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action at a moment's warning." And away formed, was crescent-shaped, with the conhe dashed off at full speed.

It was a tedious night-marching and halting — halting and marching—while all kinds of wild rumors were pouring in upon us: one, that the enemy had captured a great number of prisoners from us and a large portion of our artillery; another, that their cavalry were in our rear, had cut off our retreat, and had captured the whole of our wagon train. There was some truth in the latter portion of this report. Some two thousand Yankee cavalry, escaping from Harper's Ferry, had, indeed, passed along our rear, capturing some forty wagons, and would have captured more but for the promptness displayed by a young ordnance officer, Lieutenant Sublett, of General Hood's staff. The Yankees had placed two men at a point where the roads forked, who directed the wagons as they came up to turn to the right, leading them directly into the trap they had laid for them. When Sublett came up he was also directed to turn to the right, but suspecting something wrong, he took the other road, and hurrying on at a trot, effected his escape, with the balance of the train.

As day broke we were nearing the bridge over the Antietam. The enemy were pressing hard after us. We could distinctly see the dust raised by their columns and a portion of our cavalry, under General Fitz Lee, who were bravely contesting every foot of ground with them, and gallantly holding their advance in check. We halted a short distance in front of the river, and forming line of battle, awaited their approach; at the same time giving the wagon trains and a portion of the artillery time to cross the bridge. Soon after forming a staff officer rode along the lines, reading an order from General Lee announcing the capture of Harper's Ferry by Jackson, together with thirteen thousand prisoners, seventy-three pieces of artillery, about thirteen thousand stand of small arms, and a large quantity of military stores. The news was received by the men with loud shouts, and it greatly reänimated their courage, after their long and toilsome night's march.

As the enemy did not advance, we again fell back, forming in front of the little village of Sharpsburg, while Captain Sellers, with a body of select men from the Texas brigade, was left to guard the bridge. Our line, when

vex side toward the enemy. The hills on the opposite side of the river were equally high with those we occupied, descending in open slopes to the Antietam, which was about half way between the two armies. In the formation, Hood's division was sent to the left, and posted near St. Mumma's Church, while his artillery was placed immediately to the right of the Boonesboro turnpike. There was an immense park of artillery here, extending from the right to the Kedisville road, far to the left of the Boonesboro turnpike, covering all the approaches from the bridges and fords of the river.


I HAVE often thought upon death, and I find it the least of all evils. All that which is past is as a dream; and he that hopes or depends upon time coming, dreams waking. So much of our life as we have discovered is already dead; and all those hours which we share, even from the breasts of our mother, until we return to our grandmother, the earth, are part of our dying days; whereof even this is one, and those that succeed are of the same nature, for we die daily; and as others have given place to us, so we must in the end give way to others.-Bacon.

ALWAYS Suspect a man who affects great softness of manners, an unruffled evenness of temper, and an enunciation studied, slow and deliberate. They bespeak a degree of mental discipline, into which he that has no purposes of craft or design to answer, can not submit to drill himself. The most successful knaves are usually of this description -as smooth as razors dipped in oil, and as sharp. They affect the innocence of a dove, which they have not, in order to hide the cunning of the serpent which they have. Colton.

NEVER consider that vanity an offense which limits itself to wishing for the praise of good men for good actions: next to our own esteem it is a virtue to desire the esteem of others. We may covet general admiration for a bad action, but one can expect general esteem only for a good one.-Bulwer.

ABSENCE cures little passions, but aggravates great ones.-Napoleon.

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She was no longer the severe and formal judge of society. A change was visible in her softened deportment. A pleasant and kind look cheered her household. Her geniality overflowed in special attentions to her

Ir was a fine October morning. The early frost had tinged the foliage of the trees with variegated dyes. The few remaining songsters of the season filled the grove around the General's residence with notes of melan-daughter. choly joy. The woods and fields felt the exalted emotions of the ripened year. The cool, bracing air of the frosty hour set the blood flowing with a more generous thrill. Animated nature without doors responded to that within.

There are many such sunny mornings in the decline of the year. The other seasons have corresponding delights that fill up the hour with pleasure suitable to the changing landscape. Our pleasant atmosphere and genial climate put on their real crown of beauty with the coronation of the plants. It is the harvest of the hours, the home-gathering of winged, wandering anticipations and the concentration of evanescent memories.

