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CERTUS certain :-certify, to make certain; certificate, a credential. CHORDE, Xopoη=a string of a lute :-chord, union of sounds. CHRONOS, XOÓvos-time :-chronicle, a record of occurring events. CILIUM the eye-lash:-supercilious, haughty.

CINGO, CINCTUM to surround, gird:-cincture, a girdle; succinct, girded up, concise; precincts, foremost or outward limits. CIRCUS a ring :-encircle, to enclose; circulate, to disperse.

CIT-O, -ĂTUM=to call, to rouse :-cite, to summon; recite, to repeat. CLAM-O, -ATUM to cry out :-clamour, a great outcry; exclaim, to cry out; proclaim, to shout forth; claimant, one who claims. CLARUS clear:-clarify, to make clear; declare, to set forth. CLAUDO, CLAUSUM to shut:-clause, part of a sentence; enclose, to shut in; seclude, to shut apart; recluse, one who shuts himself up. CLIVUS a slope :-acclivity, steepness reckoned upwards; declivity, steepness reckoned downwards.

COL-O, -ATUM=to strain :—colander, a strainer.

COLO, CULTUM to cultivate:-culture, means employed for improvement; agriculture, the cultivation of the land.

COMES a companion :-count, formerly an attendant on the king; county, a division of England.

COND-O, -ITUM to hide: - abscond, to hide away; recondite, ab


Coavo, coсTUM= to cook, to ripen :-decoction, an extract produced by boiling water.

COR=the heart :-concord, agreement; accord, to agree.

CORIUM=the skin :-excoriate, to flay; curry, to dress leather.

CORNU a horn:-unicorn, an animal having one horn.


COROLLA = a little crown :-corollary, a demonstration formed within, or growing out of another.

COSTA side:-accost, to go up to the side of one, to address.

CRATERA a goblet :-crater of a volcano, being hollow like a cup.

CRED-0, -ITUM to believe :-credible, capable of being believed; credulous, one ready to believe; creditor, one who trusts.

CRĚP-O, -ÏTUM= to make a noise :-discrepant, sounding differently, inconsistent with.

CRESCO, CRETUM= to increase, grow:-crescent, increasing; accretion, act of growing to; excrescence, that which has grown out. CURA care:-secure, free from care, safe.

CURRO, CURSUM to run :-current, a stream; concur, to run together,
to agree; excursion, a trip from home; occur, to run against.
CUTIS the skin :-cutaneous, pertaining to the skin.

DAMAO, dãμάw to subdue :-adamant, a stone of impenetrable hardness.
DAMNUM=1088 :-damage, loss; indemnify, to secure against loss.
DEB-EO, -ITUM to owe :-debt, that which one man owes to another;
debenture, a writing acknowledging a debt.

DECEM-ten:-December, the tenth month when the year began with


DÉL-EO, -ĒTUM=to blot out :-indelible, not to be blotted out; deleterious, injurious.

DEMOS, duos the people :-demagogue, a leader of the people. DENS tooth-dentist, an operator on the teeth; dental, relating to the teeth; dentition, act of teething.

DERMA, Céopathe skin :-epidermis, the cuticle over the skin.

DEXTER on the right hand :-dexterity, skilfulness.

Dic-o, -TUM to say:―edict, a decree, predict, to tell beforehand; benediction, a blessing; dictionary, a collection of words.

DIES a day :-diary, a daily record; diet, a meeting holden from day to day.


DIGITUS the finger :-digits, the first nine numbers; digitalis, a plant. DIGNUS worthy: — dignify, to make worthy; condign, thoroughly



DILUVIUM deluge :—deluge, a general inundation; diluvial, effected by the deluge.

DIs, dis-twice :-dissyllable, a word of two syllables.

DIVIDO, DIVISUM to divide :-divisible, capable of division; individual, a single object.

Do, DATUM= to give :-addition, putting one thing to another; datum, the thing given; mandate, what is given into a person's hand, a command; edit, to give forth, to prepare for publication.

Doc-EO, TUM to teach :-doctrine, the thing taught; doctor, the teacher; indocile, not teachable.

DŎL-EO, -ITUM=to grieve :—condole, to sympathise; indolent, without concern, idle.

DORSUM=the back :-indorse, to write on the back.

Doxa, δόξα = =an opinion: paradoxical, contrary to common opinions. DRAO, dpάw to perform :-drama, a theatrical performance; drastic, acting powerfully.

DROMOS, póμos- a running :-dromedary, a swift travelling animal ; hippodrome, horse and chariot course.

DUC-O, -TUM to lead :—duct, a pipe; conduce, to lead together, assisting to promote a purpose; conduct, behaviour; deduce, to infer. DUNAMIS, duvajus power :-dynamics, the science of force; dynasty a reigning family.

