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to be eight or ten feet high, but there are other species that become fair sized.



The wild plum makes an attractive thicket, but in a park the ripening fruits in the fall are almost too great a temptation, so that the trees are apt to get broken down and injured.

Wild Rose

The wild roses of the timber borders in the prairie regions, Rosa Sayi and Rosa Maximiliani, are very desirable for covering rough banks. They are interesting both in flower and fruit, and in the fall their leaves take on beautiful colors. Rosa Rugosa from Siberia has fine foliage, and blooms the whole summer thru.



The Forty-fourth Annual Convention of the State Fire Department Association, and the Iron Range Firemen's Association Tournament are to be held at Chisholm during the four days June 13, 14, 15 and 16. Chief McAlpine of the Chisholm Fire Department is chairman of the Executive Committee, and the entertainment committee comprises the entire population of the municipality.

Duluth and St. Paul are both working upon the billboard problem, and promise to make provisions in their new ordinances as adequate as any in the United States.

The Charter Commission of Thief River Falls has recently finished drafting a charter for the consideration of that city. In Little Falls a Charter Commission has been erected. Some consideration is being given charter modifications in Duluth, Ely, Albert

Lea, Brainerd, and East Grand Forks. Grand Meadow has voted to relinquish her special village charter, and Kasson has voted upon the like question.

Professor Bass intends visiting Milwaukee during the summer, and while there will examine the new "activated sludge" sewage disposal plant. In a later number he will give the readers of Minnesota Municipalities the benefits of his observation and comments on the new process and plant.

The Eighth National Conference on City Planning will be held at Cleveland, Ohio, June 5 to 7, inclusive. The program will be opened with a consideration of the automobile and the city plan, and will include discussions of many other timely matters.


This column is to give you the chance to learn the best things your neighbor cities are doing, and to tell your neighbor cities the best things you are doing. Help along by sending in notes or clippings from your newspaper, or have the editor put League headquarters on his mailing list. Tell it.


Municipal Accounting, by DeWitt C. Eggleston, (456 pp., Ronald Press Co., N. Y.) A comprehensive survey of the subject with a discussion of budget making, purchasing systems, municipal stores control, cost keeping, the use of charts, and with a large number of suggested forms. The book is filled with valuable suggestions. It is largely based upon the operations and needs of large cities, but has a chapter on "Accounting for Small Cities."

Municipal officials can secure a most valuable Census Bulletin for the asking. It is "General Statistics of Cities,

1915," and gives very full information relating to governmental organization, police departments, liquor traffic, and municipally owned water supply systems in cities of over 30,000 population. It may be procured by a request addressed to your Congressman or Senator, or to Mr. Sam L. Rogers, Director of the Census, Washington, D. C.

The Committee on Municipal Program of the National Municipal League has prepared a model City Charter, and Home Rule provisions therewith, which can be procured by addressing a request to the Secretary of the League at Philadelphia.

The books mentioned in this column are on file in the Municipal Reference Bureau of the University of Minnesota and may be borrowed for short periods by municipal officials of Minnesota upon payment of postage.



The Municipal Reference Bureau of the General Extension Division of the University of Minnesota is conducted for the purpose of supplying information and material to municipal officials and others who may inquire, on any subject connected with municipal government and administration. Through it the services of the greatest libraries of the state are made available to help in solving the problems of the municipalities of the state. Address your inquiry to Municipal Reference Bureau, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, and it will be given prompt and thorough consideration.

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