013; of business col-
leges, 2170-1271, 2194-2195; of city schools, 27-
28, 1795, 1811, 1821; of colleges and universities,
98, 100-102, 105-106, 108-120, 122-123, 794, 2033;
of manual training, 2116-2117, 2131-2133, 2141,
2164; of medical schools, 2049; of normal
schools, 154-163, 2378-2079; of nurse-training
schools, 2057; of private secondary schools.
74-81, 83-85, 88-91, 94, 2002-2003, 2012-2013; of
professional schools, 143, 145; of public high
schools, 65-72, 85, 88-92, 1912-1913, 1927; of re-
form schools, 2227, 2232-2233; of State school
systems, 2, 9-10, 12-23; of technological schools,

Town system of schools, 1434-1436.
Ungraded schools, 1537.

Woman suffrage in school affairs, 1416.
See also School laws.

Veterinary schools, exhibit at Lyons universal
exposition, 1730; statistics, 141, 143, 2055.
Veterinary students, 979.

Victor Emmanuel, proclaimed King of Italy, 330.
Victoria, statistics of education, 2242-2243.
Virginia, agricultural schools, 1021-1022,

Blunders in first settlement, 677; boys sent to
England for education, 678; British trade and
navigation laws.

Career during civil war, 676; Cavalier and
Roundhead in, 679; cession of territory to the
United States, 675; Church of England, intoler-
ant, 678; city superintendents, 780; classes,"
represented by landholders, 677; college presi.
dents, 786, 788; conflict between classes and
masses, 676; conflict of masses and classes, 678.
Differ nces obliterated in, 678.

Eagerness for education after Revolution, 683.
Fundamental ideas in settlement, 675.

Geology in, 849, 868; great men of the Revolu
tion, 711.

Hospitable to Royalist immigrants, 678.
Industrial education of colored race, 1021, 1022;
its history central romance of American life,

King's zeal to convert Indians, 677.
London Company dissolved, 678; loyal to the
Stuart dynasty, 679.

Manual training, 852, 911; most characteristic
representation of an American State, 675.
Negro problem worked out in, 676; normal
schools, 1021-1022; not colonized on any the-
ory, 676; not settled by cavaliers, 677; not
controlled by people.

Old-field schools in, 683.

Paucity of free schools, 680; pedagogy in higher
institutions, 153; personal administration in,
678; population in 1648, 679; progress of
Agricultural and Mechanical College, 803;
puritan attempt to found school in, 678.
Religious freedom in, 728; representation of
Protestant Great Britain in 1689, 676; Royal-
ists in, 680.

Sanitary school legislation, 1324.


Statistics of agricultural and mechanical col-
leges, 135, 137, 794, 2042-2043; of business col-
leges, 2170-2171. 2194-2195; of city schools, 27-
28, 1795, 1811-1812, 1821; of colleges and uni-
versities, 98, 100-102, 105-106, 108-118, 120, 122-
123, 2033; of colleges for women, 125, 127-129,
2035, 2039; of deaf, dumb, and blind schools,
2201, 2206, 2208, 2215, 2219-2220; of dental
schools, 2052; of law schools, 2059; of manual
training, 2116-2117, 2122-2123, 2132-2135, 2141-
2142, 2143, 2145-2146. 2150, 2164, 2169; of medi-
cal schools, 2049; of music schools, 2199; of
normal schools, 153-163, 2078-2079, 2090-2091;
of pharmaceutical schools. 2054; of private
secondary schools, 74-81, 83-85, 88-91, 94, 2002-
2007, 2014-2015: of professional schools, 141-
143, 145; of public high schools, 65-72, 85, 88-92,
1913-1914, 1927; of reform schools, 2228, 2232-
2233; of schools, 1036; of State school systems.
8-10, 12-23; of technological schools, 2044; of
theological schools, 2066-2067.

Stuart régime hostile to. 679; suffrage limited to
freeholders and housekeepers, 680.

Teachers' certificates, 1438-1439; examinations
for, 1438-1439.

University extension courses, 966.

Western boundary in 1630, 675; woman suffrage
in school affairs, 1416.
See also School laws.

Vischnegradski, Professor, draws plan for girls'
schools, 406.

Vocal music in correlation of studies, 511-512.
Voisin, Dr., on hypnotism in criminology, 1685.
Volcanoes in Alaska, 1480.

Voltaire on the French Academy, 1498.
Von Liszt on criminology, 1686.

[blocks in formation]


See also Great Britain and Ireland.

Walker, Francis A., and manual training, 898, 899;
criticises school arithmetics, 499.
Walker, Stepen A., on manual training, 887.
Walker Museum, collections of geology in, 826.
Wallace, on importance of infancy, 436.
Wallaschek, Dr., on development of music. 1681.
Walsh, Miss Fannie I., death and sketch, 1774.
Walters, J. D., and manual training, 902.
Wangemann, H. Th., death and sketch, 1778.
Ward. Robert de Courcey, meteorologist, 833.

