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Proverbs. 1. Through the ear, we must find access to the heart. 2. Hunger makes every kind of food acceptable. 3. Death—is the finishing stroke in the picture of life. 4. The remembrance of labors performed, and difficulties overcome, is always agreeable. 5. The labors of the student are sweeter, the farther he proceeds; because his heart is in them. 6. Always yield to the truth. 7. The

350. INFLECTIONS. The reader sees that | the rising inflection is used, when questions are asked, that may be answered by yes, or no; also, in cases of doubt and uncertainty: and that the falling inflection is used, when questions are asked that are not thus answered; and in all cases of strong affirmation. Some authors seem not to have noticed the distinction between a rising inflec-improvement of the mind is of the first importance. tion of the voice, and a simple suspension of it, when there is a continuation of the sense. Let us not rely too much on the inflections, to enable us to give variety, but on the different pitches of voice: the former gives artificial variety, and the latter, a

natural one.

8. Beware of going into the way of temptations: many have been ruined, merely by looking on, to see how others do. 9. Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools. 10. The proper study of mankind-is man. 11. Promote virtuous communication. 12. An ape-is ridiculous by nature; men-by art and study. 13. Flattery-is a very fashionable art.

Anecdote. Old Habits. The duke de Nivernois was acquainted with the countess de Rochefort, and never omitted going to see her a single evening. As she was a widow and he a widower, one of his friends observed to him, it would be more convenient for him to marry that lady. "I have often thought so," said he, "but one thing prevents me; in that case, where should Ĭ spend my evenings?"

351. 1. Accustom yourself to submit, on all occasions, (even in the most minute, as well as the most important circumstances in life,) to a small, present evil, to obtain a greater, distant good. This will give decision, tone, and energy to the mind; which, thus disciplined, will often reap victory-from defeat, and honor-from repulse. Having acquired this invaluable habit of rational preference, and just appreciation, start for the prize that endureth forever. The man, whose house is on fire, criesFire! FIRE!! FIRE!!! with the falling inflection: but the roguish boy, who would raise a false alarm, cries, Firé, fire, firé, with the rising inflection. 3. This is an Varieties. Educational Questions. (5) open, (4) honorable challenge; why are What are the rights and duties of the famiyou (6) silent? Why do you (5) prevarily, and of society at large, respecting the cate? I (6) insist upon this point; I (5) urge you to it: (4) prèss it; nay, I (3) de



Promises. If promises-from man to man have force, why not from man to woman? Their very weakness is the charter jured because they can't return it. power, and they should not be in

of their


education of children? 2. To what sort and degree of education can any human individual, as such, lay claim, independently of 352. The END, the CAUSE and the EFFECT, fortune, or any other distinction? 3. How are the three distinct things, which follow far should the education of a child be regueach other in regular and successive order; lated, according to his natural capacities, for every thing, in this world, and in the and how far should external circumstances other, proceeds according to these degrees: be permitted to affect it? 4. What are the hence, intelligence-properly consists in chief obstacles to a more general education knowing and distinguishing them, and see- of the poor; and what are the leading errors ing them in their order. Illustration: the committed in this greatest of all charities, end of man is the love of his will; for what so far as it extends at present? 5. What one loves, he proposes and intends: the are the chief errors committed in the educacause with him is the reason of the under- tion of the wealthier classes, and by what standing; for the end, by means of the rea- means can the education of both poor and son, seeks for mediates, or efficient causes: rich be made to produce, in the course of and the effect is the operation of the body time, a more harmonious state of society? from, and according to, them. When these 6. How far, hitherto, has christianity been three are exhibited in act, the end is inward- allowed to influence education, and by what ly in the cause, and thro' the cause in the means can the difficulties, arising from diseffect; wherefore, they co-exist in the effect. tinctions among christians, be obviated in it? Hence, the propriety of judging every one-7. Who will satisfactorily answer these imby his works; that is, by his fruits: for the portant questions? end, or the love of the will, and the cause, or the reason of his understanding, are together in the effects; which three constitute the whole man.

