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The municipal officer to be successful today cannot limit his knowledge of municipal affairs to the experiences of his own community. All over the country municipal officers are organizing to investigate the problems of the village and city, to compare notes and to co-operate in the interest of their towns. The League of Minnesota Municipalities was organized to secure these advantages for the villages and cities of Minnesota.

At the first convention held in St. Paul, 114 delegates registered. A year later 139 municipal officers attended the Mankato meeting. At the recent Virginia convention 239 delegates were in attendance. During this two year period the membership of affiliated towns jumped from 51 to over 100. This growth and interest in its activities indicates that the League has an important and permanent function to perform in the improvement of municipal administration.

From the beginning the need has been felt for a closer relationship between the headquarters of the League and the membership municipalities. To secure this the Executive Committee, at a recent meeting, decided to discontinue the publication of the proceedings in a single volume and authorized the issuance of serial municipal bulletins.

MINNESOTA MUNICIPALITIES is to be the clearing house for the interchange of ideas and civic news between the members of the League. A large portion of the magazine will be given over to the papers and discussions of the annual conventions. It is proposed, however, to devote considerable space to current municipal affairs. The replies to inquiries received by the Municipal Reference Bureau will be presented when they are of general interest. Frederic H. Bass, who will serve as associate editor, has kindly consented to assume responsibility for the technical engineering aspects of municipal administration. In this issue he writes about Virginia's new sewage disposal plant.

The most useful service this bulletin can render is to record the activi

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