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Members' Prizes.

Subjects for the present year.


Quales fuerunt antiquorum philosophorum de animi immortalitate opiniones, et ex quânam origine ducta?


Hebrew Scholarships.

At the congregation on the 14th March, the following regulations concerning the Hebrew Scholarships passed the Senate :-~1. That there shall in future be siz scholarships, called Tyrwhitt's Hebrew Scholarships.

[The second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth are nearly similar to the former regulations.]

9. That two scholars be elected annually, and be called scholars of the first and second classes: that a scholar of the first class receive an annual stipend of 30%. and a scholar of the second class an annual stipend of 201. for three years from the time of election; and that the first election under these regulations take place in May, 1826, the second in May, 1827.

10. That should it appear in any case to the majority of the electors, that no one of the candidates is deserving of a scholarship of the first class, it shall be competent for them to elect one of the second class only.

11. That in the event of one scholar only being elected, the Examiners be empowered at the election of the following year, to elect three scholars upon this foundation: viz. two of the first class, and one of the second: that the first in the order of merit be the scholar of the first class for that year; the second in the order of merit supply the vacancy left at the preceding election, and be entitled to all the emoluments assigned to that scholarship; viz. the stipend of the preceding year, and also the regular stipends of the two succeeding years, during which, and no longer, he shall remain upon this foundation; and that the third be the scholar of the second class for that year.

12. That if any scholarship, reserved under the powers of the tenth regulation, be not filled up at the examination of the following year, the whole proceeds of such scholarship shall be appropriated in the manner hereinafter mentioned.

13. That the residue of the net annual

Quibusnam præcipuè artibus recentiores proceeds of Mr. Tyrwhitt's benefaction,

antiquos exsuperant?

Chancellor's Gold Medal.

(for the best English Poem by a Resident Under-Graduate.) Subject-Venice.

Joseph Sumner Brockhurst, St. John's College.


not already disposed of by the third of these resolutions, together with all accumulations which may arise under the tenth and twelfth resolutions, form a fund to be employed in the following manner: viz. that a premium of not less than 50%. be given, as often as this fund will allow, for such a latin dissertation upon some subject connected with Hebrew literature,

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as may be agreed upon by the Electors or the majority of them.

14. That the subject of such dissertation be published on or before the first day of February, and that the dissertations be sent to the Vice-Chancellor, in the usual manner, on or before the first day of December in the same year.

15. That any member of this University, who has taken his first degree, may be a candidate for the above premium.

16. That the examiners, if they think it expedient, be empowered to print any prize dissertation at the expence of this fund; and that all prize dissertations not printed under their direction, be deposited in the public library.

17. That the foregoing regulations continue in force until the first day of January, 1830.




Ammon, Dr. C. F. v. Handduch der Unleitung zur Kanzelberedsamfeit für evangelische Religionslehrer. Dritte verm. Aufl. gr. 8.

Annalen, neueste theologische, und theolog. Nachrichten. Herausgeg. vom. Dr. Johannes Schulthess. Jahrg. 1826. 8. Zurich.

Arndt, C. F. L. de loco, qui exstat apud Jesaiam cap. xxiv-xxvii. vindicando et explicando commentatio. 4. Hamburgi.

Augusti, Dr. Joh. Chr. Wilh. Grundriss einer historisch kritischen Einleitung ins alte Testament. Zweite verm. Aufl. gr. 8. Leipzig.

Augustinus, des heiligen, zwei und zwanzig Bücher von der Stadt Gottes. Aus dem Lat. der Mauriner Ausgabe übers. von. I. P. Silbert. 2 Bde. gr. 8. Wien.

Bibelfreund. Fine Zeitschrift zur Belehrung und Erbauung in zwanglosen Heften herausg. von M. T. G. Grobe. 1r Bd. 2s. H. gr. 8. Hildburghausen.

Biblia sacra vulgatæ editionis, Sixti V., et Clementis VIII. pontificis maximi jussu recognita atque edita, editio nova versiculis distincta. gr. 8. Parisiis.

