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Literary and Scientific Mirror.

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(Continued from our last.)

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led the General to treat with him; but till Their work to secure it was orbicular, in she was assured it was his Lordships plea- form of a full moon, two yards and a half sure, she would neither yield the house, nor of rampire above the ditch. 4th.-They herself desert it, but wait for the event ac-shot one stone and one granado on Thurscording to the good will of God. And with day, which over plaid the house; chosen the like signification she dispatched a mes- men upon the guard, standing with green senger to his Lordship, at Chester, which and wet hides to quench the burning, and was sent by an alarum, to open a passage had their skill (for they wanted no malice) through their guards and centries. 21st, enabled them to cast fire works. 5th April. 22d, 23d, 24th March.-The four days fol--Having hitherto met with so unprosperlowing were spent in alarums and excursions, ous success in their holy work, the two Colowithout much business of service. 25th nells, Mr. Ashton and Moor, cast a show

of religion upon their execrable actions,
and, like those devout men in the poets, by
publick and private supplications, call God
to assist them in their mercyless practices.
nocturnus adulter
Tempora Sanctonico velas adoperta cucullo?
Pulchra Laverna,
Da mihi fallere, da justum sanctumque, videri.

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Siege against Lathom House. March, 1644.-On Monday they gave us seven shott of their culvering and demi-cannon, one whereof, by some check in the way, entered the great gates, which were made good by the opposition of beds, and such The same day Sir Thomas Fairfax sent like impediments, to stay the bullets from her Ladyship a letter he had received from rangeing the court. 28th, on Thursday, the Earl of Derby; wherein his Lordship five cannons. This night, the enemy, capadesired an honorable and free passage for ble of any impressions of fear, took a strong To which purpose they issue out comhis Lady and children, if she so pleased, alarum, fighting one against another, and mands to all their ministers, for a generall being loath to expose them to the uncer-in the action (shot) two pieces of cannon in and humble imprecation in the following tain hazards of a long siege, especially con- the air. 29th.-The next day one of our form: "To all ministers and persons in sidering the roughness and inhumanity of men vainly provokeing danger with his body Lancashire, well-wishers of our success the enemy, that joined pride and malice, above a tower, was shot to a present death. against Lathome-house. These. Foreasignorance and cruelty against her; not In the afternoon they plaid four cannons, much as more than ordinary obstructions, knowing, by reason of his long absence, one whereof, levelled to dismount one of have, from the beginning of this present either how his house was provided with vic-our ordnance upon the great gates, struck service against Lathome-house, interposed tualls or amunition, or strengthened by re- the battlements upon one of our marksmen, our proceedings, and yet still remain, and sistance, and therefore desirous only to leave ready to discharge at the cannoneer, and cannot otherwise be removed, nor our sucthe hardy souldiers for the brunt, till it caus'd him to death. 31st.-On Sunday cess furthered, but only by divine assisshould please his Majesty to yield him re- night two cannons mounted to the lodging tance. It is therefore our desire to the milief, and to preserve his lady and children chambers, intended by like to catch us nap-nisters and others, well-affected persons of from the mercy of cruell men, which, in-ping, as our men had often caught them. this country of Lancashire, in publick mandeed, was the desire of all her friends; but April 1st.-On Monday, in the day and ner, or otherwise, as they shall please, to she had more noble thoughts within, which night, six cannons, loaden with chain shott, commend our case unto God. That, as we still kindled and encreased at the apprehen- and bars of iron. (were shott off at the cas-are appointed to the said employment, so sion of danger, who, returning an acknow-tle-Edit.) 2d.-The next day they plaid much tending to the settling of our present legement of that first courtesie of Sir Tho- their mortar piece, three times, loaden with peace in these parts, so the Aimighty would mas Fairfax, after some discourse with the stones, thirteen inches in diameter, eighty crown our weak endeavours with speedy sucmessenger, one Jackson, a sawcy and zea- pounds in weight; it was planted above cess in the said design. Os chaplain to Mr. Rigby, gave back this half musquett shot, south-west of the house, swer: she willingly should submit herself on a rising earth, conveniently giving the her Lords commands, and therefore wil- engineer a full prospect of the building.