Poets, novelists, and travelers have recounted the beauties of landscape and sky of Southern Europe, till the world has been lead to believe that the good Creator has been partial toward those favored climes. Many errors are current in good society, arising from limited observation. Even our clergyman may mislead us when his position demands of him an effort that is beyond his reach. If in spiritual matters such things occur, it is no wonder that the half-traveled world underrate the untraveled half.

No doubt that the rich hand of Providence has scattered unnumbered jewels in all lands with an abundance that the oldest and most persevering traveler-a Captain Cook or a Belzoni-has not seen the choicest parts. Pardon, then, ignorance and an untraveled pen, and permit to native prejudice a belief that this bright October morning had no peer beneath the skies of Khorassan, Spain, or the other fair slopes of the Mediterranean seas. The Fortunate Isles of the old Greeks might be imagined blessed with an eternal round of such days.

Esther had yielded to circumstances an outward compliance. Her own judgment and convictions were private possessions. The wondrous chapter of accidents was her study. From its kaleidoscope she hoped much. Notwithstanding General Harmon and his wife might congratulate themselves upon auspicious foreshadowings, Miss Esther was looking to facts without auspices. So, this morning, Mrs. Harmon finding the child in a mood of steady thought, tried to rouse gayer feelings. Success crowned her effort; for the young lady had learned that the virtue of passive obedience, although hypocritical and reprehensible morally, was the sweetest flattery and least liable to abuse. "Daughter dear," said the elder, "these pleasant days should not be wasted upon moody feelings."

What shall I do then, mother? Melancholy has its sweets."

"No question of it, dear child, for those whose course of life is in uncertain contemplation. For you there should be more joyous anticipations."

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Pray stop, mother. Do not repaint my future for me. I know your facile hand and brilliant coloring. I'm tired of the anticipation and reach forward to the reality."

"Just what I am doing too, Esther. Painting I will set off against your brown study, and gladly join you in something that will smooth the progress to the reality."

"Progress?' Do you mean a certain ceremony, both pleasing and fearful to girls, and all unmarried objects of charity?"

"Call it as you please, Esther. I refer to your approaching marriage with Mr. Hardcastle."

"Tell me this, mother: is he a Lord, a Duke, a Marquis, or a

"Silence, Miss Pert. He is plain Mr.

Mrs. Harmon partook of the spirit of the Hardcastle. That is all that he is at preshour. She had undergone a metamorphosis. I ent."

"At present?' Then there is a secret fu- to unmask dastardy. Let us make that deture of noble titles, is there?" termination. I ask that pledge alone, moth

"I do not know, my dear. I am fully sat-er, and you may then ever rule me." isfied though that, when married to him, you will cease to be a plain countrywoman."

"You shall have it, child. You yielded obediently to my wiser foresight. Now I will yield to your more spirited pride. Mars shall win his Venus only by the sword."

"I have no fears of that. Pedagogism and poltroonery may be shown to be twins, I believe."

"Bravo, child! You are your own father's spirit in the flesh."

"Yet, mother, I always loved plain American names. This I now see is the folly of prejudice. How glad I shall be when called by obsequious attendants and acquaintances, Marchioness, or Duchess, or Lady Hardcastle! How it will heat my blood! I just know that it will not be a title below a baronetcy or something of that sort. By the by, I must buy me a British Peerage. How foolish not to think of it before!" "You may relieve yourself of that trouble,trates and extends the maxim that extremes dear: Mr. Hardcastle presented a copy to meet, by showing that bargains are not alyour father." ways made with the same intention. Even that sunny day had not a smile to

How glad I am."

"It takes two to make a bargain,” is an old adage, implying that the two shall be of one accord. The above scene further illus

"With leaves folded down at various compare with the satisfied smile of Mrs. places." Harmon.

"I must see it."

"I would have told you before, only out of love of a surprise; and then, too, it is better not to awaken your curiosity too much before fully satisfying it. It is, therefore, at Mr. Hardcastle's request, decided to keep the book a secret till you are Lad- Well, never mind-till you are Mrs. Hardcastle." “What astonishment this will be for our people!"

"Yes, indeed; and what a thunderstroke to a certain pedagogue-eh?"

"To be sure," nodded the young lady.