Oh how poor
Seems the rich gift of genius, when it lies,
Like the adventurous bird, that hath out-flown
His strength-upon the sea, ambition-wrecked-
A thing-the thrush might pity, as she sits,
Brooding in quiet, on her lowly nest.

"From the birth
Of mortal man, the sov'reign Maker said,
That not in humble, nor in brief delight,
Not in the fading echoes of renown,
Power's purple robes, nor pleasure's flowery lap,
The soul-can find enjoyment; but from these
Turning, disdainful, to an equal good,
Thro' all th' ascent of things-enlarge her view,
Till every bound-at length-shall disappear,
And infinite perfection-close the scene."

352. PRECEDING PRINCIPLES. The sooner Proverbs. 1. Perseverance-overcomes all difficulties. 2. Instruction, by example, is quick and effectual. 3. We are only in the morning starlight of the arts and sciences. 4. Knowledge is not obtained in a moment. 5. Apollo's bow-was not always bent. 6. Reason-is not the test of truth: it is only the organ, through which we ses truth. 7. No one is so well qualified to rule, as he, who knows how to obey. 8. Beauty-is like the flower of spring: but virtue-is like the stars of heaven. 9. Vain persons are fond of fine things 10. Respect, and contempt, spoil many a one. 11. Some-outlive their reputation. 12. When sorrow is asleep, wake it not.

the pupil begins to rely upon his own resources and experience, the better; and he should not forget, that he must make himself an elocutionist. Hence, the importance of his seeing, rationally, and feeling, in his inmost soul, the truth, or falsehood, of the principles here unfolding. Let every example be thoroughly mastered; and, to prevent the growth of bad habits, in reading, speaking and singing, let him often review; as well as pay special attention to the varieties of illustration, that are to be found on every page.

Laconics. And what was it, fellow-citi353. 1. It is too late-to urge objections zens, which gave to our La Fayette his spotagainst universal education; for the fountains less fame? The love of liberty. What-has of the great deep-are broken up, and a consecrated his memory-in the hearts of flood of information, (4) theological, (5) scien- good men? The love of liberty. Whattific, (4) civil, and (6) literary, is carrying all nerved his youthful arm with strength, and before it; filling up the valleys, and scaling inspired him in the morning of his days, with the (6) MOUNTAIN-tops: a spirit of inquiry sagacity and counsel? The living love of has gone forth, and sits brooding-on the liberty. To what-did he sacrifice power, mind of man. 2. Music-should be cultivat- and country, and freedom itself? To the ed, not as a mere sensual gratification; but, horror of licentiousness; to the sanctity of as a means of elevating, and improving the plighted faith; to the love of liberty protected affections; ennobling, purifying, and exalt- by law. Thus, the great principle of your ing, the whole man. 3. Beware of a re-revolutionary fathers, of your pilgrim sires, morseless thirst for the acquisition of riches; the great principle of the age, was the rule of rather than deliver up yourself in execrable his life: The love of liberty-protected by devotion to Mammon, mount the ladder of the most dangerous ambition,-even tho' it were planted on the precipice, and leaned against a cloud.

354. POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY-includes all theories and general views of government, with a description of the forms, and the principles on which they are founded, and the modes in which they are administered. This study rests on the basis of natural law, or justice; and therefore, presupposes a knowledge of ethics; it requires enlarged and elevated views of human nature, and the constitution of society; with the means by which virtue may be diffused, justice enforced, and order preserved throughout the community: it is alike important to the statesman, the legislator, and the private


Anecdote. Howard's Opinion of Swearers. As he was standing, one day, near the door of a printing-office, he heard some dreadful volleys of oaths and curses from a public house opposite, and, buttoning his pocket up before he went in the street, he said to the workmen near him, "I always do this whenever I hear men swear, as I think that any one, who can take God's name in vain, can also steal, or do anything else that is bad." Hope, of all passions, most befriends us here: Passions of prouder name-befriend us less. Joy-has her tears, and transport-has her death: Hope, like a cordial, innocent, though strong, Man's heart, at once, inspirits—and serenes.