"Ormskirk, 5th April, 1644.”.

The four days following were, on their deavoured to steel up their lipps. This whole | fenced by a rising ground, that their ordparts, slept out in this pious exercise. On night was, with them, one continued ala-nance took only the battlements, and a Wednesday our men resolved to waken 'em: rum; nothing but shouts and cries among yard of wall, which was made good again about eleven o'clock, Capt. Farmer, Capt. 'em, as if the cavaliers had still been upon the same night, with greater strength and Mollineux Radcliffe, Lieut. Penketh, Lieut. them. 12th.-On Friday they sent us two safety for our musqueteers than formerly. Wirrell, and Lieut. Walthew, with 140 stones from their mortar piece, which our It was some requitall for the breach of a souldiers (went) out at a postern gate, beat men had naii'd and batter'd with smiths ham-few stones, that their cannoneer was slain the enemy from all their works and bat-mers; but it had too wide a mouth to be through the port-hole, by some of our men teries, which were cast up now round the stopp'd. This day a chance bullet from their from a tower. Having either done with house, nailed all their cannon, killed about sacre, through seven clay walls, enter'd the cannon or cannoneers, they now bege fifty men, took sixty arms, one colour, and the window of my Lady's chamber, but with their mortarpiece, which that after three drumms, in which action Captain Rad- was too weak to fright her from her lodg-noon they plaid five times, in the night cliffe deserves this remembrance, that with ing. 13th-On Saturday, their demi-can- twice with stones, and once with grenado, three souldiers, the rest of his squadron non opened again, yet spake but once, and which also by cunning of the gunner fell being scattered with the execution of the very low, some of the steel nails yet stick-short of the house. 22nd-On Easter enemy, he cleared two sconces and slew ing in her teeth, and the gunners also Monday, they must needs show the people seven men with his own hand; Lieutenant suspecting poison in her belly. 15th-On some pastime, and therefore gave us the Wirrell, engaging himself in another's work, Monday, they plaid their mortarpiece five bullets and then the voice of nine cannor. among fifty of the enemy, bore the fury of times with stones, once with a grenado, and two periers, to hear the rabble shout. them all, till Captain Farmer relieved him, which fell short of the House in a walk That night too dark for other action, who, to the wonder of us all, came off with- near the Chapell tower; some pieces of the the Captains sent out two or three fireout any dangerous wound. Plus animi est shell, two inches thick, flew over the walls, locks, which struck the whole night into inferenti periculum, quam propulsanti. Cæs: and were taken up in the furthest parts of alarums, so that to their musquett they comm, The sally port was this day warded the house. 26th-Tuesday morning, they added one mortarpiece and two cannon, ( by Capt. Clusnall, who, with fresh men, stood had a hot alarum, having not yet quit with chain and small shott. 