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I do not say from those things which the vanity of the world courts with all its energy, but from those miseries which, by the curse of the common human race, weigh down and impede the soul of Thy servant, so that it cannot enjoy the liberty of the spirit so often as it would.

3. O my God, Ineffable Sweetness, turn into bitterness all carnal pleasure which by the introduction of some pleasing present good draws me from the love of eternal things, and allures me to itself to my hurt.

Let not, O my God, let not flesh and blood subdue me, let not the world and its short-lived glory deceive me, let not the devil and his craft supplant me.1 Grant me courage to resist, fortitude to endure, constancy to per


Instead of all the consolations of the world, do Thou bestow the very soothing unction of Thy Spirit; instead of carnal love, do thou pour out the love of Thy name.

4. Behold, food and raiment and all other necessaries for the support of the body are a burden to the fervent spirit. Grant me to use such blessings temperately, and not to be entangled by a too eager desire after them.

All such things must not be renounced, because nature must be sustained; but Thy holy law forbids the seeking after more than is necessary, and what serves for pleasure rather than use; for in this case the flesh grows rebellious towards the spirit.2

Between these two extremes, let, I beseech Thee, Thy hand guide me, and do Thou teach me 'the never-too-much.'

1 Galat. i. 16. "To reveal His Son in me, that I might preach Him among the heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood."

2 Galat. v. 17. "For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit."




Y son, thou must give all for all, and of thyself be nothing. Comprehend that love of thyself is more baneful to thee than anything in the world.

"According to the love and regard which thou hast for anything will it affect thee, more or less. If thy love is pure, simple, and well-regulated, thou wilt be unenslaved.

"Desire not that which thou oughtest not to have; wish not to obtain what may become a hinderance to thee and deprive thee of internal liberty.


Strange is it that thou dost not from the bottom of thy heart commit to Me, thyself and everything which thou canst desire or canst possess.

2. "Why art thou consumed with vain sorrow? Why art thou distressed with needless cares ?1 Await My pleasure, and thou shalt suffer no harm. If thou desire this or that, and wish to be here or there for the sake of thine own convenience, or because thine own pleasure will be the better consulted, thou wilt never be at rest, never free from worry; because in everything some flaw will be found, and in every place there will be some one to oppose thee.

3. "What avails therefore is, not the possession of any

1 Exod. xviii. 18. "This thing is too heavy for thee; thou art not able to perform it thyself alone."

particular object or the multiplication of possessions, but rather their being despised and eradicated from the heart. And this thou must understand, not only with respect to wealth and riches, for it applies also to the struggle for honour and the desire for vain-glory, since all these things pass away with the world.1

"Place will guard but little, if the spirit of fervour be not present; nor will the peace which is sought from the outer world last long, if this condition of the heart be without a good foundation; that is, unless thou rest on Me: thou mayest change, but wilt not ameliorate, thy state. For when opportunity arises, thou wilt find what thou hast tried to escape, aye and more too.”2


4. Strengthen me, O Lord, by the grace of Thy Holy Spirit. Give me power to grow strong in the inner man, to purge my heart from every needless care and trouble, that I be not drawn by varying desires of any object, whatever it may be, whether of great worth or none, but that I may look upon all things as transient, and upon myself as about to pass away with them; for there is nothing lasting under the sun, but all is "vanity and vexation of spirit." O, how wise is he who thus reflects !4

11 John ii. 17.

"And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof; but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever." 2 Rom. vii. 8. "But sin, taking occasion by the commandment, wrought in me all manner of concupiscence."

3 Ps. li. 12. "Uphold me with Thy free spirit.”

4 Eccles. i. 14; ii. 11.

5. Grant me, O Lord, heavenly wisdom, that I may learn to seek and find Thee above all things, to delight in Thee and love Thee above all things, and to understand all things according to the order of Thy wisdom how they are.1

Give me prudently to withdraw from the flatterer, patiently to bear with the adversary; for this is great wisdom, not to be moved by every breath, and not to give the ear to the siren with her wicked blandishments; for thus shall the road entered upon be safely travelled over.2






bear it not ill if some have thought and

said evil of thee-things which thou dost not willingly hear. Rather think worse of thyself,

and believe no one to be weaker than thyself.

"If thou walk by the inner light thou wilt not take much heed of flying words. No small prudence is it in the evil time to be silent, and inwardly to turn to Me, and not to suffer thyself to be disturbed by human judgment.

2. "Let not thy peace depend upon what men say; for whether they think well or evil of thee, thou art not

Wisdom ix. 4. "Give me wisdom that sitteth by Thy throne." 2 Ecclesiasticus v. 11. "Be swift to hear, and let thy life be sincere." Job vi. 26.

therefore another man. glory? Are they not in Me? The man who neither striveth to please men nor feareth to displease them enjoyeth much peace. From inordinate love, and from vain fear, arise all the turmoil of the heart, and all the distraction of the senses."

Where is true peace, where true



LESSED be Thy name, O Lord, for ever, Who hast thought proper to let this temptation and tribulation come upon me. I cannot escape it,

but must of necessity fly to Thee, that Thou

mayest assist me, and turn it to my good.

O Lord, now am I in trouble and it is not well with my heart, I am much perplexed with my present sufferings. And now, Beloved Father, what shall I say? I am entrapped amongst snares. "Save me from this hour.2 2 But for this cause came I to this hour," that Thou mightest be glorified when I am truly humbled and liberated through Thee.3

Do Thou, O Lord, deign to rescue me; for poor as I

'S. John xvi. 33. "In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

2 S. John xii. 27.


Father, save Me from this hour."

3 S. John xii. 28.


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