Varieties. 1. When a lady receives the addresses of a gentleman, who is in the habit of tippling, how is she to determine, to what extent his protestations should be set down to himself, and how much passed to the credit of ardent spirits? In other words, how much is of love, and how much of alcohol? Suppose she test it, by the pledge of total ab


'Tis not the face,-'tis not the form,~-
'Tis not the heart-however warm;
It is not these, tho' all combined,

That wins true love :-it is the mind.

Canst thou believe thy prophet,(or, what is more,)
That Power, which made thee, (8) AND thy prophet,

Will (with impunity,) let pass that breach
of sacred faith, given to the royal Greek?

How (3) poor! how (6) rich! how (4) abject!
How (9) august! how (4) complicate! how (2) wonderful is man
How (6) passing, He, who made him such! and

Centered in his make-such strange extremes!
What can preserve my life? or what destroy?

An (6) angel's arm-can't snatch me from my grave:
Legions of angels-can't confine me there.

My mother's voice! how often-creeps
Its cadence-o'er my lonely hours,
Like healing-sent on wings of sleep,
Or dew-to the unconscious flowers.
I can't forget her melting prayer,

Even while my pulses-madly fly;
And in the still, unbroken air,

Her gentle tones come-stealing by;
And years,
and sin, and manhood flee,
And leave me-at my mother's knee!

355. These Inflections may pass through 2, 3, 5, or 8 notes, according to the intensity of the feeling. Ex. 1. "Do you say, that [1 I'3] can learn to sing! 2. Do you say that [1 I'5] can learn to sing? 3. What! do you say that [1 I'8] can learn to sing?" Reverse the inflection; begin at the top, and go down. 4. He said [8“I`1] can learn to sing, not you'." Thus, you see that the voice may step up or down, by discrete degrees, or glide up and down, by continuous degrees. 5. "To whom the goblin, full of wrath, replied: (1) Art thou that (3) traitor (4) angel? (8) art thu he who first broke peace in heaven, and (6) faith, till then (8) UNBROKEN? (9) BACK to thy punishment-false fugitive, and to thy speed add wings; lest with a whip of scorpions, pursue thy ling'ring; or with one stroke of this dart, strange horror seize thee, and pangs unfelt before." In speaking this sentence, use all the eight notes.

356. In reading the first example, the voice glides from the first to the third note; because there is no feeling in reading the second, the voice glides from the first to the fifth note; because there is some feeling, and consequent earnestness; and in the third example, the voice glides from the tonic, to the octave; because there is a great deal of feeling in the fourth example, the voice begins at the top, or eighth note, and glides down to the first; because there is a consequent change of thought and action. In the fifth example, the voice commences at 1, in a harsh tone, and goes on gradually ascending to angel; then it recedes, and then goes on rising still higher on faith, and highest on unbroken; when it begins to descend, in an unyielding and gradual way, to the close, in a manner that no words can describe.

35%. Do not the bees, (says Quintillian) extract honey from very different flowers and juices? Is it any wonder that Eloquence, (which is one of the greatest gifts heaven has given to man,) requires many arts to perfect it? and tho' they do not appear in an oration, nor seem to be of any use, they never theless afford an inward supply of strength, and are silently felt in the mind: without all these a man may be eloquent, but I wish to form an orator; and none can be said to have all the requisites, while the smallest thing is wanting.

Anecdote. Good Works. The Russian embassador at Paris, made the Abbe L'Epee a visit, and offered him a large sum of money through the munificence of the empress. The Abbe declined, saying, "I receive gold of no one; but if the empress will send me a deaf and dumb person to educate, I shall consider it a more flattering mark of distinction."


