Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, Том 1H. Richardson, & sold by David Forbes Edinr., 1801 |
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Стр. 19
... wi ' upward curl , Hung o'er his hurdies wi ' afwirl . NAE doubt but they were fain o ' ither , An ' unco pack an ' thick the gither ; B 2 • Cuchulling's dog in Ossian's Fingal . Wi Wi ' focial nose whyles snuff'd an ' snowkit , ( 19 )
... wi ' upward curl , Hung o'er his hurdies wi ' afwirl . NAE doubt but they were fain o ' ither , An ' unco pack an ' thick the gither ; B 2 • Cuchulling's dog in Ossian's Fingal . Wi Wi ' focial nose whyles snuff'd an ' snowkit , ( 19 )
Стр. 20
Robert Burns. Wi ' focial nose whyles snuff'd an ' snowkit , Whyles mice an ' moudieworts they howkit ; Whyles scour'd awa in lang excurfion , An ' worry'd ither in diverfion ; Until wi ' daffin weary grown , Upon a knowe they fat them ...
Robert Burns. Wi ' focial nose whyles snuff'd an ' snowkit , Whyles mice an ' moudieworts they howkit ; Whyles scour'd awa in lang excurfion , An ' worry'd ither in diverfion ; Until wi ' daffin weary grown , Upon a knowe they fat them ...
Стр. 21
... eats a dinner , Better than ony tenant man His honour has in a ' the lan ' : An ' what poor cot - folk pit their painch in , I own it's past my comprehenfion . 1 B3 LUATH . 4 LUATH . TROTH , Cæsar , whyles they're fash't ( 21 )
... eats a dinner , Better than ony tenant man His honour has in a ' the lan ' : An ' what poor cot - folk pit their painch in , I own it's past my comprehenfion . 1 B3 LUATH . 4 LUATH . TROTH , Cæsar , whyles they're fash't ( 21 )
Стр. 22
Robert Burns. 4 LUATH . TROTH , Cæsar , whyles they're fash't enough ; A cottar howkin in a sheugh , Wi ' dirty stanes biggin a dyke , Baring a quarry and fick like , Himfel , a wife , he thus fustains , A smytrie o ' wee duddie weans ...
Robert Burns. 4 LUATH . TROTH , Cæsar , whyles they're fash't enough ; A cottar howkin in a sheugh , Wi ' dirty stanes biggin a dyke , Baring a quarry and fick like , Himfel , a wife , he thus fustains , A smytrie o ' wee duddie weans ...
Стр. 24
... an ' faithfu ' wives ; The prattling things are just their pride , That sweetens a ' their fire - fide . AN ' whyles twalpennie worth o ' nappy Can mak the bodies unco happy ; They They lay afide their private cares , To mind the ( 24 )
... an ' faithfu ' wives ; The prattling things are just their pride , That sweetens a ' their fire - fide . AN ' whyles twalpennie worth o ' nappy Can mak the bodies unco happy ; They They lay afide their private cares , To mind the ( 24 )
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
aith amang ance artleſs Auld Brig baith Bard Beneath blate bliſs bonie braw CÆSAR canna cauld cloſe countra Cuifs curſe dear Deil douce e'en e'er Ev'n ev'ry fair fame faſt fight filly fimple fing firſt fome frae gang gaun gies grace guid Halloween hame heart honeſt Hornbook ither juſt Laigh Kirk Laird laſſes LUATH Mailie dead maun monie muckle Muſe Nae mair ne'er night o'er out-owre owre poor pow'r Profe raiſe reſt rhyme rife ROBERT BURNS Samfon's dead ſay ſcarce Scotch Scotia's Scotland ſee ſhall ſhe ſhed ſhould ſimple ſkill ſome day ſprings ſtand ſtanes ſtill ſtrains ſtring ſweet taen Tam Samfon's dead tell thee thegither There's thou thrang thro toil unco weary weel Whare Whisky Whyles ye'll ye're