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FROM JULY, 1827, TO JULY, 1828.

ERRATA.—In a few of the copies of the Kaleidoscope of April 1st, the figures on the top of the page were transposed; and we mention the circumstance, in order that those who
keep our work for the purpose of binding, may examine their copies, and rectify the error with a pen, if it should happen to be found there.

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Behave yourself before folk (a song) 328.
Bellman-see London.

Belzoni, the traveller, 94.

Ben Lomond, original trip to, 177.

Better fed than taught, a tale, in rhyme, 108.
Better fed than taught, epigram, 276.

Bill the Woodman, burlesque verses, 4.
Biographical Sketches, 19, 30, 52, 94, 95, 105, 115, 149,
154, 167, 195, 278, 297, 321, 328, 334, 343, 373, 410.
Birkenhead, in Cheshire, account of, 191.
Black Mari's dream, 13.

Blackberry syrup, 84.

Albert, Dr. burlesque essay of, on the artists of hair, 126, Blanc, Mount, ascent to, 71.

[blocks in formation]

Blind, mode of teaching to read and write, 181.
Blood, transfusion of the, 278.

Bologna sausages, epigram, 172.
Bombastes Furioso, 298.

Bon mots, 13, 212, 253.

Bonaparte, Napoleon, 3, 6, 10, 21, 27, 46, 58-see Scott.
Bones, fossil, 2, 209.

Bo Peep, the new assessor, 209.
Booksellers and authors, 311.

Botanic garden, Liverpool, 379.
Bottle found at sea, with a letter, 8.

Bottles, the importance of cleansing, 84.
Bowel complaints, treatment of, 91.

Anonymous Modenese censures Philidor's chess rules, 409. Bradbury and the bear, 100, 106, 114, 122, 130.
Anti-slavery report, 342.

Anticipations, early (verses) 352.

Antiquary, tales of an, 286-see London.

Antiquities, singular, found at Roseberry Topping, with
engravings, 212.

Antiquities, 2, 8, 78, 90, 212, 277, 288, 316, 381, 363,
401-see also Liverpool.

Ants, military tactics of, editorial paper on, and curious
particulars respecting, 153.
Apostrophe, use of, 392, 399.

Apples, method of preserving, 134, 264.

Apprentices' and Mechanics" Library-see Liverpool.
Arithmetical puzzles, 280, 300-see Bagatelles.

Arithmetical question, 48, 280, 332.

Artificial resemblances-see Natural.

Asthma, recipe to cure, 242.

Author, dilemma of, 32.

Author, unpopular, compliment to, 368.

Authors and publishers, 311.


[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Braham, Mr. character of, 174.
Bread and butter, comicial pun, 312.
Brigand chief, death of, (verses) 368.
British constitution-see England.

Charade, 204-see Bagatelle.
Character from the life, 108.
Charles II.-see London Antiquities.

Charlotte, Princess, lines on the death of, 88, 100.
Chemical experiment, 120, 152.

Cheshire coast, revolutions in the-see Liverpool.
Chess, beauties of, in every number-Match between
London and Edinburgh, 32-Query, 160, 192, 212,
285-see Knight's Move-Different names of the differ-
ent pieces at, in different countries, 285-Game of, ver-
sified, 344-Philidor's rules for, censured-see Philidor.
Chilblains, recipe to cure, 242.

Children, on the management of, 270.
Chimney-sweeping machines, 371.
China, original letter on, 251.

Chinese paper, 163.

Chloride of lime, uses of, 207.

Chapped lips, epigram on, 336.

Christmas-day, verses on, 208, 216-Ceremonies, 211.
Christmas puzzles, &c.-see Vivent les Bagatelles.
Chronicles of the Canongate-see Scott.

Circumstantial evidence, 121, 129, 137-Editorial paper
on, 385.

City of the dead, 158.

Clapperton and Laing, 327, 375, 410.

Clarke, Hugh, poems by, 124, 144, 397.
Claudé, ostium, pun on, 143.

Clementi, Latin verses in honour of the birthday of, and
translation, 224.

Climbing-boys, letters, &c. respecting, 300, 316, 321, 340,
376-Verses on, 360.

Brougham, Mr. sketch of the life of, 334-Anecdote of, 332. Clouds, Magellan, phenomenon of, 30.
Brown, Sally, imitation of, 4.

Clubs of London, extracts from, 210.

Coffee, on the best mode of preparing, 364, 376, 383, 392.

Colour, men of-see Blacks.