Wardwel, J. H., death and sketch, 1774.

Warren, M. A.. quoted on education in Connecti-
cut, 1361-1366.

Wartburg Teachers' Seminary, geology in, 829;
removal, 829.

Washburn, Dr., geological collection in Walker
Museum, 826.

Washburn College, geology in, 830, 856.

Washington, George, compliments New England

soldiery, 673; graduates, 678; on abolition of
slavery, 729.

Washington, apportionment of school funds, 1439
City superintendents, 780; college presidents


Forestry in, 818; free text-books, 1440.
Geology in, 849, 868.

Pedagogy in higher institutions, 153.
Statistics of agricultural and mechanical col-
leges, 126, 138, 794, 2042-3043; of business col-
leges, 2170, 2171, 2194-2195; of city schools, 27-
28, 1795, 1812, 1822: of colleges and universities.
98. 100-102, 103-106, 108-120, 122-123; of deaf,
dumb, and blind schools, 2202, 2205, 2208, 2216,
2219-2220; of manual training, 2096, 2112, 2124-
2125, 2128-2129, 2155, 2157, 2159; of normal
schools, 153-162, 164, 2078-2079; of private
secondary schools, 74-80, 82-85. 88-91, 95, 2006-
2007; of public high schools, 65-71, 73, 85, 88-

[blocks in formation]

cers, 25.

Waterhouse, Francis A., death and sketch, 1774
Watson, Thomas L., geologist, 849, 863.
Waurzk, Johann, death and sketch, 1778.
Wayne, Gen. Anthony, gift of estate te, 667.
Webb, Sidney, on technical education under Løn-
don county council, 183-184.
Weber, work of, noticed, 463.
Webster, Hora e, geologist, 842.

Weed, Miss Ella, death and sketch, 1774.
Weedon, William B., Early Industrial and Social
Life in New England, quoted 649.

Weeks, Stephen, B., compiles list of learned and
educational societies, 1511-1661; on the rise
of learned societies, 1493-1510.

Weld, Francis M., death and sketch, 1774.
Welling, James Clark, death and sketch, 1774.
Weems, Mason L., and P. Horry, life of Gen.
Francis Marion, mentioned, 692.

Wellesley College, psychology in, 429.

Wells, Oliver E., quoted on education in Wis
consin, 1444-1449.

Wesley, John, founds Bethesda Orphan House,

Wesleyan University, geology in, 824, 852.
West Australia, statistics of education, 2242-224
Western Reserve University, geology in, 844, 862
West India Company, grants to, 694; Mobawk
and Hudson valleys occupied by, 635; New
York managed by, 697.

West Virginia, city superintendents, 786; college
presidents, 786, 788.

Geology in, 849, 868; graded course of study for
country and village schools, 1441-1444: growth
of State University, 804.
High schools, 1442-1444.
Normal schools, 1444.

Pedagogy in higher institutions, 153.
Sanitary school legislation, 1325; secession of
676; separation from Virginia, 734.
Statistics of agricultural and mechanical es
leges, 135, 137. 794, 2042-2043; of business col-
leges. 2170-2171, 2194-2195; of city schools 27-
28, 1795, 1812, 1822; of colleges and universities,
98, 100-102, 105-106, 108-120, 122-123, 2033, 264-
of colleges for women, 129, 132-133, 2); ef
deaf, dumb, and blind schools, 2201. 2236. 2265.
2215, 2219-2220; of law schools, 2059; of many
training, 2116-2117, 2122-2123, 2126-2199, 2012
2133, 2142. 2155, 2157, 2164; of normal schools
153-163, 2078-2079, 2090-2091; of private second-
ary schools, 74-81, 83-85, 88-91. 94, 2006-3E;
of professional schools, 142; of public high
schools, 65-72, 85, 88-92, 1915; of reform schonis
2227, 2232-2233; of schools, 1029, 1030, 16
schools for feeble-minded, 2221, 2223, 2224;
State school systems, 8-10, 12-23.
University extension courses, 964.
See also School laws.

Whales, taken near Point Barrow, 1489.
Wheeler, H. J.. geologist, 847, 864.

Wheeler, William F., death and sketch, 1775.
Whipple, Ezekiel Webster, death and sketch


White, E. E., and manual training, 837, 897.
White, Israel C., geologist, 849.
Whitfield, George, founds Bethesda Orplan

Honse, 693; has plantation and negroes, d
Whitfield, R. P., geologist, 841.
Whitney, W. D., geologist, 832.