23d-The next ready for succour of ours, had they been themselves of the fright, they took at the day was the second wakes, when Rigby put to the extremity; but they bravely last sally. They plaid their cannon twice, must gratify the country people for their marched round the works, and came in at and their muskets half an hour together, in (25) 20,000, with the battery of the Eagle the great gate, where Capt. Ogle, with a requitall whereof about eleven o'clock they tower at Lathome, against which they plaid party of musqueteers, kept open the passage. plaid their mortarpiece with stone, and per- their culvering and demi-cannon twenty-three Captain Rawstorne had the charge of the ceiving it struck within the body of the times, which happily striking upon a stairmusketeers upon the walls, which he placed house, they cast a granado at the same case forced a large breach, two of the bul with the best advantage, to vex the enemy levell, which fell in an old Court, stricking lets enter'd her Ladyships chamber, which in their flight. Captain Fox, by colours about half a yard into the earth, yet rose at last made her Ladyship to seek a new from the eagle tower, gave signall when to again with such violence in the bursting, lodging, with this protest, that she would march and when to retreat, according to that though its strength was much lessened keep the house whilst there was a building the motions of the enemy, which he ob- and deaded with the earth, it shook down to cover her head. This action must proserved at a distance. In all this service, the glass, clay, and weaker building near ceed either from pride or malice, it being we had but one man mortally wounded, and it, leaving only the carcass of the walls no furtherance to the taking of a house, to we took only one prisoner, an officer of in- standing near it; yet without hurt of any batter a tower that stood in the midst of telligence. In former sallyes some prisoners person, saving that two women in a near it; but sure it was their plot either to strike were taken, and, by exchange, released, chamber had their hands scorch'd to put off one of the horns of the Whore of Babell, Colonel Ashton and Rigby promising to set 'em in mind hereafter that they were in the or else to levell one of her hills, (the seven at liberty as many of the Kings friends then siege of Lathome-house. The mortarpiece towers in divine's sermons being easily found prisoners in Lancaster, Preston, and other was now more terrible to us than formerly, to be the seven hills of Rome.) It saved places, proposed by her Ladyship: but, insomuch, that the Captains to prevent the the tower some bullets that day that two most unworthily, they broke their condi- souldiers fears, lodged in upper rooms, of their gunners were discharged of their tions, it suiting well with their religion, nei- within clay walls, as not esteeming the force employment, by our marksmen, from the to observe faith with God nor men; and this of the grenado; and one thing more hap- top of the same tower they were battering. occasioned a greater slaughter than either pily lent new courage to our men, that one The same night a strong alarum brought her Ladyship or the Captains desired, be- of their engineers mounting the rampiere all their men to the cannon, not to defend cause we were in no condition to keep many to see the fall of the grenado, was slain by them, but themselves, which they bravely prisoners, and knew their commanders would a marksman from one of our towers. 20th discharged twice, loaden with cartridge and never release 'em but upon base and disho--On Saturday, they made thirty shoots of chain against two light matches cast nest nourable terms. The same night they plaid their demi-cannon and culvering, to batter their works, in balls of clay. a saere twice, to tell us they had cannon a postern tower, some part whereof stood that could speak, though our men had en-without the moat and pallisadocs, yet so