Bruce, Robert, interesting account of, 238.
Brunswick Theatre, singular narrative of the sufferings of Coincidences, 134-Poetical, 189.
one of the persons who was buried under, 309.
Buckton Castle, query respecting, 96.
Bugs, recipe for the destruction of, 225.
Bulls, 92, 263, 327.

Bulletin, imperial, in verse, 108.

Columbus, new documents respecting, 5, 11, 85, 291-
Life of, by Washington Irving; editorial remarks on,
and extracts from, 265.

Comet, new, 115.

Compliment, ironical, 100.

Burns, imputed plagiarisms of, 143-Lockhart's life of, Confessions of an unexecuted femicide, 51.

Burmese notions of war, 11-Music, 22.

373-Recollections of, 382.

Burning-see Widows.

Burstall's steam-carriage, with engraving, 249.

Burying alive (experiment) 152, 309, 326.

Butter and bread, good pun on, 312.

Byron, Lord, swimming, 21-Anecdotes of, 143, 230.


Cabinet Lawyer, the, 352, 358.
Cakes, land of-see Steam Excursion.
Calculation, astonishing juvenile—see Noakes.

Consolation (verses) 352.

Consumption (verses) 344.

Constable, Archibald, memoir of, 30.

Content, original essay on, 398.

Constantinople-see Turkish.

Conundrums, 134, 236, 396-see Puns.

Conveyance, rapid, of goods and passengers, 49.
Conversion, singular, 375.

Conway, Mr. Suicide of, and character, 328.
Cookery book of Mr. Ude, 45.

Calculation, extraordinary instances of-sce Wallis and Cooper, the American actor, unfairly treated on the Lon-

Calculating negro, 353.

Campbell, Sir Neil, biography of, 195.

Campbells, the tomb of all the, 154.

| Cambria (verses) 252.

Barnard, the Rev. Mr. lines to the memory of, and Latin Camelopardalis, or giraffe, account of, with an engraving,


Canning. Mr. dramatic burlesque by, 55, 73-In private
life, 127.
Cannon balls, velocity of, 19.

don boards, 355-Letter from, 356.
Coral island, by Montgomery, 89.

Coriolanus, whimsical blunder of a Liverpool editor about
the play of, 31.

Cork collar jacket, verses on, 4-Experiments in the
river with, 48, 60, 65-Uses of, 407-Certificates in
favour of experiments with, &c. 432

Cormack, Mr. account of the Red Indians of Newfound-
land, 281.
Cornage-see Horn.

Beards and whiskers, editorial article on, 425-Letter of Carew, Thomas, the poet, specimens of the writings of, 36. Cornish miners, 59.

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Cearns, Mr. speech of, at the anniversary of the society of Cotton trade, article on the, 397.
St. Patrick, 338.

Bedale, Dr. and Mr. Vipond, swim from Liverpool to Cemetery, new, behind St. James's-walk, 380.

"Before proud Sparta” (verses) 124.

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Daisy, wild, by Mrs. Caddick, 344.

Dainty bits-see Eating.

David's lament (verses) 428.

Days, months, and years (poetry) 328.

Dead bird (verses) 20-Friend, verses on, 196.
Death, original lines on, 260-Image of, 269.
Death's head, the, a story, 98.

Deceased friend, lines to the memory of, 80.
Demons, city of the, 158.

Desert island, rescue of two men from a, 406.

Diet, Abernethy on, 68.

Diet, of dogs, cats, rats, &c., 408, 415.

Digestion, on, 15.

Diorama of Roslin Chapel, 373, 406.

Dirge, mock, 157, 241.

Dissections-see Anatomical.

Dog, story of the-see Soldier, old-Dog, the old, 144.
Doggerels, 292-Epistle and answer, 420.
Donaldson, Mary, 165.

Double arrangement; or the Rovers-see Canning.
Dowries, singular, 13.

Drama, 55, 76, 392-see Theatrical.
Drayton, the poet, specimens of, 52.
Drinking of wine and spirits, 152.

Drovers, the story of, by Sir Walter Scott, 138.
Drunkard's chance of getting into heaven, 332.
Drunkenness, remarks on, 389.

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Echo and the glutton, dialogue between, 143, 355.

Editorial quackery, criticism, &c., 31, (in Liverpool, 147,)

156, 157, 159, 160, 164, 168, 172, 241, 255, 352, 361.

Egypt, Pacha of-sce Pacha.

Elder poets, specimens of-sce Poets.

Elephant and tiger, fight between, 374.

