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quinna of South America, and is often sold in the shops, under that name. The wood of the same tree "the American box. wood" is a very valuable wood of which to make flutes and other musical, wind instruments. It is used also by the engraver of wood cuts, in his trade. It is equally valuable as the English boxwood, which it very much resembles.







This is a beautiful bush, between a shrub and a tree. Some of them grow thirty feet high, and are three or four inches in diameter. Its trunk is straight and smooth, its leaves are long, and they are shaped like those of the tobacco plant. Their color is a bright green. Before ripe, its fruit resembles in appearance, that of the date of Austral Asia. This resemblance exists too, in its shape, size and color. The fruit grows in bunches of three, four and five in number, and sometimes, they are twelve inches long and are three inches in diameter. Its flower is trumpet shaped and is of a pale red color. Its blossoms appear about the same time, with those of the dog-wood and the red-bud. The pawpaw grows all along the Ohio, and its tributary waters, in the richest soils. For the size of the tree, it bears the largest fruit of any plant in our own forests. The seeds of the pawpaw are of a dull-brown color, they are flat, and of a large size. When ripe, its fruit furnishes the opossum with a delicious food. The squirrel prefers it, when nearly ripe. When fully ripe, the fruit is yellow, and resembles the custard in taste and aspect.

Thus far, we have followed the season in its advances, as to time, but having mentioned one trumpet-shaped flower we willingly refer to others which bear similar shaped blossoms. Of these, there are ten or fifteen species. The largest one, THE CREEPER has a stem several inches in diameter. It is a vine, ascending our loftiest trees, to the tops of their highest boughs. It is already extensively domesticated. This creeper and crafty politician can climb up the side of any house, and cover the whole roof, with its vines, leaves and bunches of blossoms. These vines have flowers, several inches in length, trumpet-shaped,

of a beautiful red color. When the flower falls off, a pod, (siliqua) appears on the vine, instead, which grows several inches in length. The seeds are all winged, very light and are easily transported by the winds, to a great distance. These plants will soon cease to be wild, where our cattle can get at the vine, which they are fond of eating, at least its bark, which being destroyed, the vine dies.

There are other trumpet-flowers, of a white color, as large as the one which we have described These are all about to disappear from the same cause with the red flowered one.

We have less ambitious trumpet flowers, than these of every color, tint and shade the red, the white, the blue, the green, the yellow and of every intervening shade of color. The vines of the latter, are some of them longer, others shorter, running along upon the ground, or ascending any little eminence, where they can show themselves and breathe a purer air. These flowers are indeed very beautiful. Besides these, we have two species of honey suckle, which climb the highest trees of our forests, in our bottoms, and show an abundance of flowers.

But, we have a rose, a multiflora, growing in our richest, moist lands, which ascends the very highest tree, it can find, in all the woods, to the very topmost bough of a tree. It blooms for months together, hanging in festoons, from branch to branch, and even, from tree top to tree top, clothed with its gorgeous bunches of roses. Its aspect regales the eye, the bees that hover among its blossoms, charm the ear with their humming noise, while its odors fill all the air, with their delicious perfumery. This rose is domesticated. How many other wild roses we have, besides many sweet briars, we cannot say, but we know, that we have many growing in every sort of soil, and accommodating themselves to each, in size, color, and aspect. But, for the present, enough of these ambitious flowers, that boldly challenge our observation, and compel us, to notice them, and celebrate their praises.

We have three species of LILY. They first appear in July and August. The largest one, is red, its stem rises from three to five feet, in height and throws out, from five, to twenty blos

soms, in succession one after another, or two or three at a time. The second lily, is of a paler red, and grows three feet high, and throws out, in succession, eight or ten blossoms; whereas the third species of lily, is yellow, and grows only two feet high with three, and sometimes only two flowers. In their various shades of every color, imperceptibly running into each other, dotted with dark spots, these three species of lily, rival the rainbow in beauty, and truly was it said by our Saviour, of this flower, that "SOLOMON, in all his glory, was not arrayed like one of these." They grow in shady, retired places, and seem to avoid the public gaze; fit emblems of the few of our race, who love goodness, for its own sake, reserving their all, for those who best know their real, intrinsic value and worth.




The bark of the yellow oak, is not only used in tanning leather, but it affords a beautiful yellow color, which is permanent. It is used much by clothiers for that purpose. The bark of the butternut is used also by dyers, for coloring every shade of brown, to almost a black. An extract prepared from this bark, makes a physic, and its wood, is used by cabinet makThe bark from the roots of the box tree is a good medicine. The bark of the yellow poplar is used in the same way, and is equally useful and more pleasant to the taste. The bark of the æşculus flava, (buckeye) is said to be a valuble tonic, and its wood macerated fine and soaked in water, is used in the manufacture of paper. Formerly large quantities of ginseng roots were dug, dried, and sent to the eastern cities for sale, but it is so no longer. The roots are gone before the hand of cultivation. Seneca snake root, the puccoon, or blood root, and many other roots are still used in medicine. So of the wild ginger, wild ipecac, lobelia, pleurisy root, sweet flag, dodder, and many others. The crab apple is in high repute for a preserve or sweet meat. So of the cranberry, large quantities of which are yearly gathered in the swamps, along the

summit level, in the northern part of the state, and carried all over it and offered for sale at high prices, which they readily bring. Many other useful, wild plants might be mentioned. such as the senna of two species, one large and tall, growing in rich grounds, the other low and small and which grows in our hilly country. They are both used in medicine. As astringents some persons use the bark of the red maple, the bark and unripe fruit of the persimmon (dios piros virginiana) crawfoot, beech bark, and beech drops, the bark of the wild cherry tree, and several other barks and roots. The leaves of hops are often used both externally, applied warm to the body, and internally in a tea to prevent putrefaction. This we know to be a most valuable remedy, in such cases, it having been the means of lengthening our life, ever since the summer of 1823, when appalling disease and death swept off great numbers of our people in all the Western States.

Besides these, we have a vast number of flowers from early spring to late autumn, appearing in succession, day after day, and month after month, ever new, and always beautiful. Some persons have naturalized many of these wild flowers. Mrs. Mary Douglas, and several other lovers of botany in Chillicothe have introduced these wild flowers into their gardens.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Dodecatheon integrifolium,

Sabbatica angularis,

Hydrophyllum Virginicum,

Phacelia fimbriata,

Spigelia Marylandica,

Phlox divaricata,

Phlox aristata,

Phlox paniculata,
Phlox pyramidalis,
Phlox maculata,
Phlox reptans,
Polemonium reptans,
Campanula Americana,
Lobelia cardinalis,
Claytonia Virginica,
Ceaonothus Americana,
Gentiana saponaria,
Gentiana ochrolenea,

False cowslip. Centaury plant.

Burr flower.

Miami mist.

Pink root.

Early sweet william.
Early prairie sweet willam.
Tall meadow sweet william.
Tall meadow sweet william.
Spotted stem sweet william.
Creeping sweet william.
Greek valerian.
Bell flower.

Cardinal flower, scarlet.

Spring beauty.

New Jersey tea.

Blue gentian.
Marsh gentian.

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