24th-On Wednesday, they only gave us three periers and two cannon. But now

Mr Rigby, who undertook the manage, Com. 'Tis a hard choice for good men | ropes, lifting up the mortarpiece to a low and expected the glory of this enterprise, either to kill or be killed: and this was drag, by strength of men drew it into the having wearied his souldiers, wasted his pow- our present condition, either sheepishly house. Captain Ogle defended the pasder, and emptied himself of a good part of his to receive death, when they would send sage against another company of the eneexacted plundered money; finding her Lady- it upon our heads, or manfully return it my which plaid upon the retreat. thship nothing to yield to his great guns, but upon their own. At last it was resolved, like endeavour was used to gain their daily to beat and baffle his souldiers, is now notwithstanding a battery and ordnance great guns, but lying beyond the ditch, planted against every passage, to sally out the next morning, and venture for all.

for present fire and ruine; he has provided a new stock of grenados, and intends to spend the rest of his power and malice in them.



and being of such bulk and weight, all our strength could not bring them off, 26th-All things prepared, about four before the whole army had fallen upon o'clock next morning, Captain Chissnall us; however, our men took time to poyth-On Thursday, he sends his last and Captain Fox, Lieut. Brettergh, Lieut. son all the cannon round, if any thing message, as he calls it, a furious summons Pencket, Lieut. Walthew, and Lieut. Wir will do the feat; Captain Rawstorne still to her Ladyship to yield up Lathome-house, rell are designed for the service, Captain defending the first pass against some offers all persons, goods, and arms, within it into Ogle has the main guard to secure a retreat of the enemy, to come up from the wood. is hands, to receive the mercy of the Par- at the southern gate; Captain Rawstorne This action continued an hour, with the iament, and to return her finall answer has the charge of the sally gate, to secure loss of two men on our part, who after he next day before two o'clock, which her our passsage on the east side; Captain they were mortally wounded, still fired adyship having read, with a brave indig- Radcliffe has the care of the marksmen upon the enemy, till all retreated. What ation calls for the drum, (26) and tells and musketeers upon the walls, to attend number of the enemy were slain, is not m, “A due reward for his pains is to be the approaches, or vex the flight of the easie to guess; besides the execution in inged up at her gates, but (says she) thou enemy. Captain Farmer with a reserve of their works and trenches. Capt. Farmore t but a foolish instrument of a traytor's fresh men, stands ready at the parade, to (Sic in M. S.) and Capt. Radcliffes reserves, ide. Carry this answer back to Rigby," relieve either Captain in necessity. All with the best marksmen, plaid upon them with a noble scorn tearing the paper in things thus disposed, Captain Chisnall with from the walls, with much slaughter, as s sight) "Tell that insolent rebell he his 80 men and 2 Lieutenants, issues (29) they quitted their holds. Our men brought all neither have persons, goods, nor out at the east..n gate, and before he was in many arms, three drumms, and but five When our strength and provision discovered, was got under the cannon, prisoners, preserved by Captain Chisnall, spent, we shall find a fire more mercifull marching straight upon the sconce, where to shew them he had merey as well as vaan Rigby: and then if the providence of they had planted their great guns. It lour. One of these was an assistant to rod prevent it not, my goods and house cost him a light skirmish to gain the fort. their engineer Brown, who discovered unto hall burn in his sight: myself, children, At last he entered, many slain, some pri- us the nature of their trench, in which they and souldiers, rather than fall into his soners, and some escaping. Now by the had laboured two months to draw away our hands, will seal our Religion and loyalty command of that battery the retreat be- water. in the same flame;" which being spoke ing assured, Captain Fox, according to Their first design was to draw and open loud in her souldiers hearing, they broke the orders, seconds him with much bravery, our springs, not considering their rise, from It into acclamations of joy, closing all beating open their trenches from the eastith this generall voice, we'll dye for his ern to the south-west point, till he came to which must needs supply our deep wells, a higher ground, south-east from the house, Majesty and your Honour: God save the the work which secured the mortarpiece, wherever they sank their fall. This invenSing!" The drum returned, her Lady- which being guarded by 50 men, he found tion failing, they bring up an open trench, hip and the Captains fall into consulta- sharp service, forcing his way through in a worm work, the earth being indented on of a further answer of that proud mes- the musquett and cannon, and beating the ige, something must be done, and now enemy out of the sconce with stones, his as the nick and joynt of time, accord-musquett by reason of the high work being g to the observation of the historian, unserviceable. After a quarter of an hours Transitus rerum. Tacit.) That the changes hard service, his men got the trench and f times are the most fit for brave attempts, scaled the rampiere, whereat many of the ad delays then dangerous, when the soft- enemy fled: the rest were slain. The ess and quietness draweth more danger, sconce thus won, was made good by man hazarding rashly. The mortarpiece party of musqueteers, which much annoyas that that troubled us all. The (27) ed the enemy attempting to come up again. tle Ladies had stomachs to digest cannon, The two main works thus obtained, the the stoutest souldiers had no heart to two Captains with ease walked the rest enadoes. And why might not they at of the round, whilst Mr. Broome with a ce free themselves from this continuall company of her Ladyships servants, and pectation of death? Cur desperes nunc some fresh souldiers, had a care to levell sse fieri, quod jam toties actum est? Caes. the ditch, and by a present device with


or sawed, for the security of their miners, and the ditch two yards wide, and three days (sic in M. S. yards?) for the fall of the water. But now, neither ditches nor ought else troubled our souldiers: their frighted them from their meat and sleep, like grand terrour, the mortar piece, which had dead lyon lying quietly among 'em, every one had his eye or his foot upon him, shouting and rejoicing as merrily as they used to do with their ale and bagpipes. Indeed every one had this apprehension of the service, that the main work was done, and what was yet behind, but a meer pastime.


(To be continued.)