Elephants, travelling on, 383.

Ellen, by Washington Irving, 183.

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Hood, Thomas-see Ballads and Wedding.
Hope, lines to, 80-lines on, 268.

Horæ Hibernicæ, 135, 183, 226, 250, 270.
Horse racing, origin of, 423.

Horn at Hooton, ancient, with an engraving, 277.
Horror, tale of (mock) 374.

Horticultural and floral society of Liverpool, 405.
Hour of Love (poetry) 336.

Hours and company, keeping good (epigram) 164.
Houses moved by machinery, 3.

Housewife (recipes, &c.) 84, 134, 207, 220, 225, 242, 29

Humorist, the, 297.

Humorous paper on St. John's Market, 104.

Floating Bath, Liverpool, Tim Bobbin's account of, 200. Hunt, Mr. theory of-see Earth.
Flogging. good remark of a boy on, 245.

Floral Society-see Horticultural.

Flower Mania, 404, 412.

Hunter, John Dunn, notices of, 51.

Hurricane at sea, original description of a, 325.
Hyde, Mr. the assessor, epigrams on, 208, 216, 225.

Food, comparative nutriment in different, 27-Dogs, cats, Hydrophobia, real or imaginary, 93, 96, 118, 159.
rats, &c., used for, 408.

[blocks in formation]

Forget thee? O never," (verses) 284.
Formby, ancient burying ground at, 332.
Forsaken, the, (a story) 66.

Fossil hyena bones in Kent, 2-see Bones.
France, police of, 382.

Franklin, Captain, expedition of. 14.

Freedom, verses on, 344.

Hypochondria, editorial article on, 97.

I and J.

Imagination, mental hallucinations, &c. editorial remar
on, 97.

Improvements, good quiz, 176-Political, 243.

Improvvisatore under a despotic government, and transla
tion of the Italian sonnet, 182, 224.
India trade-see East India.
Indian sports, 19-Revenge, 92.
Inhumation, living-see Burying.

Labours of, 311.

French alphabet, set to music to facilitate the pronuncia-Insects living in wood, 204, 228-Engraving of, 237-
tion, 242-(Prose and verse) 12, 28, 72, 80, 88, 108,
261, 297, 389-Revolution, tale of the, 345-Society,
described by a nobleman, 273-and English equivoque,
excellent, 285.

Friend, deceased, lines to the memory of a, 80-Lines
addressed to a, 292.

Funeral of the Highland Chieftain, 402.

[blocks in formation]

Interest, original modes of calculating, 330.
Introductory letter, and answer, in doggerels, 420.
Inverness to Glasgow, trip to (original) 281.
Irish answers, 3-see Bulls.
Irish corporal (verses) 188.
Itinerant in Scotland, extracts from-see Ryley.
Italian story of the olden time, 257.
"I've been with thee," (verses) 233.
Jealousy, story respecting, 257.

Jefferson, Mr. anecdote of, 392.

Jests, 263, 263-see Bon Mots, Puns, &c.

Jeu d'Esprit-see Market, St. John's.

Jeu d'Mot, 148-d'Esprit, modern-see Pun, Epigram, &

Ghost Seer of Schiller, republication of the, 189, 202, 206, Jevons, Mr. on the changes in the Mersey, 377.

214, 222, 230.

Giant's Causeway, description of the, 92.

Glasgow, trip to, from Inverness (original) 281.
Glory, military, 365.

Goderich castle, a tale, 282.

Gomez Arius, a romance, 333.

| Gouger and the alligator, 3.

Gowry conspiracy, 234.

Grammatical disquisition on the pronoun I, 356.
Grandmother's death (verses) 320.
Gray's elegy, French version of, 261.
Greatness, human, variety of, 346.

Greece, slavery of (verses) 44-And the fine arts (verses) 64.

England, historical and critical inquiry into the consti. Greek literature, introduction of into England, 18.

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Johnson, Charles, verses by, 52.

Jokes, practical-see Humorist.

Jones, Richard Roberts, the learned Welshman, 84.
Junius's letters, poetry by the author of, 252.


Kathed and Eurelia (a tale) 254.

Kirkaldy church, fatal accident at, 429.

Kites used by Mr. Pocock to draw carriages, &c. and fo
various other purposes, 341, 349, 384, 384.

Knight's move at chess, ingenious general theorem for
with a diagram, 108.

Knight's tower, from the Foreign Review, 258.


Ladies, a riddle for the, 269.
Lady of my love, lines to, 36.

