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A Great Mistake. The sons of the rich so

often die poor-and the sons of the poor so often die rich, that it has grown into a proverb; and yet, how many parents are laboring and toiling to accumulate wealth for their children, and, at the same time, raising them up in habits of indolence and extravagance. Their sons will scatter their property much sooner than they can gather it together. Let them have their heads well stored with

563. GESTURE, or a just and elegant adaptation of every part of the body to the subject, is an essential part of oratory; and its power is much greater than that of words: for it is the language of nature, and makes its way to the heart, without the utterance of a single word: it affects the eye, (which is the quickest of all our senses,) and of course, conveys impressions more speedily to the mind, than that of the voice, which affects the ear only. Nature, having given to every senti-useful knowledge, and their hearts with sound and ment and feeling its proper outward expres- virtuous principles, and they will ordinarily take sion, what we often mean, does not depend care of themselves. However affluent may be his so much on our words, as on our manner of speaking them. Art-only adds ease and circumstances, yet every parent inflicts upon his gracefulness, to what nature and reason dic-son a lasting injury, who does not train him up to tate. Study the Gesture Engravings thoroughly.

All natural objects have

An echo in the heart. This flesh doth thrill,
And has connection, by some unseen chain,
With its original source and kindred substance:
The mighty forest, the proud tides of ocean,
Sky-cleaving hills, and in the vast air,
The starry constellations; and the sun,
Parent of life exhaustless-these maintain

With the mysterious mind and breathing mould,
A coexistence and community.


Stretch of Thought. A fellow-student, in consequence of too close application to study, and neglect of proper diet and exercise, became partially deranged; but being very harmless, it was thought best that he should go and come when, and where he pleased; in hope of facilitating his restoration. One Saturday afternoon, he went out through the gardens and fields, and gathered every variety of flowers, from the modest violet to the gaudy sunflower, with which he adorned himself from head to foot, in the most fantastical manner; in which condition he was displaying his imaginary kingly power, on a hillock in the college green, just as the president and one of the professors were going up to attend chapel prayers; when the former observed to the latter-what a great pity that such a noble mind should be thus in ruins! the maniac hearing what he said, rose majestically upon his throne, and with a most piercing look and voice, exclaimed; "What is that you say, old president? you presume to talk thus about me? Solomon, in all his glory, was not arrayed as I am. You old sinner, come here; and I will tear you limb from limb,-and scatter you through infinite space; where Omniscience cannot find you, nor Omnipotence put you together again.

habits of virtue, industry and economy.

Anecdote. Francis I., king of France, (opponent and rival of Charles V., of Germany,) consulting with his generals, how to lead his army over the Alps into Italy, his fool, Amarel, sprung from a corner, and advised him to consult how to bring them back again.

A child is born. Now take the germ, and make it
A bud of moral beauty. Let the dews

Of knowledge. and the light of virtue, wake it
In richest fragrance, and in purest hues;
When passion's gust, and sorrow's tempest shake it,
The shelter of affection-ne'er refuse,
For soon, the gathering hand of death will break it
From its weak stem of life,-and it shall lose

power to charm; but, if that lonely flower
Hath swell'd one pleasure, or subdued one pain,
O, who shall say, that it has lived in vain,
However fugitive-its breathing hour?

For virtue-leaves its sweets wherever tasted,
And scatter'd truth is never, never wasted.

Varieties. 1. All those, who have pre-
sented themselves at the door of the world,
with a great truth, have been received with
stones, or hisses. 2. Who has not observed
the changed, and changing condition of the
human race? 3. We are indebted to the
monastic institutions for the preservation of
4. No good can bring
ancient libraries.
pleasure, unless it be that, for the loss of
which we are prepared. 5. They, who sac-
rifice at the altar of Apollo, are like those,
who drink of the waters of Claros; they re-
ceive the gift of divination, they imbibe the
seeds of death. 6. The same misconduct
which we pardon in ourselves, we condemn
in others; because we associate a palliation
with the one, which we cannot perceive in
the other. 7. What constitutes true mar
Sheba-was never

More cautious of wisdom, and fair virtue,
Than this pure soul shall be;
TRUTH-shall muse her,
Holy and heavenly thoughts-still counsel her.
you raise the dead!
Pursue, and overtake—the waves of time?
Bring back again—the hours, the days,
The months, the years, that made me happy?
The heart has tendrils-like the vine,
Which round another's bosom twine,
Outspringing from the living tree-
Of deeply-planted sympathy;

Where flowers are hope, its fruits—are bliss,
Beneficence-its harvest is.