Proverbs. 1. An evil heart-can make any doctrine false, in its own view. 2. Bad books are fountains of vice. 3. Comply cheerfully, when necessity enjoins it. 4. Despair-blunts the edge of industry. 5. Double-dealing-is the index of a base spirit. 6. Every vice wars against nature. 7. Friendship-is often stronger than kindred Good intentions—will not justify evil actions. 9. tion. 10. Mental gifts-often hide bodily infirmities. 11. Lawing is very costly. 12. The world is his, who enjoys it. 13. Poverty-is often an evil counsellor.

In order to learn, we must pay undivided atten

Despotism. All despotism, whether usurped or hereditary, is our abhorrence. We regard it as the most grievous wrong and insult to the human race. But, towards the hereditary despot-we have more of compassion than indignation. Nursed and bro't up in delusion, worshiped from his cradle, never spoken to in the tone of fearless truth,

taught to look on the great mass of his fellowpotism as a law of nature, and a necessary beings as an inferior race, and to regard deselement of social life; such a prince, whose education and condition almost deny him the and manly virtue, must not be judged severepossibility of acquiring healthy moral feeling ly. Still, in absolving the despot-from much of the guilt, which seems at first, to attach to his unlawful and abused power, we do not the less account despotism a wrong and a curse. The time for its fall, we trust, is coming. It cannot fall too soon. It has long earnings; long enough squandered a naenough wrung from the laborer his hard tion's wealth on its parasites and minions; long enough warred against the freedom of the mind, and arrested the progress of truth. It has filled dungeons enough—with the brave and good, and shed enough of the blood of patriots. Let its end come. It cannot come too soon.

Varieties. 1. What is education, and what are the best means for obtaining it? 2. Why are diamonds valuable? because of their scarcity? 3. Why are professional men indifferent poets? is it because, as the boundaries of science enlarge, the empire of imagination is diminished? 4. In what does true honor consist? 5. Tamerlane boasted, that he governed men by four great arts; viz: bribery, amusement, diversion, and suspense: are there no Tamalanes now, think you? 6. Is there any alliance between genius and poverty? 7. If we leave the path of duty, shall we not be liable to run into the path of danger? 8. Are there not some, who would make void the word of God, by their own traditions? 9. Is it not a most important part of a teacher's duty, to imbue the minds of his pupils, with the love of all goodness and truth?

358. The Inflections have great influence | Proverbs. 1. The best way to see Divine in expressing, or perverting the sense, ac- light-is to put out our own. 2. The proudcording as they are correctly or incorrectly shall be abased; but the humble—shall be exalted. made. 1. In the retirement of a COLLEGE 3. As long as you and truth agree, you will do -I am unable to suppress evil thoughts; how difficult then, to do it, amidst the world's temptations! 2. The man who is in the daily use of ardent (6) spirits, (4) if he should not become a (3) drunkard, (6) is in danger of losing his (5) health, and (6) character. The rising inflection on drunkard, would imply that he must become one, to preserve his health and character.

359. Apply the principles to the following, according to the feelings and thoughts, and their objects. 1. But (5) mercy is (6) above-this sceptred sway; (4) it is enthroned-in the (5) hearts of kings; it is an (6) attribute--(1) of God himself.

Love, hope, and joy, fair Pleasure's smiling train;
Hate, fear, and grief, the family of Pain;

These, mixed with art, and to due bounds confined,
Make and maintain the balance of the mind.
He knew-

How to make madness-beautiful, and cast,
(O'er erring deeds, and thoughts,) a heavenly hue
Of words, like sunbeams, dazzling (as they passed,)
The eyes, which o'er them shed tears, feelingly, and fast.
Thy words-had such a melting flow,

well. 4. No one is born for himself alone, but for the world. 5. Rely not too much on the torches of others; light one of your own. 6. Divest yourself of envy, and lay aside all unkind feelings. 7. If youth knew what age would speaker, without energy, is like a lifeless statue. 9. Deep—and intense feeling-lie at the root of eloquence. 10. Condemn no one, without a candid hearing. 11. Think more, and speak less. 12. Follow the dictates of reason.

crave, it would both crave and save. 8. A

Half-Murder. That father, says the learned Baudier, who takes care to feed and clothe his son, but neglects to give him such accomplishments as befit his capacity and rank in life, is more than half his murderer; since he destroys the better part, and but continues the other to endure a life of shame. Of all the men we meet with, nine out of ten are what they are, good or evil, useful or not, by their education; it is that, which makes the great difference in mankind: the little, or almost insensible, impressions on our tender infancy, have very important and lasting consequences.

