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world, speaking various languages, and imbued with different feelings and prejudices, no form of government, no system of laws, can be expected to meet with immediate and unanimous assent. It is to be remembered, moreover, that a considerable portion of our fellow-citizens are natives of Old Spain, Californians, and those who have voluntarily relinquished the rights of Mexicans to enjoy those of American citizens. Long accustomed to a different form of government, regarding the rights of person and of property as interwoven with ancient usages and time-honored customs, they may not at once see the advantages of the proposed new government, or yield an immediate approval of new laws, however salutary their provisions, or conducive to the general welfare. But it is confidently believed, when the government as now proposed shall have gone into successful operation; when each department thereof shall move on harmoniously in its appropriate and respective sphere; when laws, bassed on the eternal principles of equity and justice, shall be established; when every citizen of California, shall find himself secure in life, liberty and property-all will unite in the cordial support of institutions, which are not only the pride and boast of every true-hearted citizen of the Union, but have gone forth, a guiding light to every people groping through the gloom of religious superstition or political fanaticism-institutions, which even now, while all Europe is agitated with the convulsive efforts of nations battling for liberty, have become the mark and model of government for every people who would hold themselves free, sovereign and independent.

With this brief exposition of the views and opinions of the convention, the undersigned submit the constitution and plan of government for your approval. They earnestly recommend it to your calm and deliberate consideration, and especially do they most respectfully urge on every voter to attend the polls.

The putting into operation of a government which shall establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of civil, religious, and political liberty, should be an object of the deepest solicitude to every true-hearted citizen, and the consummation of his dearest wishes. The price of liberty is eternal vigilance, and thus it is not only the privilege but the duty of every voter to vote his sentiments. No freeman of this land who values his birth-right, and would transmit unimpaired to his children an inheritance so rich in glory and honor, will refuse to give one day to the service of his country. Let every qualified voter go early to the polls, and give his free vote at the election appointed to be held on Tuesday, the 13th day of November next, not only that a full and fair expression of the public voice may be had, for or against a constitution intended to secure the peace, happiness and prosperity of the whole people, but that their numerical and political strength may be made manifest, and the world see by what majority of freemen California, the bright star of the West, claims a place in the diadem of that glorious republic, formed by the Union of thirty-one sovereign States.


Joseph Aram,
Chas. T. Botts,
Elam Brown,
Jose Anto. Carillo,
Jose M. Covarrubias
Elisha O. Crosby,
Lewis Dent,

Manuel Dominguez,

K. H. Dimmick,
A. J. Ellis,

Stephen G. Foster,

Pablo De La Guerra,

Benj. S. Lippincott,
M. M. McCarver,
John Mc Dougal,
Benj. F. Moore,
Myron Norton,
P. Ord,

Miguel De Pedrorena,
Rodman M. Price,

Antonio M. Pico,
Jacinto Rodrigues,
Hugh Reid,

John A. Sutter,

[blocks in formation]
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