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Does he read them all? [Ans. No:] Where are they all taken from? [Ans. The Scriptures.] What is the use of such texts as these? [Ans. To move sinners to repentance.] What follows the Sentences? [Ans. The Exhortation.] Who reads this? [Ans. The Minister alone.] Would it not be very improper for any but God's minister to address the congregation in the words of this Exhortation? [Ans. Yes.] What should all the people do while the minister reads it? [Ans. Listen with attention.J What does he call upon the people to confess? [Ans. Their manifold sins and wickedness.] Has not every person sins and offences to confess! [Ans. Yes.] Do not those of a whole congregation amount to a great number? [Ans. Yes.] For what end should they confess them? [Ans. That they may obtain forgiveness.] What does the minister call upon the congregation to render to God for the benefits they receive? [Ans. Thanks.] What. are benefits? [Ans. Favours and kindnesses.] Do we not, every one of us, receive benefits from God every moment of our lives? [Ans. Yes.] Can we make suitable returns to God? [Ans. No.] What have we besides thanks to give? [Ans. Nothing.] What does the minister exhort us to set forth? [Ans. God's most worthy praise.] Is not the greats est and best of Beings worthy of our highest praises? [Ans. Yes.] What do we go to Church to hear? [Ans. God's most holy word.] How do we hear it? [Ans. The minister reads it in the Lessons.] How should we hear it? [Ans. With reverence.] What do we go to God's house to ask or pray for? [Ans. Those things which are requisite and necessary both for our bodies and our souls.] What do we want for our bodies? [Ans. Food, and clothing, and health, and many other things.] What do we want for our souls ? [Ans. God's grace and salvation] With what heart should we pray to God? [Ans. A pure heart.]. With what voice should we pray? [Ans. An humble voice.] In what prayer do the people first join with the minister? [Ans. The General Confession] What follows the General Confession? [Ans. The Absolution.] What does the minister declare to the people in the Absolution? [Ans. The pardon and remission of their sins.] In whose name does the minister declare this? [Ans. In God's name.] Does the minister declare God's pardon to those who are not penitent? [Ans. No.] Who does he say God pardons? [Ans. Those that truly repent and unfeignedly believe his holy Gospel.] What does the minister call upon the people to join with him in

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praying God to grant ? [Ins. Repentance and his Holy Spirit.] What cannot we do without God's help? [Ans. Those things that will please him.] If our lives be pure and holy, according to the rules of the Gospel, where will God bring us to at last through Jesus Christ? [Ans. His eternal joy.] What is eternal joy? [Ans. Happiness without end.] Can we have such happiness in this world? [Ans. No.] Where only can it be found? [Ans. In heaven.]

What follows the Absolution? [Ans. The Lord's Prayer.] What comes after the Lord's Prayer? [Ans. The Ejaculations.] When may our lips be said to be opened by the Lord? [Ans. When we speak his praises.] If God did not make speed to save and help us, what might happen to us? [Ans. We might die in our sins.] To whom should we ascribe glory? [Ans. To the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost. What are the Father, the Son, and Holy Ghost, that we should ascribe glory to them? [Ans. Three persons and one God.] What is to be read after the sentences, Praise ye the Lord, and the Lord's name be praised? [Ans. The Psalms for the day of the month.] Find the Psalms for this day.

What is to be read after the Psalms? [Ans. The First Lesson.] What is the Lesson for to-day?

What comes after the First Lesson? [Ans. My soul doth magnify the Lord.]

Read Magnificat with the Children as at Church.

Instruction.---This is the hymn of the blessed Virgin Mary, which she spake as the Holy Ghost inspired her, when her cousin Elizabeth, by the spirit of prophecy, saluted her as the mother of the Lord, and said there would be a performance of the things God had promised by the angel Gabriel. It is very properly introduced into the Church Service, to excite a spirit of lowliness and faith in the minds of the worshippers.

Questions.---Did the Virgin Mary magnify herself as if she was a divine Being, because she was to be the mother of the Lord? [Ans. No.] Who did she magnify? [Ans. The Lord? On what account did she rejoice in God her Saviour? [Ans. Because he had regarded the lowliness of his handmaiden.] Who did she mean by his handmaiden ? [Ans. Herself.] What did she say all generations from that: time would call her? [Ans. Blessed.] Is she not still called the blessed Virgin? [Ans, Yes.] Upon whom did she say

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God shews mercy throughout all generations? [Ans. Upon them that fear him.]. Who has God confounded? [Ans. Those who are proud in the imagination of their hearts.] What should we learn from this divine hymn? [Ans. To be humble and lowly.] What is sometimes read instead of this hymn? [Ans. The 98th Psalm.]

Read this with the Children. Questions.---What is to be read after this? [Ans. The Second Lesson.] What is the Second Lesson for this evening? [Ans. .] What is said after it? [Ans. Lord, now

lettest thou, &c.]

Read this with the Children. Instruction.---This is the hymn of good old Simeon, which he spake when he entered the Temple at Jerusalem, and knew by the Holy Spirit that the babe which the Virgin Mary was presenting, was the Lord's Christ, who was to be the glory of the Jewish nation, and to bring the heathens out of spiritual darkness, to the knowledge of salvation. The nation we belong to, was amongst those who, through Christ, have been thus enlightened, therefore Simeon's hymn is very properly a part of our public worship.

