Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, Том 1H. Richardson, & sold by David Forbes Edinr., 1801 |
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Стр. 13
... still runs un- contaminated ; and that from your cou- rage , knowledge , and public spirit , she may expect protection , wealth and liber- ty .--- In the last place , I come to proffer my warmest wishes to the Great Foun- tain of Honour ...
... still runs un- contaminated ; and that from your cou- rage , knowledge , and public spirit , she may expect protection , wealth and liber- ty .--- In the last place , I come to proffer my warmest wishes to the Great Foun- tain of Honour ...
Стр. 26
... STILL is't owre true that ye hae faid , Sic game is now owre aften play'd .. There's monie a creditable stock O ' decent , honeft fawsont folk , Are riven out baith root and branch , Some rascal's pridefu ' greed to quench , Wha thinks ...
... STILL is't owre true that ye hae faid , Sic game is now owre aften play'd .. There's monie a creditable stock O ' decent , honeft fawsont folk , Are riven out baith root and branch , Some rascal's pridefu ' greed to quench , Wha thinks ...
Стр. 41
... still Hale breeks , a scone , an ' Whisky gill , An ' rowth o ' rhyme to rave at will , Tak ' a ' the rest , An ' deal't about as thy blind skill Directs thee best . VOL . I. D. THE THE AUTHOR'S EARNEST CRY AND PRAYER * TO THE SCOTCH ( 41 )
... still Hale breeks , a scone , an ' Whisky gill , An ' rowth o ' rhyme to rave at will , Tak ' a ' the rest , An ' deal't about as thy blind skill Directs thee best . VOL . I. D. THE THE AUTHOR'S EARNEST CRY AND PRAYER * TO THE SCOTCH ( 41 )
Стр. 51
... still your Mither's heart support ye ; Then , though a Minister grow dorty , An ' kick your place , Ye'll snap your fingers , poor an ' hearty , Before his face . God bless your Honors a ' your days , Wi ' fowps o ' kail and brats o ...
... still your Mither's heart support ye ; Then , though a Minister grow dorty , An ' kick your place , Ye'll snap your fingers , poor an ' hearty , Before his face . God bless your Honors a ' your days , Wi ' fowps o ' kail and brats o ...
Стр. 89
... Still , if fome Patron's gen'rous care he trace , Skill'd in the secret , to bestow with grace ; When B ********* befriends his humble name , And hands the rustic stranger up to fame , With heartfelt throbes his grateful bosom fwells ...
... Still , if fome Patron's gen'rous care he trace , Skill'd in the secret , to bestow with grace ; When B ********* befriends his humble name , And hands the rustic stranger up to fame , With heartfelt throbes his grateful bosom fwells ...
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
aith amang ance artleſs Auld Brig baith Bard Beneath blate bliſs bonie braw CÆSAR canna cauld cloſe countra Cuifs curſe dear Deil douce e'en e'er Ev'n ev'ry fair fame faſt fight filly fimple fing firſt fome frae gang gaun gies grace guid Halloween hame heart honeſt Hornbook ither juſt Laigh Kirk Laird laſſes LUATH Mailie dead maun monie muckle Muſe Nae mair ne'er night o'er out-owre owre poor pow'r Profe raiſe reſt rhyme rife ROBERT BURNS Samfon's dead ſay ſcarce Scotch Scotia's Scotland ſee ſhall ſhe ſhed ſhould ſimple ſkill ſome day ſprings ſtand ſtanes ſtill ſtrains ſtring ſweet taen Tam Samfon's dead tell thee thegither There's thou thrang thro toil unco weary weel Whare Whisky Whyles ye'll ye're