564. VEHEMENCE OF ACTION. Cicero- Three Modes of Forming Theories. very judiciously observes, that a speaker One-to imagine them, and then search for facts must remit, occasionally, the vehemence of to sustain, prove and confirm them; one—to colhis actions, and not utter every passage with all the force, of which he is capable; so as to lect facts, which are only effects, and out of them set off, more strongly, the emphatical parts; to form theories; and one-to observe all these as painters make their figures stand out bold- facts, and look through them to their causes; which cr, by means of light and shades: there are causes constitute the only true theories: then, all always strong points, as they may be called, known or probable effects, will not only confirm in every well written piece, which must al- such theories, but they can be explained by these ways be attended to, thus hill and dale, theories. Hence, the true theories of all things, mountain and precipice, cataract and gulph: will explain and demonstrate all things, so far as always keep some resources, and never utter the weaker with all your energy; for if they can be seen and understood; i. e. rationally you do, there will be a failing in the strong perceived, according to the state and capacity of the points the most pathetic parts. human mind. That which enables one to explain a thing, analytically and synthetically, is the true cause or theory of that thing; thus, true theories are the causes of things, and facts are the legitimate effects of those things. The ENDS OF THINGS. There is one step higher, which must be taken, and then we shall have all, that the human mind can conceive of, or think about; which is the end of things: thus we have ends, causes, and effects;


peace, there's nothing so becomes a man, As modest stillness, and humility:

But, when the blast of war blows in our ears,
Then, imitate the action of the tiger;
Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood,
Disguise fair nature with hard-favor'd rage;
Then lend the eye a terrible aspect;
Let it pry through the portage of the head,

Like the brass cannon; let the brow o'erwhelm it, beyond which sphere, man cannot go; for every As fearfully, as doth a galled rock

O'erhang and jutty his confounded base,
Swill'd with the wild and wasteful ocean.

thing, object or subject, concerning which we can feel, think or act, is either an end, a cause, or an effect; the latter only, are accessible to our senses: the other must be seen intellectually: i. e. in a region of mind above our senses.

Now set the teeth, and stretch the nostril wide; Hold hard the breath and bend up every spirit To his full height!-On, on! you noblest English. Varieties. 1. Can what is incomprehen465. THE FOREHEAD. TO WHAT specta-sible, be an object of thought? 2. Humani tor can the forehead appear uninteresting? Here, appear LIGHT and GLOOM; JOY and ANXIETY, STUPIDITY, IGNORANCE, and VICE. On this brazen tablet are engraved MANY Combinations of SENSE and of SOUL. Here, all the GRACES revel, and all the CYCLOPS thunder. Nature has left it bare, that by it, the countenance may be ENLIGHTENED and DARKENED. At its lowest extremities, THOUGHTS--appear changed into ACTS; the mind HERE collects the powers of RESISTANCE; and HERE headlong OBSTINACY, or wise PERSEVERANCE take up their fixed abode.

That brow, which was, to me, A blooming heaven (it was a heaven, for there Shone forth twin stars of excellence, so brightly, As though the winds of paradise had fann'd Their orbed lustre, till they beam'd with love ;) That brow-was as the sleep-imprison'd lake, Treasuring the beauty-of the deep blue skies, Whose charm'd slumber, one small breath will ruffle. Anecdote. A commonwealth's man, in England, on his way to the scaffold, for truth's sake, saw his wife, looking at him from the tower window, and standing up, the cart he waved his hat, and cried, To HEAVEN, my love, to HEAVEN, and I leave you in the storm awhile."


Well might Lord Herbert write his love-
Were not our souls-immortal made,
Our equal love-would make them such.
Tis sweet to know, there is an eye-will mark,
Our coming, and look brighter,-when we come.

O, colder than the wind, that freezes
Founts, that but now--in sunshine played,
Is that congealing pang, which seizes
The bursting bosom, when betrayed.

ty, justice, and patriotism--are qualities-of universal benefit to mankind. 3. The only way to expel what is false from the mind, is to receive the opposite truth. 4. Faith-is saving, when we learn truths from the Bible, and live according to them. 5. A man is said to be square, when he does not, from injustice, incline to this or that party. 6 The power of the muscles, is derived through the nerves, as the power of good is from truth. 7. Nothing remains with us, that is not received in freedom.