By the by, the General says that if this said individual ever puts his hand again upon your brother, it shall not go unnoticed. Then, too, that affair of the bracelet is not wholly explained to my satisfaction. There is something not wholly clear. I am so in hopes that something will expose him yet as an impostor and deluding cheat. If there is any thing that I do hate and despise, it is a whining sycophant, trading upon visionary capital; and in my humble opinion, Mr. Hardcastle, in the matter of the challenge, renewing the offensive, will uncloak the pretender, and

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"I do hope he will," fervently interposed the daughter, in a contradictory sense.

"Well, well! I have almost a mind to say that Mr. Hardcastle shall not have your hand without performing that Christian duty."

"I applaud your resolve, mother dear Nothing will please me better, or grace our wedding more honorably, than for chivalry

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WHEN the wily Englishman next met his brothers in the magical art, he was equipped with the necessary arms for a master stroke of policy. What had been pleasantry, now became business. He announced to them that he had now possession of the mystical sheath, having purchased it of the Rabbi, for two thousand dollars ready money.

"Now," said Hardcastle, "I am ripe for a trade. Sell me your sword."

"Nay, my brother, do you not remember that I desired the two implements for myself? Did I not speak to you of Spanish treasure?”

"So you did, my elder brother and master, and that has opened my eyes. I know much of that Spanish treasure. I know the very spot, the place where is engraved by Span

Mayfair counted-Hardcastle counted: the tale was correct. He saw that there was

ish arms Solomon's signet, encircled by the words: "In sanguine fœdus."

"Let me have the sheath, then," eagerly more uncounted and the place of the deposit. His cupidity was aroused. Two thousand

ejaculated Mayfair.

"On condition that we share the discov- dollars had before filled up the extent of his ery."

"I can not do that."

“But I think I ought to demand it, sire. By my knowledge you are directed in the right path. Heretofore you have failed by pursuing a wrong direction. If I set you right, ought I not to share the discovery?"

"Surely, surely, brother; only I must be allowed to test the practical value of this holy implement, before the final contract and delivery of the purchase price."

"Nothing can be more welcome to me, or desirable, sire. When shall they be tested?" 'Let me see the sheath."

"Here it is,” replied the cunning Englishman, drawing from beneath his sleeve and displaying to their protruding eyes, a bronzed sheath, that might, from all appearances, have been the reputed article.

In order to construct a suitable covering for a sword of such marvelous power and form, he was driven to the necessity of producing an extravagance. In the room adjoining his sleeping room at the hotel, he had noticed a miscellaneous collection of refuse wares and cast-off clothing of what had once been a company of dragoons. Among them was an old pair of horseman's boots, with high leggings. Cutting this into shape and boiling the leather into pliancy and rubbing it with every thing that could put it beyond recognition, with soap-stone, ocher, and sand, he succeeded in imparting to the boot legging a form and color whimsical enough to provoke laughter. Upon its outside, he worked with brass and lead into its body the sentence: "Mitte gladium tuum in vaginam." Equipped with this nondescript work of art, he presented it to the Mayfairs. It fitted the sword excellently. The inscription was marvelously like Black Letter, and held the old man's eye with the spell of fascination. He knew just enough of Latin to understand the significance of the quotation, and had dallied with mystery long enough to attribute to a sacred rescript like the above Biblical sentence, a power and adaptedness beyond human agency.

They were not long in making a bargain, exchanging patent humbuggery for unmistakable cash.

desires; but since he saw the money, his scope of need enlarged. He had underrated the old man's gullibility; he had made a misstep, and must repair the oversight. Knowing Mayfair to be a miser, his temptation increased.

Although blind to some things, the miser was a close business man, with an eye open to the main chance. Hardcastle had not yet laid his hand upon the money. According to the conditions of the trade, the Mayfairs were to test the efficiency of their purchase.

Voluntarily had Hardcastle consented to this demand, though for the life of him, he did not see how he was to pass through its trial successfully. He had placed himself in a position that barred him from denying the test, as this would have ruined all his plans, whereas the sight of the gold had emboldened him to risk every thing, trusting to the luck of a bold defiance of Fate. Boldness was his safety.

