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Sweet influence! and thou, fairest of stars,
Eye of the morning, weep! and weep at eve!
Weep, setting now to rise no more, 'and flame
On forehead of the dawn!' as sung the bard;
Great bard! who used on earth a seraph's lyre,
Whose numbers wandered through eternity,
And gave sweet foretaste of the heavenly harps.
Minstrel of sorrow! native of the dark!
Shrub-loving Philomel! that wooed the dews
At midnight from their starry beds, and, charmed,
Held them around thy song till dawn awoke!
Sad bird! pour thro' the gloom thy weeping song!
Pour all thy dying melody of grief,

And with the turtle spread the wave of wo!
Spare not thy reed, for thou shalt sing no more."


"Ye holy bards! if yet a holy bard

Remain, what chord shall serve you now? what harp

What harp shall sing the dying sun asleep,
And mourn behind the funeral of the moon!
What harp of boundless, deep, exhaustless wo,
Shall utter forth the groanings of the damned;
And sing the obsequies of wicked souls;
And wail their plunge in the eternal fire!
Hold, hold your hands! hold, angels! God laments,
And draws a cloud of mourning round his throne;
The Organ of Eternity is mute;

And there is silence in the heaven of heavens.

"Daughters of beauty! choice of beings made! Much praised, much blamed, much loved; but fairer far

Than aught beheld, than aught imagined else
Fairest, and dearer than all else most dear;
Light of the darksome wilderness! to Time

As stars to night, whose eyes were spells that held
The passenger forgetful of his way;

Whose steps were majesty; whose words were


Whose smiles were hope; whose actions, perfect grace;

Whose love, the solace, glory, and delight
Of man; his boast, his riches, his renown:
When found, sufficient bliss; when lost, despair.
Stars of creation! images of love!

Break up the fountains of your tears; your tears,
More eloquent than learned tongue, or lyre
Of purest note; your sunny raiment stain;
Put dust upon your heads; lament and weep;
And utter all your minstrelsy of wo.

"Go to, ye wicked! weep and howl; for all
That God hath written against you is at hand.
The cry of violence hath reached his ear;
Hell is prepared; and Justice whets his sword.
Weep, all of every name: begin the wo,
Ye woods, and tell it to the doleful winds;
And doleful winds, wail to the howling hills;
And howling hills, mourn to the dismal vales;
And dismal vales, sigh to the sorrowing brooks;
And sorrowing brooks, weep to the weeping stream;

And weeping stream, awake the groaning deep;
And let the instrument take up the song,
Responsive to the voice-harmonious wo!
Ye heavens, great archway of the universe!
Put sackcloth on; and, Ocean, clothe thyself
In garb of widowhood, and gather all
Thy waves into a groan, and utter it-

Long, loud, deep, piercing, dolorous, immense:
The occasion asks it; Nature dies; and God
And angels come to lay her in the grave!"


"But we have overleaped our theme: behind,
A little season, waits a verse or two:
The years that followed the millenial rest.
Bad years they were; and first, as signal sure,
That at the core religion was diseased,
The sons of Levi strove again for place,
And eminence, and names of swelling pomp,
Setting their feet upon the people's neck,
And slumbering in the lap of civil power;
Of civil power again tyrannical.

And second sign, sure sign, whenever seen,
That holiness was dying in a land,

The Sabbath was profaned, and set at naught;
The honest seer, who spoke the truth of God
Plainly, was left with empty walls; and round
The frothy orator, who busked his tales
In quackish pomp of noisy words, the ear
Tickling, but leaving still the heart unprobed,
The judgment uninformed, numbers immense


Flocked, gaping wide, with passions high inflamed;
And on the way returning, heated, home,
Of eloquence, and not of truth, conversed;
Mean eloquence that wanted sacred truth."


"Two principles from the beginning strove
In human nature, still dividing man:
Sloth and activity, the lust of praise,

And indolence, that rather wished to sleep;
And not unfrequently, in the same mind,
They dubious contest held; one gaining now,
And now the other crowned, and both again
Keeping the field, with equal combat fought.
Much different was their voice: Ambition called
To action; Sloth invited to repose;
Ambition early rose, and, being up,

Toiled ardently, and late retired to rest;
Sloth lay till mid-day, turning on his couch,
Like ponderous door upon its weary hinge,
And having rolled him out with much ado,
And many a dismal sigh, and vain attempt,
He sauntered out accoutred carelessly,
With half-oped, misty, unobservant eye,
Somniferous, that weighed the object down
On which its burden fell, an hour or two,
Then with a groan retired to rest again.
The one, whatever deed had been achieved,
Thought it too little, and too small the praise;
The other tried to think--for thinking so
Answered his purpose best-that what of great

Mankind could do, had been already done;
And therefore laid him calmly down to sleep.
"Different in mode, destructive both alike;
Destructive always indolence; and love
Of fame destructive always too, if less

Than praise of God it sought, content with less;
Even then not current, if it sought his praise
From other motive than resistless love;
Though base, main-spring of action in the world;
And under name of vanity and pride,

Was greatly practiced on by cunning men.
It opened the niggard's purse; clothed nakedness;
Gave beggars food; and threw the Pharisee
Upon his knees, and kept him long in act



it spread the lace upon the fop, His language trimmed, and planned his curious gait; It stuck the feather on the gay coquette,

And on her finger laid the heavy load
Of jewelry; it did-what did it not?

The gospel preached, the gospel paid, and sent
The gospel; conquered nations; cities built;
Measured the furrow of the field with nice
Directed share; shaped bulls, and cows, and rams;
And threw the ponderous stone; and, pitiful,
Indeed, and much against the grain, it dragged
The stagnant, dull, predestinated fool
Through learning's halls, and made him labor much
Abortively; though sometimes not unpraised
He left the sage's chair, and home returned,
Making his simple mother think that she

Had borne a man. In schools, designed to root

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