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Oh! say, sweetest Ellen, in pity, I pray,

What motive hath urg'd thee my suit to repel, Or why from thy heart canst thou thus cast away The youth who hath lov'd thee so truly and well?

Some fond, doating rival, more favour'd and blest, Tho' not more sincere, on my life I will swear, Usurps the affections that once I possest,

And leaves me to perish through grief and despair.

Farewell, my adored! for ever adieu;

I fly from the scenes of my earliest life : What joys or what pleasures to me can accrue,

When Ellen, dear Ellen can ne'er be my wife? Estrang'd from my friends, on some far distant shore, Unheard of, unthought of, unseen and unknown, In sorrow and silence my wrong I'll deplore,

"Till grim yisag'd Death shall lay claim to his own.

Once more, dearest Ellen, I bid thee adieu!
From thee and my country for ever I go;
And when on the ocean I'm borne from thy view,
-Oh! then let the tear of soft sympathy flow.



As Delia wandered through her native dale,
She heard at distance Damon's artless tale;
Like trembling leaf that quivers in the breeze,
She fearful stole behind the clustering trees,
Where she unseen could hear and eye the swain,
And judge correctly of young Damon's flame..
"O Delia! idol of a captured soul!
Why not for Damon banish all control?
Why doubt the heart that beats alone for thee?
Why be dubious of his constancy?
Why think thy virtue can receive a hurt,
From one who never can thy charms desert?
Oh! tell him why thy seraph tongue is still,
Since love enslaved him to thy peerless will?
Alas! 'tis strange, for Damon still must sigh
As far as ever from the throne of joy;
Still must he live by hope alone inspired,
Still by thy smiles to feel his passion fired:
Fired by smiles, which, ah! too clear declare
Fair Delia's coldness and thy Damon's care.
"What's to be done? Can nought her pity move?
Can nothing teach her flighty heart to love?
Can sighs unheard escape the troubled breast?
Can eyes warm beaming with a lover's zest
Fail to arrest the melting virgin's gaze,
Or fill her bosom with affections blaze?
All is in vain; for like the blushing rose,
She blooms nor yet her fascination knows.
Unknown to love, too good to frown or chide,
She, guiltless fair, allures the heart far wide,
Feels not the pang, and therefore hears the sigh
With genuine innocence and aspect coy.
Thus without meaning lovely Delia smiled,
And Damon's heart, alas! was thus beguiled;
Beguiled to taste the bitter cup of woe,

And bless the source from whence his sorrows flow."

Delia paused; nor could she quit the shade; A something whisper'd, and confused she staid; Her cheek grew pale, and Damon passing by, Heard with fond pleasure love's expressive sigh;

With soul on fire he sought the cool retreat,
And wildly knelt at trembling Delia's feet.
"Rise, Damon, rise," the faltering charmer cried,
For I no longer can my passion hide;
'Twas fortune led me to this silent spot,
Where I have heard what yet I doubted not.
But mark: my Sire with fell suspicion steel'd
This tortured breast, that never yet reveal'd
The warmth of love-the love I bear for thee,
Until this hour of endless extacy.

Thus warn'd, distrustful of mankind I roved,
Till Damon sighed, and eased the heart he loved.
Thus, through the counsel of a doubtful, Sire,
Did Delia pause against her soul's desire."

She ceased to speak, and Damon quite o'erjoyed, Clasp'd in his arms his fair and promised bride; The tear of joy slow trickled down his cheek, A tear that said much more than tongue can speak. Liverpool, Sept. 1820.



