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Where I have been, the Sabbath is universally regarded; not an individual is known, whether among the chiefs or the common people, who does not attend divine worship on the Lord's day. The engagements of that holy day commence with a prayer-meeting, conducted entirely by the natives themselves at sunrise. Knowing the backwardness of Christians in EngIand to attend early prayer-meetings, what do you think my surprise has been on go ing to these services, to find their large places of worship literally filled. This is the fact at all the situations which I have visited; the whole congregations indeed attend. At nine o'clock in the morning, and at three in the afternoon, there is public worship and preaching, when their places are crowded. The congregations make a very decent appearance; all is solemn and becoming. They have congregational sing. ing, and it is conducted with great propriety. In the intervals of worship, there is catechising of both young and old. The natives dress all their food on Saturdays; not a fire is lighted, not a canoe is seen on the water, not a journey performed, not the least kind of worldly business done on the Sabbath. So far as outward appearances go, this day is here kept indeed holy; by multitudes, I doubt not, it is kept really so.

The missionaries have already translated and printed the gospels of Matthew, Luke, and John, which are in the hands of the people, and nothing can induce them to part with them. The word of God is indeed precious here. The Scriptures are the companions of the people wherever they go. Not a family (I am told) is known that has not family worship, morning and evening, every day. At every missionary station there is a church formed; and though it is only between two and three years ago that they were organized, many real Christians have united to enjoy the benefits of the Lord's Supper, and many more at every station are waiting with eager desire to obtain admission. At one of these are 20 members, at another 62, at another 74, at a fourth 102.

No public immorality or indecency is seen. All drunkenness and profane swearing are unknown here. All their former sports and amusements are completely put down. Their morais are almost all demolished, and many of them completely obliterated; and it is a singular fact, that chapels now occupy the very ground on which many of them stood. Never before did the Gospel obtain so complete and so universal a triumph in any country over heathenism, cruelty, superstition, and ignorance. Think not that I wish to repre

sent these people as perfect: No, alas! human nature is the same here as elsewhere, but I state facts which speak for themselves.


It appears from the public papers that on the 8th of March, 1819, Captain Arthur, of the American Whale ship, Russel, touched at the above island, where he found about fifty inhabitants, descended from the mutineers who seized Captain Bligh's ship, the Bounty. When at the distance of three or four miles from the shore, they were boarded by the crew of a boat from the island, who were remarkably interesting young men. Bread and butter were set before them, but they refused to eat, alleging that it was their fast-day; but being much importuned to eat, they partook, though slightly, but not till after they had implored a blessing. And after their repast was finished, a hymn and prayer was preferred with great devotional propriety. Their boat needing repair, was taken on deck, and completed before the next morning, to their great satisfaction.

After landing on the island, Captain Arthur and others ascended a high hill, assisted by a young man named Robert Young. They then met with the venerable governor, John Adams, who was at. tended by most of the women and children of the island, and were welcomed to their shores in the most artless yet dignified manner. They were then invited to the village, and a dinner was prepared for them, consisting of pigs, fowls, yams, and plan. tains. A blessing was asked, and thanks returned in an impressive manner.

At night they were provided with beds, and in the morning at seven, a plentiful breakfast was prepared for them. At dinner also they were equally well provided for. In the afternoon, about three, they took an affectionate leave of their friends, and returned to the ship, well pleased with their entertainment.

Before we leave Pitcairn's Island, it will not be improper to make a few observations. The time and manner of its colonization are to most general readers well known. John Adams and six Otaheitean women are all that is left of the Bounty. Forty-nine have been born on the island, two of whom are dead, which leaves fiftythree persons on the island, now all in good health without a single exception. There are about eleven active young men, who are ready and willing at all times to assist a ship's crew in procuring wood and water, or any thing else the island affords. John

Adams assures us, and from what we ourselves saw, we have no reason to disbelieve him, that the island was inhabited before themselves, but at what period it is difficult to conjecture. They found, after their arrival, many places where houses had stood, burying places, and images representing a human figure, with other indubitable marks that they were not the first possessors of Pitcairn's Island. Itis, however, certain that the aborigines left it at no recent period, as the trees growing on the house spots could not have arrived to their present size in less than 100 years, perhaps 500. The land is high, and may be seen twelve or fifteen leagues its coast free of dangers winds variable, which makes it easy to lie off and on; the town is situate on the north side of the island, rather nearest the west end the houses may be seen three or four leagues off by a ship coming from the north.