Dro-two-duodecimo, a sheet folded into twelve leaves.

DURUS hard-durable, lasting; indurated, made hard.

Eсно, xa returned sound :—catechise, to instruct by questioning. EIDOS, eidos resemblance :-spheroid, like a sphere.

ĚM-0, -PTUM to buy or take :-irredeemable, not to be bought back. Eo, ITUм to go:-transition, going across; exit, departure; sedition, going apart; circuitous, round about; transit, going across.

EPOS, TOS= a word:-orthoepy, the right use of words, pronunciation. ERGON, pyor work:-energy, vigour; metallurgy, the art of working metals.

EXPER-IOR, -TUS to try :-expert, skilful.

FABER a workman :-fabric, that which is made.

FACIES the face :-efface, to blot out; façade, the front of a building. FĂCIO, FACTUM to do:-fact, a thing done; factor, one who does, an agent; defective, imperfect.

FALX a reaping hook :- defalcation, the act of cutting off.
FARINA=flour:—farinaceous, consisting of the flour of wheat or other


FELIS a cat-feline, belonging to the cat kind.

FENDO to keep off:-fender, a guard before a fire; defend, to guard from injury.

FERO, LATUS to bear :-fertile, productive; elated, puffed up.
FERRUM=iron :-ferruginous, containing iron.

FIDO, FISUS to trust :-confide, to trust with.

FIGO, FIXUM to fix :-prefix, to fix before; transfix, to fix through. FILIUS a son :-affiliate, to adopt as a son.

FILUM a thread or line :-profile, an cutline; fillet, a band.

FINDO, FISSUM to cleave:-fissure, a cleft.

FIRMUS firm:--affirm, to assert positively; confirm, to strengthen together; infirmary, a hospital.

FLAGR-O, ATUM-to burn:-conflagration, a general fire.

FLECTO, FLEXUM to bend :-flexible, capable of being bent; flexor, a muscle for bending; reflector, a mirror.

FLIGO, FLICTUM to strike violently:-afflict, to strike to or at, distress; conflict, to strive together; inflict, to strike against.

FLOS= a flower: flourish, to thrive as a healthy plant; floriculture, the cultivation of flowers.

FLUO, FLUXUM= to flow:-fluent, flowing; affluent, rich.

Focus hearth, the place where the fire is made:-focus, the point where the rays of the sun meet together by means of a glass.

FOLIUM=a leaf:-foliage, the leaves of a tree; exfoliate, to scale off.

FOR, FATUS to speak :-ineffable, unspeakable.

FOR-O, -ATUM to bore :-perforate, to bore through.

FORTIS strong:-fortify, to make strong; comfort, strength along with (i. e.. to bear) sorrow: enforce, to put in force.

FRANGO, FRACTUM = to break :-fracture, a breakage; fragile, liable to be broken; refract, to break back; fringe, broken edge


FRATER a brother :-fraternity, brotherhood; fratricide, the murderer of a brother.

FRENUM=rein :-refrain, to pull back the reins, to abstain.

FRETUM a strait :-frith, a narrow sea.

FRONS forehead :-frontispiece, a picture at the beginning of a book; affront, to insult; confront, to face.

FUG-IO, -ÍTUM to flee :-refuge, a place to flee to.

FULGEO to shine :-refulgent, reflecting a bright light.

FUMUS Smoke :-perfume, that which diffuses odour.

FUNDO, FUSUM = to pour :-profuse, lavish; diffuse, to pour in different places.

FUNGOR, FUNCTUS to go through or perform a task:-function, an office to be performed; defunct, dead.

GE, yn the earth :-apogee, the point in the moon's orbit farthest from

the earth.

GENOS, Yevos production, offspring :-progeny, offspring.
GENU the knee :-genuflection, bending the knee.


GERO, GESTUM to bring on :-belligerent, warlike; gesticulation, using gesture.

GLOTTA, YATTα=the tongue :-gloss, an interpretation; polyglot, a book of many languages.

GNOSIS, yvwσis= knowledge :-prognosticate, to predict from present appearances.

GONIA, ywvia = a corner :-diagonal, the line joining two opposite angles of a parallelogram.

GRADIOR, GRESSUS= to step :-degree, space from one point to another; transgress, to do wrong.



GRAPHO, yoάow to write :-geography, a description of the earth. GRATUS grateful:-gratify, to make grateful; gratification, that which pleases; grace, favour.

GRAVIS heavy :--gravity, seriousness; gravitate, to tend to the centre of attraction; grief, heaviness, sorrow.

GREX =a flock :-congregate, to flock together; egregious, remarkable.

GUMNOS, yuμvós-naked :-gymnasium, a place for athletic exercises.

HAIRESIS, aipeois=a taking or choosing :-diæresis, taking vowels separately.