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It is not he who smoothly chimes
His verses into studied rhymes,
That like the muddy river glide
In one dull, lifeless, noiseless tide,
And ne'er from measured mood depart,
Who can claim the meed of the tuneful art;
But he who pours the adventurous strain
Like the mountain torrent, swoln with rain,
Mocking in speed the bounding stag,
And dashing on from crag to crag,
Curbing his foaming course beneath,
Only to let the list'ner breathe:
"Tis he, who in his daring flight,
Rather in awe than in delight,
Can waft his hearers to the brink
Of the boiling ocean, till they shrink,
Then place them till their dread dispel,
In the peaceful breast of the woody dell;
Who can, with them, through the battle dash,
Till their ears are stunned with the sabre's clash,
Then lay them on a bed of roses,
Where Beauty, languishing, reposes;
(As in the gory field of Troy,
The Goddess saw the favoured boy,
And bore him safely in her arms,
To revel in fair Helen's charms :)-
'Tis he, whose characters can find
A habitation in our mind;

And, should he aught in mystery hide,
We would not draw tha veil aside,
For oft, in twilight, Fancy spies
Things lovelier than realities:-

'Tis he, who can exhaust the earth, And then give other regions birth; But, above all-nay, 'tis the whole, Traverse the region of the soul, From joy to sorrow-pain to bliss,-A Poet alone can master this.


Literature, Criticism, &c.


day, that one of your correspondents, W., wishes to SIR,-I observed in your Kaleidoscope of yestu. be informed whether the French expression, s très chers père et mère, be warranted by the autho rity of any French classic. Now, Sir, to prove the erroneousness of the above phrase, if you think proper, you may insert the following remarks, which I hope will satisfactorily illustrate the subject. In the page 310 of the first volume of Ch. P.Gault Duvivier's Grammaire des Grammaires you will find these words, mon père et ma mère sont venus—MOR père, ma mère, mes frères et mes sœurs ont été, &c. These expressions are agreeable to the rules of con cord; for, possessive pronouns are joined to sub stantives with which they agree, and must be r peated before every substantive in a sentence. In support of your correspondent's well grounded ar gument, I will quote some of the authors who have decidedly rejected the expression of mes très cheri père et mère, as incorrect, and consequently com trary to the principles and the rules of the language: -Chapelain; Thos. Corneille; Buffier; Vaugelas; Wailly; and the French Academy.

I am, Sir, your humble servant, November 8, 1820.


8. M.

SIR,-The remarks of your correspondent, on the expression, "mes très chers père et mère, seem to me, with due deference to the opinion of the "French Gentleman" from whom he differs, to be perfectly just it is equally at variance with the usage and with the rules of the language, as followed and established by the best writers and gram ans. The possessive prononn must be repeated fore each substantive;

Il faut régler ses goûts, ses travaux, ses plaism, Mettre un but à sa course, un terme à ses dént. VOLTAIRE.

In fact, the concord of the possessive pronoun is similar to that of the article, and as we cannot say "les très chers père et mère,” the analogous expression, with the mere substitution of mes in place of the article, would seem equally inadmissible.


It cannot, however, be denied that this phraseology has obtained in France, both in epistolary and col loquial intercourse, and even at a very early period, since Favre de Vaugelas, one of the first gramma rians of the seventeenth century, condemns it, comme une des plus mauvaises façons de parler qu'il y ait dans la langue." Its use is now, bow. ever, almost completely proscribed, and is only defended by a few grammarians (not French), whe quote as their authority (and it must certainly be lalowed to be classical) the following passage in the "Contes moraux" of Marmontel:"Jamais fille n'u eu pour ses père et mère des attentions plus

soutenues." This example, however, seems to be one of those deviations from the established standard of the language, in which great writers are too apt to indulge, and which can by no means be admitted as

precedents or authorities."

Liverpool, November 8, 1820.

P. C. S.

Scientific Notices.

It will be seen by the following singular composition, that a very venerable and almost exploded branch of pseudo-science has still its votaries amongst us. It is this extraordinary circumstance, rather than the subject itself, which has induced us to give a place to this Essay on the Planetary Influences!

that exist in the world? The air is, of all other ele- | rally pay our acknowledgments to the powers of inents, the most necessary to our existence; by its sunshine; or, if we sink into dulness and peevishmeans, respiration, in which life immediately con- ness, look round the horizon for an excuse, and sists, is performed; by it the anima materialis is charge our discontent upon an casterly wind or a nourished and supported; and by it that divine and cloudy day. heavenly part, cailed the soul, is kept united to the body. The air conveys a due strength and tone to to the solids, which maintain and carry on the circulation of the blood: the air, by its weight and pressure, preserves the humours of our bodies in a due equilibrium, lest, being expanded by their too quick and intense motions, they should interrupt the necessary contractions of the vessels. A serene THE INFLUENCE OF HEAVENLY BODIES, functions with ease and tranquility, and renders the and temperate air contributes to carry on the animal