The different names of the islanders are, Adams, Christian, sen. Christian, jun. Young, Quintrall, and McKay.

Pitcairn's Lat. 25.3. S. by acct. 26.41.; Long. 130.22. W. by acct. 128. 52.

Henderson's Island lies E.N. E. from Pitcairn's 100 miles. Lat. 34.26. Long. 138.30. W.


(Extract from the Annual Report.)

We would commence our notice of the station at Serampore, so long and so honourably distinguished in our Missionary annals, by gratefully reporting that Mr. Ward and his companions, who left this country just before our last annual meeting, arrived in safety at Calcutta in the month of October last. Their voyage had been pleasant and agreeable; the exercises of public and social worship had been regularly maintained; and, under the kind instructions of Mr. Ward, considerable proficiency was made in the study of Bengalee by Mr. Mack and other Missionary friends who sailed with them. Mr. Ward was gratified to find his brethren in health, but learnt that though they were spared, death had been commissioned to remove one of the Missionary family, and that Dr. Carey had been called to mourn the removal of his excellent wife, to whom he had been united upwards of thirteen years, and who was peculiarly qualified to be his companion, by the eminence of her piety, and the vigour of her understanding.

It was scarcely to be expected, after so full and circumstantial an account as we were enabled to give in our last Report, that any new information could be presented respecting the progress of the Transla


tions. A brief notice, however, on this subject, occurs in a letter from Dr. Carey, dated in September last, which must not be overlooked. His words are, "Several versions of the New Testament have lately been printed off, which had not before been published; and several more are approaching to a conclusion." By a reference to the last Memoir, it will be seen, that in December, 1820, there were six versions of the New Testament more than half through the press," in addition to fifteen then completed, and that about ten months more were computed as necessary to finish them. This calculation coincides so nearly with the date of the letter just quoted, as to justify the conclusion, that those six versions are alluded to, and that, consequently, soon after that letter was written they had all been finished at press. It is, at least, reasonable to conclude that, unless some unexpected impediment has occurred, this portion of the vast undertaking has been accomplished ere now; and that twenty-one of the dialects of India, and those by far the most extensive and important, have been enriched by the publication of the New Testament. On this subject, and on the state and progress of the Native Schools, we may expect more ample information from Mr. John Marshman, the eldest son of Dr. Marshman, who is expected shortly to arrive in this country.

It appears that, of the whole number of translations at first undertaken, fourteen have been discontinued, principally through the inadequacy of funds to meet the expenses. Some of these, in which considerable progress has been made, are transferred to other labourers, who have more recently entered upon the field, and whose local circumstances may enable them to carry for ward the work to its completion. Thus, it was intended to resign the Telinga and Kunkuna translations, after printing the Pentateuch, in addition to the New Testament in each; the former to the care of the Auxiliary Bible Society at Madras, the latter to that at Bombay. Similar arrangements were contemplated in reference to the Gujuratee and Kurnata versions. The remaining dialects in which the work of translation is suspended, are spoken principally in the remote provinces to the north-west of the Peninsula, where, indeed, for the present, opportunities of distribution would be exceedingly limited, as no Missionaries have as yet been sent to occupy the ground. For it must never be forgotten that there is a necessary connection between the two great means of propagating the gospel-that while the personal labours of a Missionary are not likely to be permanently effectual without a translation of the Bible, neither can the translation be

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The Second Annual Report of the College, under the direction of our brethren at Serampore, has been lately received. The buildings are in a state of forwardness, and forty-five youths are enjoying the advantages of education there. Of those, about thirty are the children of Christian parents, with whom Mr. Ward unites in domestic worship twice every day.

Several additions appear to have been made to the Church in the course of the past year. Referring to this subject, in a letter written soon after his return, Mr. Ward observes, "The increase of the native Christians since I left this has been great, and a number appear to be added, every month, in one part of India or another." A similar account is given by Dr. Carey, who, in a communication dated about the same time, indulges a spirit of grateful complacency in contrasting the present state of India, with that in which he found it.

"It is now," said he, "twenty-eight years, within a few days, since I first landed. There was then no sanctification of the Sabbath, and a very thin attendance on the only preacher of the gospel in this presidency. Infidelity was the general open profession, and it would have been reckoned a gross violation of decorum, to introduce the subject of religion in any company whatever. Now, the whole body of society has assumed a comparatively religious as pect, and not a few in every station are decidedly pious."