While the Mayfairs were wondering at their purchase, Hardcastle turned to the old man's small library of books and opened a copy of the "Commentaries" of Raymond Lulle, who had explained all that Arnold of Villeneuve had written at the dictation of Roger Bacon and Hebex. This precious manuscript was in an ivory box. Without being observed, he wrote with a brown-colored pencil the following addendum to the chapter:


"Le trésor est à dix-sept toises et demie sous terre, depuis trois siecles. Sa valeur se monte à deux millions de doublons; la matière est enfermée dans une caisse, la même que le fameux pirate de la mer, Main de Fer, enleva à Guise, un Seigneur Français, l'an 1563, quand il voulut aider les Espagnols à bâtir le palais l'Escurial. Elle fut enterrée par lui-même, au lieu où elle se trouve encore, avant qu'il assieger Rome. Pius VII., qui était grand magicien, ayant su où la caisse était enterrée, s'était déterminé à l'aller recouvrer en personne, mais la mort vînt traverser ses projets. Apres la mort du pirate Main de Fer, le genie qui preside aux

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Which addendum, being interpreted, meaneth:

"The treasure is seventeen and a half fathoms under ground, where it has lain for three centuries. The value is two millions of doubloons: it is enclosed in a chest which the famous sea pirate Main de Fer (or Iron Hand) bore off from the French nobleman, de Guise, in the year 1563, when he wished to aid the Spanish in building the palace of the Escurial. It was buried by himself, where it now is, before going to besiege Rome. Pius VII., an expert magician, having learned where the chest was buried, had determined to recover it himself, when his designs were cut short by death. After the death of the pirate, Iron Hand, the genius that presides over Hidden Treasure set over it seven guardians. On the night of a full moon, at the approach of the sun, a wise man can sublime this treasure to the surface of the soil, by keeping himself within the circle maxime, girt with the Sacred Sword and Sheath, by employing the Pentacle, when the light of the moon falls full upon the Tabella Petrea," etc.

Replacing the MS., Hardcastle asks: "What share am I to have in the discovery? If this relic has the properties that are ascribed to it and proves tractable in your hands


"I believe I have, brother Hardcastle. If they ferret out this matter, worlds could not buy them from me."

"I am all impatience to know what you mean, sire."

"Know then, that years ago, I deposited for safe keeping, some money in a field hard by. From a feeling of security that the matter was safe, and from the lapse of time, I forgot the fact of its hiding, and now know nothing of the place."

That is, indeed, wonderful," said Hardcastle.

"Now if this wand of sacred manifesta

tion can bring up to mind the place, and restore the money, then shall it be my great


have a certainty of it-I feel it this moment.
"All hail, my master! It shall do it. I
Hail thou Lord of the Bowels of the Earth!
thou second Golden Hand!
trial be made of their virtues?"

When shall

"To-morrow night, at nine," answered Mayfair. "And if they fail?"

But they'll not fail. The recovery of your "Then no pay-the bargain is cancelled. buried wealth will not be failure."

A sudden thought inspired the bold conspirator. He invited Simon to pass the night with him. The invitation was accepted.

at General Harmon's. Hardcastle was in The early hours of the night were passed excellent spirits. Beyond some few courte

ous words to Esther, and the usual interchange of convivial small phrases, he devoted himself to Mrs. Harmon. His knowledge of human nature and the circumstances taught him that she was empress of his fortunes. He therefore courted the higher powers. His partial neglect of Esther was taken as a high tone of fashion under tender relations.

"In that event, you shall have a tenth, provided always, that you reveal to us your knowledge of the Spanish treasure." "Why, you know as much of that, sire, social rebuff, was by no means displeased

as I do,"

"How so?"

That young lady, notwithstanding her

with the fact. She was unusually attentive to Simon. He was a little discomposed at the kindness of the lady, knowing that the

"Look in your copy of old Raymond Lulle. He is full of the matter, and if I mis-short-comings of his education had cut him take not, reveals the long-sought hidden wealth of the pirate Main de Fer. All I know I got from him; but of this another day. Now let us talk of the test, to which you appeal. Have you any definite object in view that comes up to the character of your sacred utensils?"

off from participating without restraint in convivial amusements. Yet the familiar address of Miss Esther partly succeeded in restoring him to calmness and the use of his tongue.

Beginning a trivial conversation, Esther inquired into his acquaintanceship with

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