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dren, that emancipation for which
they have hitherto relied, rather on
the weakness, than the beneficence,
of their mother country.

These, however, alas! are specu-
lations in which it appears to us that
no sober man can now allow himself
to indulge. The fate of Spain, we
think, is decided; and that fine and
misguided country has probably yield-
ed, by this time, to the fate which has
fallen on the greater part of conti-
nental Europe. Her European do-
minions have yielded already to the
unrelaxing grasp of the insatiable

conqueror; and his ambition and cu pidity have no doubt already scented their quarry in her American doubt, his restless intriguers are at sions. At this moment, we have no posses work to poison the pure fountains of patriotism and concord in these distant regions; and forces are prepa ring to trample down those sparks of independence which the slightest stirring would now spread into an unquenchable blaze. A moment is yet left us, to resolve on what may soon be impracticable.


Publick Characters of 1809-10, 8vo. pp. 684. London. 1809. FROM an ill-written "Preface" to this strange production, it appears that the editor has been, for some years, in the practice of sallying forth on the king's highway, seizing upon numbers of unsuspecting people, under the extraordinary pretence of their being "PUBLICK CHARACTERS," and dressing them up with caps and bells, and other derogatory appendages of folly, for the entertainment of such as chose to lay out a few shillings on so indecorous a spectacle.

William Coxe, M. A. F. R. S. and F S. A. Archdeacon of Wilts and Recis not a little comical; and we should tor of Bemarton." His appearance endeavour to give our readers some "a man more sinned against than idea of it, did we not consider him as sinning," and no less grieved than ashamed at his involuntary degradation.

The only plea advanced by him for this annual outrage on the peace of society, is, that the victims of it are dizened out in such beautiful colours, that they cannot choose but be delighted with their own appearance. This is adding mockery to injury. The wardrobe of a puppet show is more magnificent than the frippery thus forced upon them; and the bungling wretches employed to string the tawdry tatters together, must have served their apprenticeship to the furnishers of garden scarecrows.

The first, or, as we rather think, the second person who figures in the group of this year, is "the reverend

* January 1809,

for sufferers of this description, we But though we feel unmixed pity cannot be so indulgent to those who exhibit their foppery for the gratifi rush into the circle, uncaught, and cation of individual vanity. Towards the conclusion of the show, “Mr. M. P. Andrews, M. P. for Bewdley in and, with the air and gait of a morrisWorcestershire," steps gayly forward, dancer, enters upon a ridiculous dis play of his accomplishments.

lian; after which he informs the auHe begins with a scrap of bad Ita dience that he was destined for the counting house; but that, "instead of thumbing over the leger, he be ancient days, and wooed the muses came enraptured with the poets of with considerable success." p. 523.

Of these raptures, and his success he gives a specimen, in a prologue of several pages, in which, he adds, "hes

is allowed to have displayed peculiar speech, and given two votes for the

excellence." p. 525.

"Lady Drawcansir came to me last night : 'Oh! my dear ma'am, I am in such a fright;

They've drawn me for a man, and what is


I am to soldier it, and mount a horse: Must wear the breeches!-Says I, 'don't deplore

What in your husband's life you always wore," &c.

Notwithstanding the radiance shed around him by these, and a hundred other verses, nearly equal to them in glory, Mr. M. P. A. absolutely startles our credulity by affirming, with apparent seriousness, that "he was not dazzled with his good fortune." p. 529.

He next produces a list of his numerous farces,-farces of which the very names have perished from all memory but his own,-and, that no possible wish may remain ungratified, in a matter of such moment, he considerately subjoins "the cast of the characters at Covent Garden."

A rapid transition is then made from poetry to politicks, and we learn that Mr. M. P. A. has "sat during five successive parliaments, made one

prince of Wales." p. 530.

Lastly-but the reader shall have it in his own words: and we must de the speaker the justice to say, that, in every requisite of fine language, what follows is, at least, equal to the very best parts of this curious exhibition of "Publick Characters."

"But it is chiefly as a member of the bon ton that colonel Andrews"[mark that, the colonel!] "has rendered himself conspicuous. His house is occasionally thrown open to the first company, and no private gentleman, perhaps, has ever possessed a more elegant assemblage of lords and ladies than have made their appearance at his routes. His noble withdrawing rooms, uniting with the brilliancy of an audience chamber all the effects of a conservatory, exhibit, amidst the severest rigours of winter, a parterre of blooming dutchesses, marchionesses, countesses, baronesses, &c. and had he realized his early inclinations, and repaired to the east, his harem, even if he had become a Turkish bashaw, would have turned pale at the sight of so many fine specimens of British beauty." p. 532.


Anecdotes of Birds, or short Accounts of their Habits in a State of Nature, collected from the best Authors in Natural History. With Figures engraved on Wood. 12mo. 5s. 1809.

THIS is a very entertaining and useful book, exceedingly well calculated to make young persons acquainted with certain familiar parts of natural history of which it is a disgrace to be ignorant. The accounts are select ed from Pennant, White, Latham, Hearne, &c. The following anecdote of the common cock, is whimsical, and we are assured it is authentick.

"In a gentleman's yard in the country, who kept a stock of poultry, an old turkey cock used to take delight in chasing a young cock round the yard and orchard, and whenever he could overtake him used to fight him unmercifully; he also con. tantly drove him from his meat when

they were fed. As the cock grew and obtained strength, he began to resist this last obtained the masterhood. The tables violence, and, after repeated battles, at were now completely turned, and the cock exercised as much oppression over the turkey cock as he had before received from him. In fact, he could not come in sight of the cock but he was instantly ludicrous sight to see so large a bird runchased round the premises, and it was a ning with all his speed from an adversary so much smaller than himself. At last he was found dead with his head and neck thrust into a heap of brushwood, where he had vainly expected to be sheltered from his exasperated antagonist, and thus fell a victim to his tyranny."