At Calcutta, a variety of events have occurred in the past year; some of a pleasing, others of a very painful nature. The new chapel, for English worship, was opened in March, 1821; the expense, about £3000, had been nearly defrayed by subscriptions on the spot. The native places of worship are continued as before, excepting that the chapel, erected at the expense of a pious female servant, having been found too distant from the road to command a tolerable congregation, has been taken down, and ground procured for rebuilding it in a more populous neighbourhood; to the expense of which, this liberal woman had cheerfully contributed. A new station has also been occupied at Howrah, a very populous suburb of Calcutta, in which reside many Englishmen, and thousands of natives, who were all previously destitute of the means of grace. From the lively interest which has been shown, and the exertions made, by the inhabitants, for the introduction of the gospel among

them, there is reason to hope that, in the adoption of this measure, our brethren were guided by unerring wisdom. At Dum-dum, a military station some miles distant from Calcutta, religious worship, which appears to have sustained some interruption, has been renewed. Several afford evidence of having listened to the word with profit; and the attendance has been so great, that a subscription has been set on foot for building a new place of worship. On this pleasing prospect the refections of our brethren are so just and striking, that we cannot forbear subjoining them. "That a number of poor soldiers, who rejected all the calls of the Gospel in their youth, and left their native country, generally speaking, destitute of all religious attachments, should be arrested by the voice of the Good Shepherd, and thus induced to relinquish revellings and dissipation, and to attach themselves to the self-denying duties of piety in this heathen country, will be contemplated with deep and pleasing interest, by all who wait and pray for the progress of divine truth in these regions. For, as the example of thousands of our countrymen has proved, hitherto, one of the principal stumbling blocks to the dissemination of the gospel, so we may hope, that the conduct, the prayers, and probably the personal exertions of these people, may help to repair, in some measure, the injuries done to the cause of God in former years, and finally entail a blessing upon many who are ready to perish."

Adequately to supply all these various scenes of labour, in addition to the other' important Missionary objects which claim their attention, would have been beyond the power of the brethren united at Calcutta, had their little band remained unbroken, and the health and strength of each individual entire. But in both these respects they have been exercised with painful trials. We mention with deep regret, that Mr. William Adam, lately one of their number, has embraced opinions derogatory to the honour of the Saviourdenying the proper Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ; in consequence of which the connexion between him and the Society has been dissolved. Several of the other Missionaries have been visited in succession, with severe personal affliction, so as to be laid aside for awhile from their accustomed labours. We have unfeigned pleasure, however, in adding, that, with the exception of Mr. Eustace Carey, all had been restored nearly to perfect health; and that the last accounts respecting that valuable Missionary, warranted the hope of his recovery also.

The Mission Press, under the manage

ment of Mr. Pearce, continues to act as a very powerful auxiliary in the dissemination of gospel truth. Since the last Report on this subject, nearly 70,000 tracts and school books have been published, besides the Sungskrit grammar, by Mr. Yates, and a variety of other works. The effects of this method of propagating divine knowledge, have at length become so apparent as to induce some respectable natives to unite in adopting the same expedient on behalf of the Brahmunical system. These persons have established a periodical work, entitled, the Brahmunical Magazine, or the Missionary and Brahmun; discovering, indeed, much ignorance of the gospel, and abounding in misrepresentations of the motives of those whom they attack: but the appearance of which is hailed by our brethren, as it will probably help to cherish that spirit of inquiry and investiga. tion, which has been hitherto so foreign to the Hindoo character.

It was mentioned in the last Report, that Messrs. Yates and Pearce had undertaken a Missionary tour, of considerable extent, up the country. By a journal of this excursion, which has since been received, we learn that, among other places, they visited the city of Nuddea, the great seat of native literature in Bengal. With

a view to communicate their message to the learned men residing there in the most agreeable form, they had prepared tracts in the Sungskrit language, and the result was highly gratifying. A number of these publications, which, in any other shape, would probably have been rejected with contempt, were received with great readiness, and thus, as our brethren express it," the gospel was introduced into the only university of Bengal, by means of publications in the Latin of the East."