Look nature through; 'tis revolution all:
All change; no death. Day-follows night, and
The dying day; stars rise, and set, and rise;
Earth-takes the example. See, the Summer, gay
With her green chaplet-and ambrosial flowers,
Droops into pallid Autumn: Winter, gray,
Horrid with frost, and turbulent with storm,
Blows Autumn, and his golden fruits, away;-
Then, melts into the Spring. Soft Spring, with
Favonian, from warm chamb'rs of the south, [breath
Recalls the first. All, to re-flourish, fades;
As in a wheel, all sinks to re-ascend—
Emblems of man, who passes, not expires.
Say, dear, will you not have me?
Then take the kiss—you gave me ;
You elsewhere would, perhaps, bestow it,
And I would be as loath-to owe it;
Or, if you will not take the thing-once given,
Let me kiss you, and then, we shall Di even.

And then, alone, would Ila mourn;
And count the hours, till his return,
For when did woman's love expire,
If fondly fanned-the holy fire?
He, that doth public good-for multitudes,
Finds few are truly grateful.

566. DEMOSTHENES, the most eminent of Grecian crators, was born 385 years before the christian era, and died by poison, self-administered, to escape the vengeance of Antipater, 322

B. C. He was celebrated on account of the fire, strength, and vehemence of his eloquence, which was excited in rousing the Athenians to


war with the Macedonians, and in defeating his rivals, who were bribed by the latter. The characteristics of his oratory were, strength, sublimity, piercing energy and force, aided by an emphatic, and vehement elocution; he sometimes, however, degenerated into severity. In reading his orations, we do not meet with any sentiments that are very exalted; they are generally bounded by self-love and a love of the world. His father died when he was seven years old; and his guardians having wasted his property, at the age of seventeen, he appeared against them at the court, and plead his own cause successfully; which encouraged him to speak before the assembly of the people; but he made a perfect failure: after which, he retired, studied and practiced in secret, until he was twenty-five, when he came forward again, and com

menced his brilliant career.

An honest statesman-to a prince-is like
A cedar, planted by a spring, which bathes its
Roots: the grateful tree-rewards it-with the shadow.
By tedious toil,--no passion is expressed:

His hand, who feels the strongest, paints the best.
the most distin-
guished of the
Roman orators,
was born 106
years before the
birth of Christ;
and died at the
age of 63. He
made the Greeks
his model; and,
as an orator, he
possessed the
strength of De-
mos-the-nes, the
copiousness of
Plato, and the su-
avity of I-soc-ra-
s. His first
cher was the
poet Ar-chi-as;

and in elocution he was taught by A-pol-lo-ni-us Molo of Rhodes; after which he visited Athens, and on his return was made quaestor, and then consul; when he rendered the greatest service to the state, by the suppression of the conspiracy of Catiline: he was afterwards banished, and voluntarily retired to Greece, but was soon honorably recalled; after which, he undertook the prætorship of Cilicia. In the civil wars of Casar and Pompey, he adhered to the party of the latter; and after the battle of Pharsalia, was reconciled to Cesar, but was soon slain by Pompilius, at the instigation of Marc Antony.

568. EVE. Are not good sense, and good humor of more advantage than beauty? When Adam is introduced by Milton, describing Eve, in parudise, and relating to the angel, the impressions he felt on seeing her, at her first creation, he does not represent her-like a Grecian Venus, by her shape, or features, but by the lustre of her mind, which shone in them; and gave them their power of charming:

Grace--was in all her steps, heaven—in her eye,
In every gesture-dignity, and love.

Anecdote. A Humane Driver Rewarded. A Macedonian soldier, was one day leading before Alexander a mule laden with gold for the king's use; and the beast being so tired, that he could not go, or sustain the load, his driver took it off, and, with great difficulty, carried it himself a considerable way. Alexander, seeing him just sinking under the burden, and about to throw it on the ground, cried out, "Do not be weary yet; try and carry it through to the tent, for it is all thy own."