Lady, young, verses addressed to a, by t, 242, 252.
Laing and Clapperton, 327, 375.
Land, monopoly of, 391.

Land of cakes, the, 308, 308.
Languages, oriental, 119.

Latin and labour, 143.

Lawyer, Cabinet, a useful work, 352, 358.
Leap, extraordinary, on horseback, 381.

Hair, decline, rise, and fall of the artists of, 126, 134, 160. Leasowe Castle, trip to, 416.
Half mourning, whimsical notion of, 396.

Evidence, circumstantial, and capital punishment, 129, Handel, anecdotes of, 21.

137, 385, 386-see Circumstantial.

Excisemen superseded by machinery, 372.

Experiment, singular, with two pieces of card, and a quill

or pipe, 300, 308, 308, 308, 312, 313, 313, 313, 313,
323, 323, 324, 331, 332, 339, 348, 348.
Eyes, singular essay on the apparent direction of,
Woolaston, with engravings, 225.


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Happiness, lines on, by G., G4.
Haram of the Mogul, 383.
Hart's well, 4.

Hat, old, meditations on a, 406.

Hatchet, throwing the, origin of the phrase of, 389.
Haydn, anecdotes of, 21.

Health, rules for the promotion of, 392.

Heart, sympathy of the, 45.

Heber, the late Bishop, poetry by, 28, 277—Interesting
extracts from the works of, 374, 383.

Hemans, Mrs. "The Wakening" (verses) 172.
Herrings, shower of-see Fish.

Herries, Mr. sketch of, 94.

Hieroglyphics, Burmese, 424.

Hill, the Rev. Rowland, 279.

Hoax, innocent, 168-see Editor.

Hodgson, Christopher-see Burying.

Home-brewed beer and home-brewed literature (verses) 360.
Home, sweet home, parody on, 389.
Home Truths (verses) 197.

Leeches, artificial, 134.

Ledyard, the celebrated traveller, life of, 149.

Letter, introductory, in doggerel, 420-Answer, 429.
Libel law, reform in (verses) 36.

Liberty, verses on, 12, 304.

Light, intense, 179.

Life, tenacity of, in some animals, 273.
Lindsay, Lord David, trial of, 290.

Literature, criticism, &c. 16, 17, 18, 34-State of, 16.
Liver, the-see Liverpool.

Liverpool, editor's remarks on, 100-Forum, letter respec
ing, 101-Festival and fancy ball, 128-Original lin
on, 132, 132-and Manchester railway, interesting pa
ticulars respecting, 131-Mechanics' and apprentice
library, fourth annual report of the, 294-Female, r
port of the committee of the, 307-Ancient corpora
seal, 363, 401-Cemetery behind St. James's walk, 38
-Royal institution, Dr. Traill's address to, at the a
nual meeting, 390-In the year 1766, 417-Merse
encroachments of the sea on the coasts of, interestin
particulars connected with the history of, 217, 221, 21.
321, 332, 347, 363, 377, 417.

Lodi, the battle of, 58.

Logierian system, epigram on the, 189.

London, antiquities of, entertaining article on, 78, 90, 286.
Longevity, extraordinary, 233.

Louise, poor (verses) 396.


225-French Alphabet, set to De Tanti, 242-Says
Gripe to a Dunn, 253-A Chaunt, by Lord Wilton,
279-Two tunes, playing together, 299-A Chaunt, by
S. Smith, 319-Waltz, by Mr. Cohan, 337-Song of
Burns, 381-She walks in beauty, like the night, 430.
Mystery, a tale, 57.

Love, (verses by G.) 72-Letter, interesting, 347-And Mysterious Manuscript, a tale, 166.
harmony, a song by, 117.

Love-sick Willy, by Thomas Hood, 240.

Lovelace, Richard (verses) 368.

Love's servile lot, 312.

99, Lover to his mistress (poetry) 352.

Lover's eyes (verses) 64.

Lucasta (poetry) 360.

Lyon, William, extraordinary memory of, 77.

M. verses to, by W. P. 276.


Madness of a whole family, 374.

Madrigal, by Melbourne, 277, 404.

Magician's tale, 151.

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Mansie Wauch, a tale, 379.

Manks legend, St. Maughold, 116.

Manners and customs, curious contrast in, 244.

Mythology of the Greeks and Romans, 34.