If, on the one hand, our brethren at this station have been deprived of that aid on the continuance of which they might have calculated, they have been encouraged by accessions to their number equally unexpected. A Mr. Statham, of whose previous history an account, furnished by himself, was inserted in the Missionary Herald for September last, after having preached, under their sauction, for some time, with considerable acceptance, was invited to become a member of their Missionary Union; and this step has been fully sanctioned by the Commitee, to whom it was referred for ratification. A native too, called Anunda, has been baptized in the course of the past year, in whom they greatly rejoice. He is a Brahmun of respectable family, and has had to encounter violent opposition from his relatives; but his constancy has remained unshaken, and his whole demeanour emi

nently consistent.
ployed in preaching, and bids fair to be-
come a very useful minister of the gospel to
his countrymen. Another Brahmun was
under instruction, as an inquirer, at the
date of the last accounts, of whom they
had pleasing hopes.

He is regularly em

A communication, just received, enables us to give an encouraging account of the progress of native female education. Three schools have been established, under the care of as many native women, containing in all, seventy-six pupils, embracing all the different castes, and varying in age from five to thirty; and it was expected that a fourth school would soon be added. It is mentioned, further, that a learned native was about to publish a pamphlet on the subject, designed to prove that it was formerly customary among the Hindoos to educate their females, and that the practice is neither disgraceful nor injurious; from the circulation of which much benefit was anticipated. On the whole, our missionary friends at the station, consider that the obstacles, which have hitherto impeded this great object, are now so much lessened, as to admit of their proposing to establish a female school, at the expense of any individual, congregation, or society, who may be desirous of supporting it, and which might be distinguished by any name specified by the contributors. The expense of each is estimated at L.20 per annum; and a regular account of the monies received for this purpose, and of the state of the schools, will be given to the public, through the medium of our annual reports.



(Extracts from the Second Report.)

The first Report contains a view of the general plan on which all the Associations are conducted. Repetition here is unnecessary as to the peculiar mode by which this plan is carried into effect. All which it may be proper to state, before entering into the details of each Association, is, that the first Report included the progress of the Associations from the time of their institution down till September, 1821, embracing, particularly with regard to the Town Parish Associations, a period of fif. teen months; and with regard to the Abbey Parish Association, a period of thirteen months. This Report therefore includes only twelve months; and this circumstance should be kept in view in comparing the free proceeds of this year with the free pro ceeds of the former period, as it will ac

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The free proceeds of the former year amounted to £223, leaving a decrease this year of £59. The united and comparative view here given thus shows, that even deducting a fourth, in consideration of the fifteen months as before stated, there has upon the whole been a diminution of increase. This diminution is, however, to a certain extent more nominal than real; for two of the associations, by leaving accounts for Bibles unpaid the preceding year, and one by advancing money at the close of this year for Bibles not yet subscribed for, have necessarily diminished their disposeable funds at the present date. One thing is certain, and a ground of encouragement in prosecuting the object of the associations, that the number of subscribers in both de. partments has not been diminished. There is an increase of two free subscribers, and of twenty-six Bible subscribers.


Messrs. Boyd and Mitchell of Kennington-Lane, have invented an Antiseptic Mineral Black Paint. It is an effectual preservative of wood, iron, canvas, and cord age; and is particularly adapted to ships' bottoms, bows, and bends; barges, boats, weather boarding, gates and posts, fences, hop poles, and all kinds of timber; and for iron work, brick walls, and every other surface in exposed or damp situations,its properties remaining uninjured from the effects of salt or fresh water. One of its important qualities is the preservation of timber against dry-rot; and it is also applicable in the preparation of cordage to form the trellis-work of inclosures for poultry, pheasantries, &c. which will be then found as durable as iron wire, at onefifth part of the expense.

To distinguish oxalic acid (which is a poison,) from Epsom salt, it is recommended to taste one drop of it, or else a particle of the suspected crystals; and, if it be oxalic acid, it will be found extremely sour, like most other acids, whilst the taste of Epsom salt is rather bitter.

An advertiser in Dublin announces the discovery of a permanent composition for fruit-walls, by which he asserts he can so ripen grapes, as to make any quantity or fine wines in the united kingdom. He proposes also to extend its application to other fruits, and to early vegetables. We lately saw a better plan in the garden of Mr. Frend of Canterbury. He trains his vines near the ground, and in some cases under low cucumber-frames; and, in consequence, obtains abundance of fine grapes. The success of the vintage in the northern provinces of France seems entirely to result from the plants being very low, and the fruit receiving the reflections of the ground.

Captain Franklin, and the persons composing the north-west land expedition, have returned to England. The toils and the sufferings of the expedition have been of the most trying description. It was fitted out in the summer of 1819, and in 1820 was enabled, by the liberal aid and reinforcement of the N. W. Company, to advance to the shores of the Great Bear Lake, where it encamped and wintered. In the

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