Bibliotheca sacra Patrum ecclesiæ Græcorum. Pars II. contin. Josephi opera omnia, ed. C. E. Richter. Vol. II. 8. Lipsiæ.

Böhme, Chr. Fr. de spe Messiana apostolica. 8. Halæ.

Branis, Dr. Ch. I. de notione philosophiæ christianæ. 8. Vratislaviæ.

Commentationes theologica, ediderunt E. F. C. Rosenmüller, G. H. L. Fuldner et J. V. D. J. Maurer. Tomi I. Pars 2da. Tom. II. Pars I. maj. Lipsiæ.

Conventio inter Pium VII. summum pontificem, et Maximilianum Josephum, Bavariæ regem, et bullæ Pii VII. ac Leonis XII. P. P. de constituenda re sacra in terris Borussicis Hannoveranisque. (Appendix ad G. Wiesii jus ecclesiasticum.) 8. Gottingæ."

De imitatione Christi libri IV. ad pervetustum exemplar, internarum consolationum dictum, nec non ad codices alios ex diversa regione, ac editiones ævo et nota insigniores, variis nunc primum lectionibus subjunctis, recensiti et indicibus locupletati; stud I. B. M. Gence. 8 maj. Argentorati, Treuttel et Würtz.

Flatt, J. Fr. de, opuscula theologica, post obitum autoris collecta atque edita a M. C. F. Süskind. 8 maj. Tubinga.

Fleck, F. L. de regno Christi dissertatio. 8 maj. Lipsia.

Fuhrmann, M. D. Handworterbuch der christl. Religions u. Kirchengeschichte. Zugleich als Hülfsmittel beim Gebrauch der Tabellen v. Seiler, Rosenmüller u. Bater. Rebst e. Abhandl. üb. die Michtigfeit und die Methodif des Studiums der Kirchengesch. für praft. Religionslehrer v. A. H. Niemeyer. 1r Bd. gr. 8. Halle.

Für Christenthum u. Gottesgelahrtheit. Fine Oppositionsschrift, zu Anfange d. viert. Jahrh. d. evangelisch. protest. Kirche in Quartalheften herausg. v. T. G. Bretschneider u. M. Schröter. IX. Bd. 1. 2. Hft. gr. 8. Jena.

Geffken, J. Historia Semipelagianismi antiquissima; accedunt fragmenta e codice manuscripto versionis Cassiani germanicæ. 4 maj. Gottinga.

Hartmann, D. A. T. de Thesauro linguæ Hebraicæ e Mischna augendo. Commentationes III. 4 maj. Rostochii.

Jansenii, Corn. Laerdamensis, Tetrarchus, sive Commentarius in sancta evangelia. Editio nova, cæteris multo correctior et emendatior. 2 tomi. charta script. 8 maj. Mogunt.

Leben grosser religiöser Männer mit ihren unsichten über die merfwürdigsten Gegenstände d. Religion. Herausg. v. Diana. 2 Bde. m. Kpf. 8. Dünfelsbühl.

Liebermann, Fr. L. B. institutiones theologica. Tom. I. complect. prolegomena in universam theologiam et demonstrationem religionis christianæ. Editio secunda. 8 maj. Mogunt.

Lommatsch, C. H. G. Narratio de Friderico Myconio, primo Diœceseos Gothanæ superintendente, atque ecclesiæ et academiæ Lipsiensis ante hæc tria fere secula reformatore. 8 maj. Annæbergæ.

Magazin für catholische Geistliche. Herausg. von. J. G. Röberle. Jahr 1826. 2 Bde. 8. Landshut.

Menfen, Gfr. das Glaudensbecenntnik der christl. Kirche, nebst der nöthigen Einleitung dazu. Dritte verm. Aufl. gr. 8. Bremen.