Questions.---Have we, like Simeon, seen the Lord with our eyes? [Ans. No.] Have we not seen the salvation of which Simeon speaks? [Ans. Yes.] Has not Christ been a light to lighten the Gentiles, as well as the glory of his people Israel? [Ans. Yes.] Who were the Gentiles? [Ans. All who were not Jews.] If the Gentiles had not been enlightened, what should we of this country have been? [Ans. Heathens.] What is sometimes used instead of the Song of Simeon? [Ans. The 67th Psalm.] What is said after these hymns? [Ans. The Creed.] What is a Creed? [Ans. A public profession of faith.] Who is it to be made by? [Ans. The Minister and people.] Is each to speak for the whole body as well as for himself, as in the Prayers? ¡Ans. No.] Can any one take upon himself to say that others believe the articles of the Creed [Ans. No.] What Creed is this called? [Ans The Apostles.] Why is it called so? [Ans. Because it contains the doctrines of the Apostles.] What is said after the Creed? [Ans. The Lord's Prayer.] Are the Sentences after the Lord's Prayer the same as those in the Morning Service? [Ans. Yes.] What comes after them? [Ans. The Collect for the day.] Find it in your Prayer Book. What comes next? [Ans. The second Collect.]

Read the Second Collect.

Questions.---Can we think or contrive any thing holy, good, and just, without the help of God's Holy Spirit! Ans. No.J Can the world, with all its pleasures, give us inward peace and comfort? [Ans. No.] If we have good thoughts and desires, what will our hearts be properly set to obey? [Ans. God's commandments.] What will the peace of God defend us from? [Ans. The fear of our enemies.] If we have this peace of God in our hearts, how shall we pass our time? [Ans. In rest and quietness.] What desires should we pray to God to give us? [Ans. Holy desires.] What peace is that which the world cannot give? [Ans. The Peace of God.]

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Instruction.---To lighten our darkness, signifies in one sense to give knowledge of salvation to our minds; it also means to preserve us from those dangers to which we may be exposed in the darkness of the night, whilst we are taking our rest.

Questions.---Are we not exposed to many dangers by night as well as by day? [Ans. Yes.] Can we defend ourselves from fire or thieves or any kind of accident whilst we are asleep? [Ans. No.] Can we make our sleep refreshing to ourselves? [Ans. No.] Who can defend us from all the perils and dangers of the night? [Ans. God.] Can we expect God to protect and defend us if we do not pray to him? [Ans. No.] What Prayers follow after the third Collect? [Ans. The same as in the Morning Prayer.] What is placed next to the Evening Prayer in the Prayer Book? [Ans. The Creed of St. Athanasius.]


Read this Creed with the Children.

Instruction.---This Creed or Confession of Faith, was composed to guard the Members of the Christian Church from false doctrines, by showing what the true Catholic Faith is. By the Catholic Faith is meant that which was taught by our Saviour and his Apostles, and in which all Christians should agree; the sum and substance of which is, as this Creed properly expresses it, To worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity; and to believe rightly the In

carnation of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is very plain from Scripture that there is a Trinity in Unity, or Three Persons in One God, namely, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, therefore it must be a part of the Catholic or Common Faith of Christians to believe it. The Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ, or his coming in the flesh, is also very plainly declared in Scripture, therefore that must be a part of the Catholic Faith. Whoever believes these two points of doctrine, believes all that is possessed in the Athanasian Creed concerning the Catholic Faith; the greatest part of the Creed is only an explanation of those two points of doctrine founded upon parts of Scripture.

As it has pleased God to teach us in the Holy Scriptures what we ought to believe, we are not presumptuously to make a Religion for ourselves, by refusing to believe what God has plainly revealed. Those who thus presumptuously set up their own wisdom contrary to the word of God, are the persons who are in danger of perishing everlastingly, for not. keeping the Catholic Faith, and who those are God only knows; therefore it does not become us to judge or condemn any one; but this Creed should put us upon our guard against all who say any thing against the doctrines of the Trinity, and the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ, and it should make us resolve to keep strictly to the Faith in which we were baptized, and the church of which we are members, as the whole of the Catholic Faith is taught and professed in it:

Questions.---In what Faith should all Christians agree? [Ans. The Catholic Faith.] What is the Catholic Faith? [Ans. That which was taught by Christ and his Apostles.] Can it be right for Christians to set up their own opinions in opposition to the doctrines of Scripture? [Ans. No.] As Scripture proves that the Father is God, the Son God, and the Holy Ghost is God, should we say we do not believe this to be true? [Ans. No.] As the Scriptures declare that there is but one God, should not we believe that these three divine Persons are one God? [As. Yes.] As the Scriptures teach that the Son of God took our nature upon him in the person of Jesus Christ, should we not believe that he did so? [Ans. Yes.] As the Son of God proved when he was upon earth, that he had really a human body, should we not believe that he was truly Man? [Ans. Yes.] As he wrought such miracles as none but God could work, ought we not to believe that he is God? [Ans. Yes.] As the Holy Spirit proved, by inspiring the Prophets and the Apostles, that he

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