Napoleon, divorce of, 86-History of, by Hazlett, 239,
309, 374, 403-The name of, singularly subdivided, 245
-Verses on, 269-see Scott's Napoleon.
Narratives, interesting, 19, 73-see Tales.
Natural history, 2, 16, 43, 45, 71, 81, 204, 209, 228, 237,

273, 311, 361, 375, 389, 134, 153.

Natural productions, resembling artificial compositions,391
Navarino, plan and description of, 176-Verses on, 188,
208-Battle of, described, 234.

Nelson's monument at Liverpool, description and per-

spective view of, 109.

Newfoundland, red Indians of, 281.
Newspaper office (from the German) 42.
New Year's Day in Paris, 228.
Newspaper, old, lines to, 428.

Neale, Mr., punning declaration of love by, 361.
Neill, Miss O', punning lines on, 361.

Neil, the author, sketch of the life of, 297.
Negroes and men of colour, on the character and intellect
of, 353, 362, 370, 378, 387.
Niagara, falls of, 7, 127.

Pringle's ephemerides, 352.
Printing press, improved, 87.
Printems, Le, (verses) 389.
Pocock, Mr.-see Kites.


Poetry, original, how to manufacture, 147.
Poets, elder, specimens of, 36, 52, 64, 88, 117, 124, 156,
165, 180, 196, 216, 241, 269, 276, 293, 312, 336, 345,
360, 368, 388, 404, 428.
Polar expedition, 234.
Police of France, 382.

Political jeu d'esprit on the change of ministers, 243.
Porson's metaphysical botheration, 296.

Portuguese man of war, an extraordinary insect, 71.
Potato resembling a bull-dog's head, 165.
Posthumous papers of a person lately about town, 315.

Profile mountain, with an engraving, 391.
Proudfute, chaunt over the body of, 396.
Pronoun I, dissertation on the, 357.
Publishers and authors, 311.

Puff, an epigram, 352-see Editorial.

Punishment, capital, 121, 129.

Puns, 3, 20, 28, 143, 143, 152, 157, 157, 173, 173, 175,
187, 189, 236, 311, 312, 332, 347, 361, 375, 375, 381,
392, 396, 403, 424.

Punning on any subject, (epigram) 100.
Puzzles, &c.-see Vivent les bagatelles.
Pyramids, battle of, 6.

Quackery, editorial-see Editorial.
Quakers, a terrible sect, 288.

Manuscript, Burmese, on palm leaves, 424-Curious He Noakes, Master, the celebrated calculating child, 74, 95, Queries, 48.

brew, 277-Mysterious, 166.

March of mind, quiz on, 174.

Margaret, (verses) 292.

Marine Life Preserver-see Cork Collar Jacket.

Mariner's return (verses) 240.

Maria Antoinette (verses) 276.

Marian (poetry) 304.

Marriages, late and early, epigram, 328-An epigram.


Marriage, punning epigram on, 361-Unhappy, 418.
Marian (poetry) 412.

Market, St. John's, of Liverpool, capital sketch of, 102.

Markets, state of (verses) 380.

Mary, Queen of Scots, 365.

109, 110, 120.

Noble, Mr. poetry by, 292, 304.
Norway, scenery, &c. of, 365.
Novice, fate of the, 250.

Nut nearly three feet in circumference, 3.


O fair thy valleys," &c. by G. 44.

Old man's comfort, by Southey, 412.
Old Times, (verses by G.) 388.

On and off, an epigram, 164,

"On the blood crimson'd turf," (verses) 260.
"One smile from thee," (poetry) 402.
Oppression. sonnet on, 352.

Masked ball, lines supposed to have been found at the, 108. Oratorical flourish, 396.

Mathematical question, 261.

Matter, infinite divisibility of, 96, 120.

May-day (verses) 368.

Measles, recipe for, 225.

Meat, unwholesome, 11.

Medical school proposed, 383.

Meeting, the first lines on, 224-The last on, 233.

Melbourne the poet, specimens from, 52, 64, 165, 180, 241,
209, 276, 293, 312, 345, 368, 388, 404, 428.

Melrose Abbey and the Eildon Hills, original trip to, 213.
Memnon (verses) 232.

Memory, extraordinary effects of, 77.

Mersey, river (see Liverpool)-Ancient map of, 417.
Merton, Herbert, extracts from, 185.

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Oratory, parenthetical, 375.
Oriental languages, 119.

Original poetry on home brewed beer, 360.
Orthography, whimsical, 29.

"O tell me not the moon is bought," (verses) 28.
Oysters, gutting, 152.


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Race horse Eclipse, 244.


Railroad, advantages of a, 382-Power of a horse upon a,


Rain, red, 422.