[Written for the Kaleidoscope.]

body sound and vigorous; a gross and dense air, on the other hand, renders it weak and languid by injuring the excretions. Thus the tone of the fibres being impaired, the due motion and circulation of the blood is disordered and disturbed. The manner in which this influx is performed, seems to be by Soon after the Divine Architect had "prepared rarefaction, compression, and direction of motion in the light," and formed the celestial luminaries, and this or that line. Thus Saturn seems to act on our ordained that they should be " for signs and for sea- bodies and the atmosphere, by compressing the air and Bons, for days and for years," the study of Astrology giving its parts a rectilinear direction in their motion, seems to have engaged the human mind. We are by which means cold winds are produced. Jupiter told by Josephus, that Seth and his offspring were and Mars, if we may indulge a conjecture in a point the first who made observations on the motions of so little subject to our senses, produce a vertical and the heavens, and on the courses of the stars; and intestine motion in the particles of the air, the natuthat so sublime a science might not perish, they en-ral consequence of which is heat: but Venus and graved a memorial of their discoveries on two obe- the Moon, by render the air lighter, lay a foundation | lisks, one of brick and the other of stone. for a greater quantity of vapours being raised, and Since that period, it has been studied more or less are, therefore, found to occasion rainy weather.by every nation that has made any progress in civi- The Moon, at her quadrature, rarifies the air too fizstion, though it has not generally been applied by much; bence our bodies become turgid, and our all to the same noble and useful purposes. transpiration is too great at the full and change The Romans absurdly pretended to predict future of the Moon the air is compressed; a circumstance events from the inspection of entrails, the flight of which excites various disorders. Though the change of the weather happens more frequently about the birds, and any uncommon and unaccountable appetrances of nature. But, without entertaining quadratures of the Moon, yet the state of the air is ideas so chimerical, or subjecting ourselves to a su very much altered under the aspects of two of the perstition so gross and so irrational, regardless of conother planets: particularly when the planet Merquences, we would wish to follow truth wherever cury makes its quadratures, and oppositous to any the may lead us. The spirit of divination operates of the superior planets, high winds or turbulent strongly in the human breast; all our transactions weather often ensues; and also upon his passing out have relation to future times; in every action we of one sign into another, the heavens are subject, perform and every service we render to our fellow-more or less, to alterations. creatures, we are influenced by a regard to what will most probably be the result thereof; experience haring instructed the husbandman, he sees, with a considerable degree of confidence, the success of bis labours. The man of understanding regulates is own conduct, and imparts instruction or advice others by foreseeing probable occurrences. But be scientific speculator searches deeper, he looks or probabilities and certainties beyond the ordinary xercise of reason; with his hodily organs, he takes is observations; and bis mind exerts her strength comprehend them; he compares bodies with one nother, he regards their positions and motions, he ndies their effects; from the bistoric page unfold1 before him, from oral and scriptural tradition, lended with his own remarks and experience, he rofesses a sagacity to predict what may happen. The Great First Cause seems to have formed the veral parts of the universe dependent on and influeing each other. The growth of plants is prortioned to the fitness of their situation; too much pat, too much cold, excesive drought, or a superbundance of moisture is prejudicial, as it prevents jeir arriving at maturity, lessens their virtue, and nmonly destroys them.

Everton, Oct. 25, 1820.

M. T.

The Naturalist's Diary,

For NOVEMBER, 1820.

[To be continued throughout the year.]

The beauties of summer have vanished away,
Like volatile phantoms displayed in a dream;
And Phoebus diffuses an impotent ray,
Scarce yielding a smile to enliven the day,

Or brighten the breast of the stream.
And soon shall the forest its vesture bewail,

And valleys and hills wear an aspect forlorn; No tremulous music shall sigh with the gale, No flower its lustre disclose in the dale,

Nor blossom embellish the thorn.