Faint not, heart of man! though years wane slow!
There have been those, that, from the deepest caves,
And cells of night, and fastnesses, below
The stormy dashing of the ocean-waves,-
Down, farther down-than gold lies hid, have nurs'd
A quenchless hope, and watch'd their time, and burst
On the bright day, like wakeners from the graves!
Varieties. 1. When we go out, let us
consider what we have to do, and when we
return, what we have done. 2. There are
many subjects, that are not easily understood;
but it is easy to misrepresent them; and when
arguments cannot be controverted, it is not
difficult for the uncharitable-to calumniate
motives. 3. A man's true character is a greater
secret to himself, than to others; if he judge
himself, he is apt to be partial; if he asks the
opinions of others, he is liable to be deceived.
4. Really learned persons never think of hav-
ing finished their education, for they are stu-
dents during life. 5. The insults of others
can never make us wretched, or resentful, if
our hearts are right; the viper, that stings us,
is within. 6. Beware of drawing too broad
and strong conclusions-from feeble and ill-
defined premises. 7. When human policy
wraps one end of the chain round the ancle of
a man, divine justice rivets the other end round
the neck of the tyrant. 8. All who have been
great, without religion, would undoubtedly
have been much greater, and better-with it.

She had read

Her father's well-filled library-with profit,
And could talk charmingly. Then she would sing,
And play, too, passably,—and dance with spirit;
She sketch'd from nature well, and studied flowers,
Which was enough, alone, to love her for;
Yet she was knowing-in all needle-work,-
And shone-in dairy,-and in kitchen, too,-
As in the PARLOR.

The wise man, said the Bible, walks with God,
Surveys far on-the endless line of life;
Values his soul; thinks of eternity;
Both worlds considers, and provides for both;
With reason's eye-his passions guards; abstaine
From evil; lives on hope-on hope, the fruit
Of faith; looks upward; purifies his soul;
Expands his wings, and mounts into the sky;
Passes the sun, and gains his Father's house;
And drinks-with angels-from the fount of bliss.

569. RHETORICAL ACTION-respects the atti- | correspond. An erect attitude, and a firmness tude, gesture, and expression of the countenance. of position, denote majesty, activity, strength; Words cannot represent certain peculiarities; the leaning-affection, respect, earnestness of they depend on the actor. Simplicity, or a strict entreaty, dignity of composure, indifference, disadherence to the modesty of nature-correct- ease. The air of a person expresses a language ness-or adaption to the word-and beauty, as easily understood. The husbandman, dandy, opposed to awkwardness-are the principal gentleman and military chief bespeak the habits marks of good action. Beauty belongs to objects and qual t es of each. The head gently reclined, of sight. Action should be easy, natural, varied, denotes grief, shame; erect-courage, firmness; and directed by passion. Avoid affectation and thrown back or shaken-dissent; forward--asdisplay; for they disgust. The best artists are sent. The hand raised and inverted-repels, famous for simplicity, which has an enchanting more elevated and extended-surprise, astonisheffect. Profuse decorations indicate a wish to ment; placed on the mouth--silence; on the supply the want of genius by multiplying inferi-head. pain; on the breast-affection, or appeal to or beauties. There is in every one an indis- conscience elevated-defiance; both raised and cribable something, which we call nature, that palms united -- supplication; gently clasped perceives and recognizes the inspirations of na- thankfulness; wrung-agony. ture; therefore, after bringing your voice under your control, if you enter fully into the spirit of the composition, and let your feelings prompt and govern your action, you cannot greatly err. The victory is half won when you fully feel and realize what you read or speak. Resolve to acquire the power, the witchery, the soul of elocution-that lightning of ancient times which poured a blaze of light on the darkest understanding, and that thunder which awakens the dead.

They never fail-who die

In a great cause: the block-may soak their gore:
Their heads-may sodden in the sun; their limbs
Be strung to city gates--and castle walls-
But still their spirit walks abroad. Tho' years
Elapse, and others--share as dark a doom,
They but augment the deep and swelling thoughts
Which overpower all others, and conduct
The world, at last, to FREEDOM.

570. This system teaches you to harmonize matter and manner, to imbibe the author's feelings, to bring before you all the circumstances, and plunge amid the living scenes, and feel that what you describe is present, and actually passing before you. Speak of truths as truths, not as fictions. Give the strongest, freest, truest expression of the natural blendings of thought and emotion; break thro' all arbitrary restraint, and submit, after proper trainings, to the suggestions of reason and nature. Let your manner be earnest, collected, vigorous, self-balanced. In the introduction, be respectful, modest, conciliatory, winning, rather mild and slow; in the discussion, clear, energetic; in the application, animated, pathetic, persuasive.

