He at the building of this Sheepfold wrought, And left the work unfinished when he died. Three years, or little more, did Isabel Survive her Husband: at her death the estate Was sold, and went into a stranger's hand. The Cottage which was named the EVENING... The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth - Стр. 268авторы: William Wordsworth - 1827Полный просмотр - Подробнее о книге
 | William Wordsworth - 1800 - Страниц: 240
...Sheep-fold wrought, And left the work unfinished when he died. Three years, or little more, did Isabel, Survive her Husband : at her death the estate Was...went into a Stranger's hand. The Cottage which was nam'd The Evening Star Is gone, the ploughshare has been through the ground On which it stood ; great... | |
 | William Wordsworth - 1802 - Страниц: 356
...Sheep-fold wrought And left the work unfinish'd when he died. Three years, or little more, did Isabel, Survive her Husband: At her death the estate Was sold,...went into a Stranger's hand. The Cottage, which was »am'd the Evening Star, Is gone, the ploughshare has been through the ground On which it stood; great... | |
 | William Wordsworth - 1805 - Страниц: 262
...Sheep-fold wrought, And left the work unfinished when he died. Three years, or little more, did Isabel Survive her Husband : at her death the estate Was sold, and went into a Stranger's hand. The Cottage wh ich was named The E v BN ; NG ST AK Is gone — the ploughshare has been through the ground On which... | |
 | British poets - 1828 - Страниц: 838
...Sheep-fold wrought, \MI| left the work unfinished when he died. Three years, or little more, did Isabel ; u stranger's hand. The Cottage which was namedTnE EVENINGSTAB fsgone — the ploughshare has been through... | |
 | William Wordsworth - 1845 - Страниц: 660
...died. Three years, or little more, did Isabel Survive her Husband : at her death the estate WM eoU, and went into a stranger's hand. The Cottage which was named the EVENING STAR U gone— the ploughshare has been through the ground On which it stood ; great changes have been wrought... | |
 | William Wordsworth - 1845 - Страниц: 688
...died. Three years, or little more, did Isabel Survive her Husband : at her death the estate Was »old, and went into a stranger's hand. The Cottage which was named the EVENING STAR s gone — the ploughshare has been through the ground On which it stood ; great changes have been... | |
 | William Wordsworth - 1849 - Страниц: 668
...Sheep-fold wrought, Ami left the work unfinished when he died. Three years, or little more, did Isabel Survive her Husband : at her death the estate Was...stranger's hand. The Cottage which was named the EVENING STAB Ь gone — the ploughshare has been through the ground On which it stood ; great changes have... | |
 | William Wordsworth - 1851 - Страниц: 750
...sheep-fold wrought. And left the %?ork unfinished when he died. Three years, or little more, did Isabel Survive her Husband : at her death the estate Was sold, and went into a Stranger's hand. The Collage which was named the EVENING STAR Is gone — the ploughshare has been through the ground On... | |
 | William Wordsworth - 1853 - Страниц: 298
...sheep-fold wrought, And left the work unfinished when he died. Three years, or little more, did Isabel Survive her Husband : at her death the estate Was...a stranger's hand. The Cottage which was named the EVENINO STAR Is gone — the ploughshare has been through the ground On which it stood; great changes... | |
 | William Wordsworth - 1854 - Страниц: 786
...sheep-fold wrought, And left the work unfinished when he died. Three years, or little more, did Isabel Survive her Husband : at her death the estate Was...a Stranger's hand. The Cottage which was named the ETENINO STAR Is gone — the ploughshare has been through the ground On which it stood ; great changes... | |
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