Varieties. 1. Send your son into the world with good principles, good habits, and a good education, and he will work his way.

And spoke of truth--so sweetly well, They dropped-(like heaven's serenest snow,) And all was (6) brightness,-where they fell. 360. INDUCING DISEASE. There is no doubt, that the seed of a large number of dis-2. How absurd to be passionate yourself, and eases are sown in childhood and youth; and expect others to be placid. 3. Why is swearespecially in our progress in obtaining what ing-like a ragged coat? because it is a is called, an EDUCATION. The bad habits of very bad habit. 4. Can there be any virtue, position in and out of school, and our un- without true piety? 5. Why is rebellionhealthy mode of living, contribute very es- like dram-drinking? because it is inimical sentially to the promotion of various diseases; to the constitution. 6. Why do white sheep particularly, dyspepsia, liver and lung com--furnish more wool than black ones? beplaints, and headaches. Hence, we cannot cause there are more of them. 7. Why is one be too watchful against sitting in a crooked who is led astray, like one who is governed position, nor too prudent in eating, drinking, and sleeping, as well as in our clothing, and our lodging apartments. Let us put forth every effort in the performance of our duties, be they physical, intellectual, or moral. Anecdote. A Swiss Retort. A French officer, quarrelling with a Swiss, reproached him with his country's vice of fighting on either side for money; "while we Frenchmen," said he, "fight for honor." "Yes, sir," replied the Swiss, "every one fights for that he most wants."

Called a blessing to inherit,
Bless, and richer blessings merit:
Give, and more shall yet be given:
Love, and serve, and look for Heaven.

Would being end-with our expiring breath,
How soon misfortune would be puffed away!
A trifling shock-shrives us to the dust;
But the existence--of the immortal seul,
Futurity's dark road-perplexes still.

by a girl? Do you give it up? because he
is misled, (Miss-led.) 8. Ought there not to
be duties on imported goods, to encourage
domestic manufactures? 9. Are not physics
and metaphysics inseparably joined? if so,
what is the connecting link? 10. Is it right,
under any circumstance, to marry for money?
11. Is it right to imprison for debt?
I can find comfort-in the words and looks

Of simple hearts and gentle souls; and I
Can find companionship-in ancient books,
When, lonely, on the grassy hills I lie,
Under the shadow-of the tranquil sky;
I can find music-- in the rushing brooks,
Or in the songs, which dwell among the trees,
And come in snatehes-on the summer breeze.
I can find treasure-in the leafy showers,

Which, in the merry autumn-time, will fall;
And I can find strong love-in buds and flowers,
And beauty in the moonlight's silent hours.

There's nothing, nature gives, can fail to please, For there's a common joy- pervading all.

361. A speaker--may calculate, beforehand, (so far as human agency is concerned, and other things being equal) the effect of a certain effort, by adapting the manner to the matter, as well as a farmer can in raising a crop, by using the proper means. As a stringed instrument, when touched at given points, infallibly produces certain tunes; so, the human mind, when touched by certain modulations, and corresponding sentiments, as infallibly receives certain impressions. But a speaker, singer, or writer, who thinks much of himself, is in danger of being forgotten by others. If he takes no sincere and hearfelt delight in what he is doing, but as it is admired and applauded by his audience, disappointment will be his portion; for he cannot long succeed. He who would be great in the eyes of others, must first learn to be made nothing in his own.