Raleigh, Sir Walter, verses by, 196.
Redbreast (lines on) 232.

Red cross knight (verses) 380.

Red Indians of Newfoundland, 281.
Religion (verses) 345.

Rescue of two men from a desert island, 407.
Resemblances, natural-see Natural.

Resurrection men-see Anatomical.
Retrospective poetical address, 100.
Retrospection (verses) 116, 156.

Rhodes, siege of, by Mahomet, 229.
Richard III. and his son, (verses) 189.
Richard Cœur de Lion, 235.

Righteous, the death of, (verses) 148.
Ringworm, cure of, 264.

Ripperda, a remarkable adventurer, 94.

Robin redbreast, lines to, 144.

Rome, whimsical lines on the birth of the young king of
Ronald, Lord, (poetry) 388.
-see Improvvisatori.
Rosalic, a sonnet, 88.

Roscoe, William, Esq. lines addressed to, 241.
Roscoe's translation of Lanzi, 373.
Rose, the (poetry) 360.

Rose, lines to a, 80, 293.

Roses, method of increasing the odour of, 264.

Pasta, Madume, 64, 105-Editorial comment on, 128- Roseberry, Topping's Antiquities-sce Antiquities.

Verses on, 132.

Patents, list of, first publication in cach month.
Pathetic ballads, by Hood, &c., 156, 172, 189, 240.
Patrick, St.-see Ccarns, Mr.
Patriot's grave, 28.

Peace, verses to, by Mrs. Caddick, 320.
Pedestrianism, 277.

Perouse, La, traces of, 311, 375.
Perth, story of the fair maid of, 393.

Phenomenon, singular, 204. 285, 312-see Scientific and
Natural-Experiment-Fata Morgana--Fish--Animal


Phidias, interesting notice of, 64.

Philidor's chess rules censured, 409, 421.

Philosophical dissertations from an American journal,

195, 210, 248.

Phrenology, letters, &c., on, 15, 30, 40, 95, 111, 119.
Pichegrue, General, original article respecting, 259.

Musical time-beater, invented by Egerton Smith, with an Picton, General, anecdotes of, 143.

engraving, 113.

Meting at sea, 290.

MUSIC, a Chaunt, by Mr. Jones, of Denbigh, 3-Burmese
specimens, 22-Song of the Astrologers, 37-Smedley,

Pie, enormous, 269.

Piers, or landing-places, improved, 244.

Pig driving, whimsical description of, 315-Roasted, son-

net to, 144.

a psalm, 43-Not a Star in the Heavens, 82-Song, by P.tt, Mr., midnight rehearsals of, 414.
Mr. Samuel Smith, 99-Song, by Rousseau, or three Plague-see London.

notes, 111-Original Canon, by Edmund Platt, 150-Plum pudding, rhyming recipe for a, 220.
Minuet in Don Giovanni, arranged by James Walker, Prayer, female, hint respecting, 241.
103-The Swiss Boy, arranged by Moschelles, 173-Psalm civ. paraphrased, 304.
The First Dew-drop, 201-Chaunt, by Mr. Glazebrook, Primroses (poetry) 360.

Roslin Castle-see Diorama.

Rovers, the, a dramatic burlesque, by Mr. Canning, 55,


Ruin, a sonnet, 312.

Rupert, Prince, and the Everton cottage, 304.
Russia and Turkey, 406-see Turkey and Cowper.
Ryley's Itinerant in Scotland, extracts from, 101, 431.


Sabbath Bells (poetry) 420.
Sabbath-day (verses) 28.
Sacrament-day in the Highlands, 118.
Sadhu Sing (verses) 164.
Safety ships-sce Ships.
Sailor's funeral, 226,
Samela (verses) 269.

Sardinia, present state of the Island of, 346.
Savage life, striking picture of, 361.

Say, can'st thou still," &c. (verses) by G., 36.
Scio, Island of, 235.

SCIENTIFIC NOTICES, 2, 3, 15, 19. 30, 33, 41, 45, 49,
68, 85, 113, 149, 152, 163, 178, 179, 195, 225, 229,
246, 262, 263, 264, 271, 273, 278, 288, 295, 305, 308,
312, 322, 323, 329, 330, 335, 341, 348, 371, 372, 373,

399, 422-see Patents, Phenomena.

"Scorn not the least," (verses) 312.

Scott, Henry, poems by, 101.

Scott's, Sir Walter's, Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, extracts

from, 86.-see Bonaparte.

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