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Published by the Trustees of the late PETER DRUMMOND, at Drummond's Tract Depot, Stirling, N.B.

"Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature."

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N the year 1866, when the railway was being made in this district, a case of clear conversion and very decided testimony for Christ occurred, which is worthy of

No. 293.-MAY, 1881.

being recorded. The means used by the Holy Spirit was an article in a periodical for December, 1866, entitled, "The Good Old Gospel."

Having read it with great delight, the thought struck me that it con



"My people shall know My name" (ISAIAH LII. 6).

tained the very truth which would was seized with an internal disease

meet the case of a very intelligent master mason with whom I had been speaking, and whose ideas on the subject of salvation were not correct and satisfactory. He thought there was a great deal yet to be done before he could be saved. Well, I hastened to him with the periodical, and said, "Mr. M- here is a paper with an article in it on the Gospel; I wish you would read it carefully and tell me what you think of it."

A few days after that I saw him at his work, and said to him, "Well, Mr.

have you read the article?" With a frankness and readiness for which he was remarkable, he replied, "Yes, I have, and I never understood the true Gospel before. I could never clearly see whether the Gospel was about what Christ had done, or what we had to do; but I understand it now; I see it all clear now. I am satisfied that

Christ has done the mighty work, necessary to satisfy God's justice, and that I have just to believe in Him and be saved."

That was his first relief by faith; and what the Holy Spirit showed to him in the reading of that article became the groundwork of a growth in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ, which went on rapidly to the day of his death.


of which he died. During his illness his confidence in Christ remained unshaken. His testimony for Christ was hearty and distinct. He spoke to those who visited him of the true Gospel with intelligence and emphasis; and after months of severe suffering he departed in peace, and in the unclouded hope of being with Christ, which is far better. He became by grace one of the living stones of which the Great Architect is building a spiritual temple to Himself. He came amongst us a stranger; and though interrupted in his early undertaking, and had to leave it to another to finish, he found in Christ a finished salvation. now he rests from his labours, waiting the resurrection of the just, and the manifestation of the sons of God.


Reader, do you know and believe the old Gospel? It tells you of the perfect righteousness of Christ, which God will impute to you if you believe in His name. It tells you of precious blood, with which

God will put away your sins, if you will ask Him to do it. It tells you of sufficient grace, which God will give to you; and all without money and without price.

These are things which God will do for you and give unto you, if you will only come to Him and condescend Not long after his conversion he to ask Him. Strange word that to

"In the way of righteousness is life" (PROVERBS XII. 28).

use in regard to a sinner who has nothing to expect from God but merited wrath and punishment—the wages for which he has wrought. Rather let us say, the sinner should leap for joy when told by the good old Gospel, that

God is waiting to be gracious, and ready to bestow the very blessings which every sinner needs, and which no sinner can claim on any ground of merit in himself. You have not to make out a title before you come. You are invited to come with the title which you have, just as you are, and you will find, to your unutterable joy, that the salvation of God is yours.-Rev. William Gebbie, Dunlop.

Religion and Temperance. PROTEST against that old argument which has been used, now a little too long, by many good people, that as soon as ever a minister of the Gospel who desires to do good in his generation joins this glorious total abstinence cause, he is putting total abstinence in the place of the Gospel. What do they think that we have not yet learned that the Gospel of Jesus, wherever it comes into the human heart, is the only

balm for the sins and sorrows of the human race; that if it were received into all hearts, it would cure every ill against which we plead?

But I do say this, that

Total Abstinence has been to many a man the first step towards religion.

"Cease to do evil," while "learning to do
well." There may be men and women here
who have not, perhaps, bent the knee in
If they
prayer to God for many years.
were to go home this night and pray to
Him, though it be with stammering lips,
that might be the Rubicon of their
spiritual history. Why? Because praying
would save them? No; none but Christ
can do that. But because prayer, though
a little thing in itself, is generally the first
step of a struggling soul towards Christ
as its Saviour. And so, though not quite
in the same sense, we believe it has often
been with total abstinence.-Rev. Canon

Are We Real?

O we daily prove we are Christ's disciples ?

Can the world be sure we are taught of Him?
Does she see His peace on our brow imprinted?
A light in our eye, which no cloud can dim?
Does she see us sunny, and even-tempered?

Is the yoke of service with grace put on?
Do we calmly bear what would once have pained us?
From the bitter word is the sharpness gone?
When a trial comes, can we meet it bravely,
Assured that in all things God's way is best?
In the whirl of life are we undistracted,

As the "passers on" to a perfect rest?
When the world is watching her brilliant statesmen,
Does she see us waiting for HIM to reign
Who shall rule all nations with no shortcomings,
And stablish an era of peace again?

Can our Saviour see we are His disciples?
Is our love to Him not a mere profession:
Will He say, "Well done!" unto me and you?

Deep down in our hearts are we loyal and true ?

IN our searches after truth, inquire for the old way, the wells which our fathers digged, which the adversaries of the truth have stopped up.-Matthew Henry.


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"I am the Lord: that is My name (ISAIAH XLII. 8).

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THE author of the following Scriptural Alphabet in verse on the titles of our Lord Jesus Christ was John Stewart Gillies, who died in 1870, at the age of twenty-four. Although from his earliest years the subject of a disease which produced intense suffering, the pains of his body did not cause him to forget that he was a guilty sinner in the sight of God; and under the teaching of the Holy Spirit he was enabled to see Jesus as the only Saviour, and to come to Him as the Great Physician for the hea'ing of his sin-sick soul. Notwithstanding his constant sufferings, he found pleasure in studying the Word of God, and forming chains of Scripture truth, which he got written out; and, by the Divine blessing, these humble efforts were no doubt helpful in some instances in directing attention to "the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the world":

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Vis the Vine-how refreshing its load !



John xv. 5.

's the Way to the Father on high.

John xiv. 6.

our 'Xample to live and to die.

1 Peter ii. 21.

Y is His Yoke, which is easy to bear.

Matthew xi. 29, 30.

Z is the Zeal for the house of His care.

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"Keep My commandments, and live" (PROVERBS VII. 2).




WAI.R. Cheshire Le





HEN visiting a large market town in the south of Scotland, through which a beautiful river flows rapidly along to the sea, and on taking a solitary walk near its banks, I could not help thinking how very soon all the sixteen thousand inhabitants of the town, young and old, are to be

swept into eternity, to give in their final account to God-according to the Ninetieth Psalm "Thou carriest them away as with a flood."

Continuing my rambles, and stirred by such solemn thoughts, I resolved to speak to some I might meet with the way about their souls-at the same time offering them such tracts or other papers as I had with me.


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