All--some force obey!
Gold-will dissolve. and diamonds-melt away;
Marble-obeys the chisel, and the saw;
And solar-beams-a rock of ice will thaw;

The flaming forge o'ercomes well-temper'd steel;
And flinty glass--is fashioned at the wheel:
But man's rebellious heart-no power can bend,
No flames can soften, no concussion--rend;
Till the pure spirit soften, pierce and melt,
And the warm blood-is in the conscience felt.

571. Look your hearers in the face--give yourself, body and soul, to the subject-let not the attention be divided between the manner and matter. Practice in private to establish correct habis of voice and gesture, and become so familiar with all rules as not to think of them when exercising. The head, face eyes, hands, and upper part of the body are principally employed in oratorical action. The soul speaks most intelligibly in 'he muscles of the face, and through the eye, which is the chief seat of expression; let the internal man, and the external

Anecdote. Tyrolese Songs. In the children-come out, at bed-time, and sing mountains of Tyrol, hundreds of women and their national songs, until they hear their husbands, fathers, and brothers, answer them from the hills on their return home. Upon the shore of the Adriatic, the wives of the fishermen come down, about sunset, and sing one of their melodies. They sing the first verse, and then listen-for sometime: then they sing a second; and so on, till they hear the answer from the fishermen, who are thus guided to their homes.

Hail memory, hail! in thy exhaustless mine,
From age-to age, unnumbered treasures shine!
Thought, and her shadowy brood, thy call obey,
And place, and time, are subject to thy sway!
Thy pleasures most we feel, when most alone,
The only pleasures we can call our own.
Lighter than air, Hope's summer visions fly,
If but a fleeting cloud obscure the sky;
If but a beam of sober Reason play,
Lo Fancy's fairy frost-work melts away:
But, can the wiles of art, the grasp of power,
Snatch the rich relics of a well-spent hour?
These, when the trembling spirit takes her flight,
Pour round her path a stream of living light,
And gild those pure and perfect realms of rest,
Where VIRTUE--triumphs, and her sons are blest.

Varieties. 1. Costume, when once regulated by true science, and art, remains in unchangable good taste; comfortable, convenient, as well as picturesque and becoming. 2. In 1756, a white headed old woman-died in London, whose hair sold for 244 dollars to a ladies' periwig maker. 3. In some countries, intellect has sway; in some-wealth; and in others beauty and rank; but the most powerful influence in the best societies, is goodness combined with truth in practice. 4. Merit-in the inheritor, alone makes valid an inheritance of glory in ancestry. 5. Why does new sweet milk become sour-during a thunder storm? 6. Why can no other nation make a Chinese gong? 7. Is not the American government founded upon the true principles of human nature? 8. How prone many are, to worship the creature more than the Creator! 9. When apparent truths are taken, and confirmed for real ones, they become fallacies. 10. Actions-show best the nature of the law of life; and deedsshow the man.

In all thy humors, whether grave or mellow, Thou'rt such a touchy. testy, pleasant fellow: [thee, Hast so much wit, and mirth, and spleen about That there's no living with thee, or without thee.

572. The emphatic strokes of the hand accompany emphasis; its elevated termination suits high passion; horizontal-decision; downward movement-disapprobation. Avoid excess, violence and constancy of action; gentleness, tranquillity and dignity prevail more. What is the appropriate gesture in this? "Light are the outward signs of evil thought; within, within-'twas there the spirit wrought." Middle finger of the right hand points to the body-its fore-finger gently laid in the palm of the left, in deliberation, proof, or argumentation-sometimes it is pressed hard on the alm. The left hand often acts with great significancy with the right; rarely used alone in the principal gestures, except when something on the left hand is spoken of, as contradistinguished from something on the right, and when two things are contrasted. Motion of the hands should correspond with those of the eyes. Rules say, "Do not raise the hands above the head;" but if natural passion prompts them-it will be well done; for passion knows more than art.