Whitney, William Dwight, death and sketch, 175

Whitney Library of Geology in Harvard Uni- | Wisconsin-Continued.

versity, 834.

Whittaker, Channing, and tool instruction, 882.
Whittier, D. B., death and sketch, 1775.

Whittle, Charles Livy, mineralogist, 833.

Wickersham, Dr. Janies P., History of Education
in Pennsylvania, quoted, 702, 718-719; on
manual training 883.

Wilberforce University, 1023, 1027.
Wild, J., death and sketch, 1778.

Wilderness, seat of "New Lights" in Virginia,

Wilkins. Dr.. first chairman of Royal Society, 1501.
Willamette University, university extension
courses, 963.

Willard, Emma, in New England district schools.
William II, calls December conference, 204.
William and Mary College, a British colonial or

ganization, 681; addition of pedagogy to, 733;
ecclesiastical organization, 682; efficiency of,
682; encourages Puritans, 653; established,
680; founded on aristocratic ideals, 681; op-
posed to educational views of Thomas
Jefferson, 682; refuses to go to Richmond, 682; |
representative graduates, 682.

William Jewel College, geology in, 837, 860; uni-
versity extension courses, 956.

William Penn Charter School, founded in Phila-
delphia, 702.

Williams, Albert. jr., geologist, 836.

Williams, Edward H., geologist, 846, 864.

Williams, George Huntington, death and sketch,

1775; geologist, 831, 832.

Williams, H. S., geologist, 839.

Williams, Roger, stand for personal freedom, 660.
Williams College, founding of, 713, 715; geology
in, 834. 858.

Williamsburg, scientific society at, in Revolution,

1509; seat of government transferred from,

Williston, Samuel W., geologist, 830, 856.
Willoughby, W. F., work of, mentioned, 205.
Willoughby, W. W., work of, mentioned, 205.
Wilson, Henry, preparation for college, 666.
Winchell, Alexander, geologist, 828, 843, 863.
Wine and oil, exhibit at International Exposition,

Milan, 1727.

Winnsboro, S. C., Mount Zion School, 691.
Winterbottom's view quoted, 698.

Winthrop, John, founder of Boston schools, 743;
founds Harvard College, 743.

Winthrop, Robert C., address at Yorktown, 750,

771; and Peabody fund, 746: courtesy con-
tinued in old age, 769; death of, 739; death and
sketch, 1775; educational statesmanship of,
763; extract from speech on national aid to
education. 762; family of, 747-749; last annual
addresss, 769; on agricultural education, 749;
opposed to Texas annexation, 765; president
Harvard alumni, 749; proposed statue in
Washington, 769; resolution of Hon. William
T. Harris on death of, 765; Tillman's tribute
to, 766-767.
Winthrop common-school house, founding of, 749.
Winthrop Normal and Industrial College for
Young White Women, 766.

Winyaw Indigo Society, at Georgetown, S. C., 691.
Wirt, William, talk on slavery with Jefferson. 732.
Wisconsin, agricultural colleges, 1449; agricul
tural work in State University, 804,
City superintendent, 780, college presidents
786, 788; common schools, 1445-1447.
Defects of school districts, 1446.
Geology in, 849-850, 868.

High schools, 1447-1448.
Manual training, 892, 911.
Normal schools, 1448.

Pedagogy in higher institutions, 153; per cent
of male students, 51; per cent of students in
German, 45; per cent of students of German,


Sanitary school legislation, 1325; school libra-
ries, 1444-1445.

Statistics of agricultural and mechanical col-
leges, 136-137, 2042-2043; of business colleges,
2170-2171, 2196-2197; of city schools, 27-28,
1795-1796, 1812-1813, 1814, 1822; of colleges and
universities, 98, 100-102, 105-106,108-120.122-123,
794, 2034; of colleges for women, 130–133, 2039;
ED 94 -144

of deaf, dumb, and blind schools, 2202, 2206,
2208, 2209, 2210, 2211, 2212-2214, 2215, 2219-2220;
of law schools, 2059; of manual training, 2096,
2112-2113, 2116-2117, 2126-2129, 2132-2135, 2142,
2143, 2145, 2155, 2157, 2164, 2169; of medical
schools, 2049; of normal schools, 153-162, 164,
2078-2079, 2090-2091; of nurse-training schools,
2057; of pharmaceutical schools, 2054; of pri-
vate secondary schools, 74-80, 82-85, 88-91, 95,
2006-2008; of professional schools, 141-143, 145-
146; of public high schools, 65-71, 73, 85, 88-91,
93,1915-1919, 1927; of reform schools, 2228, 2232-
2233; of State school systems, 8, 9, 11, 12-23; of
theological schools, 2067.

Township system recommended, 1446-1447.
University extension courses, 966-967.
Woman suffrage in school affairs, 1418.
See also School laws.