362. Exs. of the and. 1. Did you say yés, or no? Shall we crown the author of the public calamities? or shall we destroy him? 2. Beware of ignorance and sloth, and be guided by wisdom. 3. (2) Are they Hebrews? Are they all Hebrews? (4) Are they Hebrews from Palestine? 4. What does the word person mean? That which consists in one's own self, and not any part or quality in another. 5. Is not water the best and safest of all kinds of drink? 6. NATURE-and (4) REASONyes. 7. The mind-is its own place; and, in itself, can make a heavenof hell; or hell of heaven.


Good name-in man, or woman,
Is the immediate jewel of their souls:

Who steals my purse, steals trash, 'tis something, nothing: 'Twas mine, 'tis his, and has been slave to thousands; But he, who filches from me my good name, Robs me of that which not enriches him, And makes me-poor indeed. Where is the true man's father-land? Is it where he, by chance, is born? Doth not the yearning spirit-scornIn such scant borders to be spann'd? O, yes! his father-land must beAs the blue heaven-wide-and free. Anecdote. A Quaker, who had a great horror of soldiers, on seeing one jump into the Thames, and save a person who was drowning, said on the occasion, "I shall always be a Quaker; but soldiers are good creatures."

What is it, Man, prevents thy God,
From making thee his blest abode?
He says he loves thee, wills thee heaven,
And for thy good-has blessings given.
I'll tell thee-'Tis thy love of self,
Thy love of rule-thy love of pelf,
Bind thee to earth-and all her toys,
And robs thee-of substantial joys.
Heaven's gates-are not so highly arched-
As prince's palaces; they who enter there,
Must go-upon their knees.

Proverbs. 1. New times, demand new measures, and new men. 2. Pride-either finds a desert, or makes one. 3. Want of feeling, is one of the worst faults of elocution. 4. He, that catches at more than belongs to him, deserves to lose what he has. 5. Books--associate us with the thinking, and give us the material of thought. 6. Either be silent, or speak what is better than silence. 7. He, who resolves to amend, has God, have a thing kept secret, never tell it; and if you and all good beings, on his side. 8. If you would would not have any thing told of you, never do it. 9. The shortest answer-is doing a thing. 10. Friends-got without desert, will be lost without a cause. 11. Never speak what is not true. 12. If it is not decent, never do it.

Selfishness. The selfish-look upon themselves, as if they were all the world, and no man beside concerned therein; that the good state of things is to be measured by their condition; that all is well, if they do prosper and thrive; all is ill, if they be disappointed in their desires and projects. The good of no man, not of their brethren, not of their friends, not of their country, doth come under their consideration.

Varieties. 1. If we feel well, shall we not try to make others feel so? 2. May not the constitution be injured by over-nursing, and the mind unnerved, by being prevented from relying upon its own resources? 3. Is it expedient to wear mourning apparel! 4. Does curiosity, or love of truth and goodness, induce you to study history? 5. Has the study of the classics, an immoral tendency?

6. Who would be an old maid, or an old bachelor? 7. What is Botany? The science of Plants. 8. Can friendship-exist without sympathy? 9. Is a free or despotic government, more conducive to human happiness? 10. Ought not human nature-to be a chief study of mankind? 11. Are gold and silver mines, on the whole, beneficial to a nation? 12. Is it right, to oblige a jury to give a unanimous verdict?

This little book-I'd rather own,

Than all the gold and gems,
That e'er in monarch's coffers shone,
Than all their diadems.
Nay, were the seas-one chrysolite,
The earth a golden ball,
And diamonds all the stars of night,

This book-were worth them all.
Here, He who died on Calvary's tree,
Hath made that promise--blest;
"Ye heavy-laden, come to me,
And I will give you rest.

A bruised reed--I will not break,
A contrite heart--despise ;
My burden's light, and all, who take
My yoke, shall win the skies !"

The humble man, when he receives a wrong,
Refers revenge-to whom it doth belong.

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