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617 TOULON 10 10 10 10

The Geneva Psalter, 1543


1. God of the prophets! Bless the prophets' sons;


man tle o'er Elisha cast; Each age its sol

emn task may

claim but once; Make each one no- bler, stron-ger than the


last. A-MEN.

2 Anoint them prophets! Make their ears attend
To Thy divinest speech; their hearts awake
To human need; their lips make eloquent
To assure the right, and every evil break.

3 Anoint them priests! Strong intercessors they
For pardon, and for charity and peace!
Ah, if with them the world might pass, astray,
Into the dear Christ's life of sacrifice.

4 Anoint them kings! Aye kingly kings, O Lord!
Anoint them with the spirit of Thy Son!
Theirs, not a jewelled crown, a blood-stained sword;
Theirs, by sweet love, for Christ a kingdom won.

5 Make them apostles! Heralds of Thy cross;

Forth may they go to tell all realms Thy grace;
Inspired of Thee, may they count all but loss,
And stand at last with joy before Thy face.

6 O mighty age of prophet-kings, return!
O truth, O faith, enrich our urgent time!
Lord Jesus Christ, again with us sojourn;
A weary world awaits Thy reign sublime.

[blocks in formation]

618 SAINTS' DAYS 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6

Samuel Smith, 1870


1. Lord of the living har - vest That whitens o'er the plain,

9:24 bb4

Where angels soon shall gath er Their sheaves of

gold- en grain;


Accept these hands to labor, These hearts to trust and love,

And deign with them to hast - en

Thy king- dom from a - bove. A-MEN.

2 As laborers in Thy vineyard
Still faithful may they be,
Content to bear the burden

Of weary days for Thee;
To ask no other wages,

When Thou shalt call them home,
But to have shared the travail

Which makes Thy kingdom come.

3 Come down, Thou Holy Spirit,
And fill their souls with light;
Clothe them in spotless raiment,
In vesture clean and white;
Within Thy sacred temple

Be with them where they stand,
To guide and teach Thy people
Throughout our native land.

John S. B. Monsell, 1866

619 HOLLEY L. M.

George Hews, 1835

1. Pour out Thy Spir - it from on high; Lord, Thine or-dain - ed ser-vants bless;


Grac-es and gifts to

each sup-ply, And clothe Thy priests with righteousness. AMEN.

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His true saints a - lone The courts of heav'n are filled: On His great

love our hopes we place Of present grace and joys a- bove. A-MEN.

[blocks in formation]

622 REGENT SQUARE 8 7 8 7 8 7


Henry Smart, 1867

1. Christ is made the sure foun-da- tion, Christ the head and corner- stone,

94 4

Chos - en of

the Lord, and pre-cious, Bind- ing all

the Church in one;

Holy Zion's help for ever, And her confidence alone. A-MEN.

2 All that dedicated city,

Dearly loved of God on high,

In exultant jubilation

Pours perpetual melody;
God the One in Three adoring
In glad hymns eternally.

3 To this temple, where we call Thee,
Come, O Lord of hosts, to-day:
With Thy wonted loving-kindness,
Hear Thy people as they pray;

And Thy fullest benediction
Shed within its walls alway.

4 Here vouchsafe to all Thy servants
What they ask of Thee to gain,
What they gain from Thee for ever
With the blessed to retain,
And hereafter in Thy glory

Evermore with Thee to reign.

Anon. (Latin, 6th or 7th Cent.) Tr. James M. Neale, 1851

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