Our thoughts are boundless, tho' our frames are frail,
Our souls immortal, though our limbs decay:
Though darken'd-in this poor life, by a vail
Of suffering, dying matter, we shall play
In Truth's eternal sunbeams; on the way
To Heaven's high capitol-our car shall roll;
The temple-of the power, whom all obey;
That is the mark-we tend to, for the soul
Can take no lower flight, and seek no meaner goal.
573. Keep the hands out of your pockets-don't
finger your watch-key or chain-let your business
influence you. Feel your subject thoroughly and
speak without fear: have a style and manner of
your own, for an index to yourself. Expression
is the looking out of the soul, through the eyes,
which are its windows, into the natural world.
The body should generally be erect: not constant-
ly changing, nor always motionless-declining in
humiliation-rising in praise and thanksgiving;
should accompany motion of the hands, head, and
eyes; never turn your back on the audience. Do
not appear haughty, nor the reverse; nor recline
the head to one shoulder-nor stand like a post;
avoid tossings of the body from side to side, rising
on tip-toe, writhing of the shoulders. Study well
the engravings; their position, gracefulness and
awkwardness: some are designated for both-dis-
criminate, which to imitate, which to avoid-refer
within, to your own nature, for dictation- and
never adopt any gesture that you do not make
your own by appropriation. All gestures must
originate within. Let everything you do and say

In man or woman, but far most in man,
And most of all-in man that ministers
And serves the altar, in my soul-I loathe
All affectation. Tis my perfect scorn ;
Object-of my implacable disgust.
What!-will a man play tricks, will he indulge
A silly-fond conceit-of his fair form
And just proportion, fashionable mien,
And pretty face, in presence of his God?
Or, will he seek to dazzle me with tropes,
As with the diamond on his lily hand,
And play his brilliant parts before my eyes
When I am hungry for the BREAD of LIFE?
He mocks his Maker, prostitutes and shames
His noble office, and, instead of truth,
Displaying his own beauty, starves his flock.
Therefore, avaunt all attitude and stare,
And start theatric, practic'd at the glass!
I seek divine simplicity-in him,

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Who handles things divine; and all-besides,
Tho' learn'd with labor, and tho' much admir'd
By curious eyes, and judgments ill-inform'd,
To me is odious-as the nasal twang
Heard at conventicle, where worthy men,
Misled by custom, strain celestial themes
Through the press'd nostril, spectacle-bestrid.
Anecdote. Indian Virtue. A married
woman, of the Shawanee Indians, made this
beautiful reply-to a man whom she met in
the woods, and who implored her to love and
look on him. Oulman, my husband," said
she, "who is forever before my eyes, hinders
me from seeing you, or any other person."
So dear to Heaven-is saintly chastity,
That when a soul-is found sincerely so,
A thousand liveried angels-lackey her,
Driving far off-each thing of sin, and guilt;
And, in clear dream, and solemn vision,
Tell her of things, that no gross ear can hear,
Till oft converse--with heavenly habitants
Begins to cast a beam--on the outward shape,
The unpolluted temple of the mind,

And turns it, by degrees, to the soul's essence,
Till all be made immortal!

Varieties. 1. Children learn but little from what they read, while the attention is divided between the sense and making out the words. 2. Few parents and teachers are aware of the pre-eminent importance of oral over book instruction. 3. Truths, inculcated without any sense of delight, are like seeds, whose living germ has been destroyed; and which, therefore, when sown, can never come to anything. 4. The idea of the Lord, coming into the world, to instruct us, and make us good, is an idea particularly delightful to young children, as well as to those of riper years. 5. We were not created-to live on the earth, one moment in vain; every moment has a commission, connected with eternity; and each minute, improved, gives power to the next minute, to proceed with an accelerated ratio and impulse.

The Muse of inspiration-plays
O'er every scene; she walks the forest-maze,
And climbs the mountain; every blooming spot
Burns with her step, yet man-regards it not!
She whispers round; her words are in the air,
But lost, unheard. they linger-freezing there,
Without one breath of soul, divinely strong,
One ray of heart-to thaw them into song.
574. Some of the sources of faults in action, are
unmanly diffidence. which makes one appalled at
nis audience, or makes him fear to stir, lest he
make a mistake; and servile imitation-whence is
a want of action. excess or awkwardness, or un-
due regard to improper models. Do not become
an artificial, made-up character, a compound of Let talkers talk; stick thou to what is best,
affectation and imitation, a poor creature of bor-To think of pleasing all, is all a jest.
rowed shreds and patches: preserve your own

Of those few fools who with ill stars are curst,
Sure scribbling fools, call'd poets, fare the worst:
For they're a set of fools which Fortune makes,
And after she has made them fools, forsakes.

Let conquerors--boast
Their fields of fame: he, who in virtue, arms
A young, warm spirit--against beauty's charms,
Who feels her brightness, yet defies her thrall,
Is the best, bravest conqueror of them all.

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