Wise, Henry A., appeals for schools in Virginia,
760; and manual training, 902, 949.
Witchcraft, belief in, in Alaska, 1459.
Witmer, Dr., on æsthetic value of the mathe-
matical proportions of simple figures, 1681.
Witmer, L., conducts child study in University of
Pennsylvania, 428.

Wittenberg College, university extension courses,
959, 960.

Wolff, J. E., geologist, 832.

"Woman," address by Charles H. Ham, World's
Columbian Exposition, 1749; bibliography of
progress of, 1759.

Woman suffrage, in school affairs, Alabama, Ar-
kansas, 1416; Connecticut, 1417; Delaware,
1416; Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Ken-
tucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts,
Michigan, 1417; Missouri, 1416; Minunesota,
1418; Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, 1418;
North Carolina, 1416; Ohio, 1416; Oregon,
Pennsylvania, 1418; South Carolina, 1416;
Tennessee, 1416; Vermont, Virginia, 1416;
Wisconsin, Wyoming. 1418; admitted to Ital
ian universities, 363; education in Russia, 401;
former ideal of, 664, educational condition in
Sweden, address by Hulda Lundin, men-
tioned, 1749; educational efforts by, 770-771;
educational work in Russia, 409; in theolog.
ical seminaries, 976, medical students, 985, 986;
names of presidents of colleges for, 786-788;
progress of, in Finland, 423.

Statistics of colleges, 2035 2039; of degrees re-
ceived, 117, 119; of students in universities
and colleges, 100-104; of benefactions to, 2234-

Women teachers, first employed in Berlin schools
in 1863, 268.

In Berlin common schools, 272-274; in colleges
and universities, statistics, 99; in France,
195-196; in Italy, 342-343, 345-348; in schools
of Rome, 372; in University of Bologna, 359,
note; instruction in female handiwork by,


Number in private high schools, 51.
Parentage of, in Prussia, 228-232; per cent in

public and private schools, 57: preponderate
in North, 39; proportion in Prussia, 230, 237-

Salaries, in Berlin common schools, 269-272; in
Finland, 418; statistics of, in high schools, 86.
Women's colleges. See Colleges for women.
Wood Island School, report on, 1468-1469.
Woodward, C. M., address on equipment of manual
training school, St. Louis, Mo.. 884; and man-
ual training, 878, 887, 896, 899, 901, 905, 906, 909-
913; on destroying educational effect of man-
ual training, 437; on the rise and progress of
manual training, 877-949.

Woodwork, equipment for, 913, 914.
Woodworth, J. B., geologist, 833.

Woolson, Constance Fenimore, death and sketch,

[blocks in formation]

World's Columbian Exposition-Continued.

publications, 1754-1760; cost of congress
work, 1754; departments of congresses, 1752-
1753; number and residences of speakers,
1752-1753; manual training exhibit, 905; opin-
ions on congresses, 1753-1754; programme of
world's congresses, 1735-1751; summary of
work, 1751-1760.

World's Congress Auxiliary, organization of, 1752.
"Work of the woman in Moscow." quoted, 409.
Wren, Sir Christopher, mentioned, 496.
Würtemberg, boys in secondary schools, 298, 299;
statistics of education, 377, 2238-2239.
Wylie, Theophilus A., geologist, 828.
Wyoming, city superintendents, 780; college presi.
dents, 786.

Geology, 850, 868.

Pedagogy in higher institutions, 153.
State University, 804.

Statistics of agricultural and mechanical col-
leges, 136, 138, 2042-2043; of city schools, 27-
28, 1796, 1813, 1822; of colleges and universities,
98, 100-102, 105, 106, 108-119, 122-123, 794, 2034;
of manual training, 2116-2117, 2142; of normal
schools, 153-162, 164, 2090-2091; of private
secondary schools, 74-80. 82-85, 88-91, 95, 2008-
2009: of public high schools, 65-71, 73, 85, 88-91,
93, 1919: of State school systems, 8. 9, 11, 12-23.
University extension courses, 951, 967.

[blocks in formation]

Yakutat Contract School, report on, 1462.
Yale, Elihu, gifts to Yale College, 656.
Yale College, a child of the church, 656; fonnda
tion of, 656; Roger Sherman, treasurer of 712;
theological test in, 657.

Yale University, child study in, 428: geology in

823-824, 852; government funds contest, 75.
Yankton College, geology in, 847, 866.
Yates, Edmund Hodgson, death and sketch. 1776
York College, geology in, 838.860.
Yorkshire College. Leeds, statistics, 186.
Young Harris College, geology in, 825. 854.


Zoological societies, 1650.
Zurich, forestry school at. 811, 814-816.
Zwick, Dr. Hermann, history of common-school
system of Berlin, 245-297.

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