The gloominess of the weather in this mouth is proverbial: "a love of nature is the refuge. He who grapples with March, and has the smiling eyes Without being zealous advocates for an exploded upon him of June and August, need have no fear ience, yet when we perceive that the animating of Novemher." Dr Johnson has devoted the 12th wer of the heavenly bodies can invigorate a repuumber of his 'Idler' to this subject; and although e inclosed in an egg, &c. enable it to burst its gments; if the moon operates so powerfully insane persons, we do not, I trust, assume too uch to say, that their position with regard to our ir earth considerably influences the force and action the air on our bodies. To what other source are e to ascribe the origin of many of those disorders

we are not disposed entirely to deny the influence of the weather on the mind, we think that his observations are calculated to do much good with the majority of persons.

"Our dispositions," he says, "too frequently chauge with the colour of the sky; and when we find ourselves cheerful and good-natured, we natu

"Surely nothing is more reproachful to a being endowed with reason, than to resign its powers to the influence of the air, and live in dependence on the weather and the wind for the only blessings which nature has put into our power, tranquillity and benevolence. To look up to the sky for the nutriment of our bodies, is the condition of nature; to call upon the sun for peace and gaiety, to depro, is the cowardice of idleness and idolatry of folly. cate the clouds, lest sorrow should overwhelm us

"Yet, even in this age of inquiry and knowledge, when superstition is driven away, and omens and prodigies have lost their terrors, we find this folty countenanced by frequent examples. Those that laugh at the portentous glare of a comet, and hear a crow with equal tranquillity from the right or left, will yet talk of times and situations proper for intellectual performances, will imagine the fancy exalted by vernal breezes, and the reason invigorated by a bright calm.

"If men who have given up themselves to fanciful credulity would confine their conceits to their own minds, they might regulate their lives by the barometer, with inconvenience only to themselves ; but to fill the world with accounts of intellects subject to ebb and flow, of one genius that awakened in the spring, and another that ripened in the autumn, of one mind expanded in the summer, and of another concentrated in the winter, is no less dangerous than to tell children of bugbears and goblins. Fear will find every house haunted; and idleness will wait for ever for the moment of illu mination.

"This distinction of seasons is produced only by magination operating on luxury. To temperance very day is bright, and every hour is propitious to diligence. He that shall resolutely excite his faculties, or exert his virtues, will soon make himself superior to the seasons, and may set at defiance the morning mist, and the evening damp, the blasts of the east, and the clouds of the south.

"It was the boast of the Stoic philosophy, to make wan unshaken by calamity, and unelated by success; incorruptible by pleasure, and invulnerable by pain: these are heights. of wisdom which none ever attained, and to which few can aspire; but there are lower degrees of constancy necessary to common virtue; and every man, however he may distrust himself in the extremes of good or evil, night at least struggle against the tyranny of the climate, and refuse to enslave his virtue or his reason to the most variable of all variations, the changes of the weather."

With some homely lines, not altogether inappropriate, we conclude the subject.


The wise man remarks-as we all ought to know,-
⚫ Who observeth the wind, shall not find time to sow;
And he who regardeth the clouds shall not reap,'
For doubt and dismay in his bosom shall heap;
Nor fear but thy seed prosper well in the land,"
But at morn sow thy seed, nor at eve hold thy hand,"
Notwithstanding the weather, the wind and the rain,
God prospers us still, and man must not complain.
If the weather be open, 'tis good for the lambs,
If the snow shall descend, and be followed by sleet,
And grass springs up fresh for the use of their dams;
It serves to protect from the cold my young wheat;
If mild, then my team can go out with the plough;
In frost, they can carry manure from the mow;
And, whate'er be the weather, the wind and the rain,
prosper in sooth, nor have cause to complain.
If dry, it is good for the corn in the field:
If wet, then my turnips the better will yield;


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