Oberthür, J. biblische Anthropologie. 4. Bde. Zweite verb. Ausg. gr. 8. Münster. Onymus, A. J. die Glaubenslehre der Catholischen Kirche, practisch vorgetragen, 3 Abtheilungen nebst den Prinzipien der Glaubenslehre. Zweite verbess. Aufl. gr. 8. Sulzbach.

Sanchoniathonis Bepytii, quæ feruntur fragmenta de cosmogonia et theologia Phænicum. Græce versa a Philone Byblio servata ab Eusebio Cæs. præparationis evangelica Lib. 1 Cap. VI et VII. Græce et Latine recogn. emend. notis select. Scaligeri, Bocharti, G. J. Vossii, Cumberlandi et al. permult. suisque Animadversion. illustr. J. C. Orellius. 8 maj. Lipsiæ.

Testamentum, novum, græce. Textui ante Griesbachium vulgo recepto additur lectionum variantium earum præcipue, quæ a Griesbachio potiores censentur delectus. 2 Tomi. 8. Basileæ.

Testamentum, novum, græce, perpetua annotatione illustratum. Editionis Koppianæ Vol. VII. particula 2da. Complectens epistolas Pauli ad Philippenses et ColosContinuavit I. H. Heinrichs. Editio alt. emendatior. 8 maj. Gottinga, Dieterich. Etiam sub titulo: Pauli epistolæ ad Philippenses et Colossenses etc.


Tholuct, A. die speculative Trinitätslehre des neuern Orients; eine religionsphilosophische Monographie aus handschriftlichen Quellen der Lendener, Oxforder u. Berliner Bibliothec. gr. 8. Berlin.

Valett, J. J. M. Spiritualismus seu Jesu Christi de nobis merita secundum Mathæi Evangelium. In usum auditorum. 8. Hannoveræ.

Wochenblatt für Prediger u. Schullehrer der Preuk. Monarchie. Herausg. v. J. C. Müller. 7r Jahrg. 1826. 4. Erfurt.

Zenger, C. J. T. Homilien der höhern Gattung über die sonntägigen Evangelieu des Jahres, 2 Thle. Zweite verb. Aufl. 8. Sulzbach.

Zur Erläuterung der sonn- und festtägigen Perifopen des neuen Meimarischen Evangelienbuches; Einleitungen, Predigtentwürfe und Auszüge. Herausg. v. Meissner, Frenfel und Anger. 1r Jahrg. 7s Heft; 2r Jahrg. 4s u. 5s Heft. 8. Neustadt a. d. D. Wagner.





Vie de Scipion de Ricci, Eveque de Pistoia et de Prato, et Reformateur du Catholicisme en Toscane, Sous le Regne de Leopold. Composee sur les MSS. Autographes de ce prelat et d'autres personnages celebres du Siecle dernier et suivie de pieces justificatives, tirees des Archives de M. Le Commandeur Lapo de Ricci a Florence. Par DE POTTER. 8 vols. 8vo. Bruxelles. Tarlier. 1825.

THE struggle between the true faith and the false, between the ambition, the tyranny and the delusions of Popery, and the sincerity, the freedom, and the holy truth of Protestantism, is hourly pressing closer on the public mind of England. The contest has been removed from the Continent; lassitude or infidelity have in a large portion of Reformed Europe obscured the great original spirit of the Reformation. But England is still the citadel of the truth; filled with powerful minds and pure hearts pledged to the Gospel, recollections of old heroic labours against the grand corruption of Christianity, and strong and faithful contemplations of the coming triumph of the Scriptures; hopes kindled at the very altar of prophecy and of God.

Popery, exiled from the British constitution by its total inaptitude for promoting the beneficent purposes of society, by its remorseless cruelty, and perhaps still more by the progress of that high visitation by whose fires it shall soon or late be smitten into dust and ashes, is now exerting itself with redoubled zeal for absolute power. Equality of privileges is out of the question. No man who knows the history of the papacy, or can measure the meanings involved in the Romish claims of infallibility, indivisibility and originality, can doubt that its unpurpose is, to put all other forms of faith and so




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