HAB-EO, ITUM=to have :—inhabit, to dwell in; exhibit, to display. HÆREO, HESUM = to stick to :-adhere, to stick to; coherent, that which sticks together; hesitate, to stick at or pause.

HEDRA, dpa=a seat:--tetrahedron, a solid figure comprehended under four equilateral and equal triangles.

HELIOS, os=the sun :-heliopolis, city of the sun; heliotrope, a plant.

HEMERA, μέpa= a day :-ephemeris, a daily account of celestial changes.

HEMI, ui= half:-hemisphere, half a sphere.

HEN, Ev=one:--hendecagon, a figure having eleven angles.

HÆRES=an heir :-heritage, that which belongs to an heir; hereditary, descending by inheritance.


HISTEMI, OTηu to stand, to place :—system, an arrangement of particulars.

HOLOS, öλos=all :-catholic, universal.

HONESTUS= honorable:

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- honorary, conferring honour without gain; dishonour, to deprive of honour.

HORTUS a garden :-horticulture, cultivation of a garden.

HUDOR, vdwo=water :-hydraulic, relating to the drawing of water through pipes.

ICHTHUS, ix@ús=a fish: -ichthyology, that part of zoology which treats of fishes.

INTIMUS = innermost :--intimate, familiar; intimate, to suggest.
JAC-EO, -ITUM= to lie :-adjacent, lying near.

JAC-10, -TUM to throw :-adjective, added to; eject, to cast out.
JANUA a gate :-January, the gate or opening of the year.

JUDIC-O, ATUS=to judge :—judicial, pertaining to legal judgment.
JUGUM=a yoke :-subjugate, to bring under the yoke.

JUNGO, JUNCTUS to join :-joiner, one who joins.

JUR-O, -ATUS= to swear: -- abjure, to swear off, reject; adjure, to charge by oath; conjure, to entreat under an oath, to entreat earnestly. JUSTUS just :-justify, to make just; justice, accordant with right. JUVO, JŪTUM=to help :--coadjutor, a fellow helper.

KAIO, KAUSO, кaiw, кavow to burn :-caustic, burning; holocaust, a whole burnt-offering.

KALUPTO, KaλÚπтш=to reveal :-apocalypse, revelation.

KLUDSO, KλUw=to wash :-cataclysm, a deluge.

KRISIS, Kpiois a judgment :-critic, a judge of literary merit; crisis, a decisive period.

KRUPTO, KOUπTw to hide :- crypt, a subterranean cell, especially for interments, under a church.

KUKLOS, KUKλos=a circle :-cyclopædia, a book of universal knowledge.
KUMBOS, KUμẞos=a hollow:-catacomb, a subterraneous burying-place.
LĂBEIN, λăbeĭv=to take :-monosyllable, a word of one syllable.
LABOR= labour :-laboratory, a chemist's workshop.

LEDO, LESUM to strike :-elision, a cutting off, particularly of a syllable or vowel at the end of a word.

LAPIS = a stone:-lapidary, one who polishes precious stones.
LAPSUS having glided:-lapse, a little fault.

LARGUS large:-enlarge, to make bigger; largeness, size.

LATREIA, λarpeía-service :-Mariolatry, the worship of the Virgin.
LATUS a side:-equilateral, equal sided; collateral, side by side.
LATUS broad:-latitude, the distance of any place from the equator.
LĂVO, LOTUM= to wash :—lave, to wash; lotion, a wash used for medical


LAXUS loose--laxity, looseness; relax, to unbend; prolix, lengthy. LEG-0, -ATUM=to send as an ambassador :—legate, one sent on an embassy.


LEMMA, λñμμа an assumption :-dilemma, a double assumption.
LEV-0, -ATUM-to raise :-levy, to raise men or money.

LEX=law :-legislation, the making of laws; illegal, contrary to law.
LIBER-0, -ATUM= to free :-liberate, to make free.

LIG-O, -ATUS to bind :-ligament, any thing that ties one thing to another; league, a confederacy; oblige, to bind a man, force.

LIMEN a threshold:-preliminary, introductory.

LINEA a line:- delineate, to portray; rectilineal, right lined.

LINQUO, LICTUS to leave :--relic, a thing left; delinquent, one who neglects duty.

LITERA= a letter:-alliteration, frequent repetition of the same letter. LOGOS, λóyos discourse, science :-geology, the science that treats of the earth.


I ONGUS long:-elongate, to make longer; oblong, longer than broad. LOQUOR, LOCUTUS to speak :--colloquy, a speaking together; eloquent, speaking out; soliloquy, speaking to oneself.

LUDO, LUSUM = to play :- ludicrous, laughable; elude, to escape notice.
LUMEN light :-luminous, that which gives light.

LUNA the moon :-sublunary, pertaining to the earth.
LUO, LUTUM to wash :-dilute, to make thin.

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