An Account of the Sufferings of the Crew of two Schooners, part of the Squadron of General Miranda, which were taken by two Spanish Guarda-Costas, in June 1806 Written by one of the Sufferers who made his escape.

[The world knows little of the extraordinary expedition of General Miranda to the Spanish Main, in 1806; but it will be remembered that he arrived in the Gulf of Mexico with an armed Brig and two Schooners, and that in a rencontre with two Guarda-Costas, the schooners were both taken. We are now enabled to lay before our readers the particulars of the treatment their crews met with from the Spaniards-The trials tend also to throw some light on the Expedition itself.]

TOWARDS the end of June, the lieutenant governour of Caraccas, accompanied by four assistant officers or judges, together with an interpreter for each officer, arrived at Porto Cavello, for the purpose of taking the examination of the prisoners. They assembled in the guard house, within the walls of Castle St. Philip, in a large room fitted up for that purpose. In this room were pla ced five separate benches with desks; at one of which was seated the lieutenant governour, with an interpreter; at the other four, each of the other judges, with an interpreter also.

The ordinary appearance of the place, together with the undignified looks of the judges, could scarcely induce the prisoners to believe that this was the tribunal before which they were to be tried for their lives. Nor were they a little surprised, when they ascertained, by the course of the proceedings, that they were to be compelled to give evidence, under oath, against themselves, and against each other; and upon this testimony alone they were to be convicted.

The judges being ready to proceed, caused five of the prisoners to be brought up in the first place. They were informed of the charges exhibited against them, viz. piracy, rebel

lion, and murdering one of his Catholick majesty's subjects. They were then asked to describe the manner in which oaths are administered in their own country; which having done, they were requested to lay their hands upon the Bible and administer the oaths to themselves, agreeable to the manner in which they had been accustomed to swear.

The five prisoners were thus distributed, one to each judge, seated at his respective desk, all being in one room, and some little distance from each other.

In the middle of the floor, lay a number of arms and instruments of war, such as guns, rifles, axes, pistols, pikes, swords, and shovels; also, Miranda's colours, uniform clothes, and a number of his proclamations; all which were taken from on board of the schooners.

The judges commenced their examination by their interpreters, who put the questions in English, and gave the answers to the judges. They continued to examine them for the space of four or five hours, when they were returned to the prison, and five others brought up in their places. In this manner the examination proceeded for the space of two weeks before it ended.

The following were the general questions and answers, put to one of the prisoners, who has since regained his liberty.

Q. How old are you?

A. About twenty-two years.

Q. Where was you born, and where do four parents reside?

A. I was born in the state of Massachussetts; my parents reside in New York. Q. Why did you leave New York? A. To seek my fortune.

Q. Who engaged you to go on board of the Leander?

A. Colonel Armstrong.

Q. Where was you engaged to go?

A. To Jacmel, and from there to other places, not disclosed to me at the time of the engagement.

[blocks in formation]

Q. Did you know that you was coming I do not know. here?

A. No. Porto Cavello was not mentioned.

Q. Did Miranda also engage you to go on board of the Leander?

A. I did not know there was such a person until the Leander had left the port of New York.

Q. In what capacity did you enter on board of the. Leander?

A. As a printer.

Q. How came you to change that capacity and accept of a military commission under Miranda?

A. From motives of personal conveni


Q. Was you not a lieutenant in a rifle regiment, under Miranda, as mentioned in this paper? [showing him a list of officers commissioned by Miranda, and which was found in the possession of one of the officers.]

A. Yes; but did not know then that I was coming to this place.

Q. At what place did you stop on your Voyage?

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A. At St. Domingo and the island of Aruba.

Q. Did you not go on shore at Aruba in uniform, in company with other officers, and did you not manoeuvre there for the purpose of making an attack upon the Main?

A. We manœuvred there, for the purpose of making an attack upon some place which Miranda had in view; but what place, many of his men did not know.

Q. Did you not come to the Main for the purpose of assisting Miranda in fighting against this government, and in revolutionising the country?

A. It was represented by Miranda, that no fighting would be necessary to effect

Q. Did Miranda go on board of her and stay several hours?

A. He did; he stopped one night on board.

Q. Was the Leander armed, and load ed with arms and warlike stores?

A. Yes.

Q. How many stand of arms had she on board?

A. About twelve hundred.

Q. Did you not erect a printing press at Jacmel, and print a number of proclamations, and is not this one of them? [showing him one of the proclamations, in the Spanish language.]

A. Yes; and this may be one of them; but I did not know the purport of it, as I am ignorant of the Spanish language.

Q. Do you know what that word means? [pointing to the word, Madrid.]

A. It means, I presume, the capital of old Spain.

Q. Is that all you know of it here?

A. Yes.

Q. Do you know those articles? [pointing to the warlike instruments lying upon the floor.]

A. I have seen the like before; perhaps the same.

Q. Did not those persons who went on shore, go there for the purpose of distributing these proclamations?

A. No. They went for amusement. Q. Is not that your regimental coat? A. I do not know. It may be the coat I was obliged to wear.

Q. Did you understand that Miranda fitted out his expedition by the consent of your government?

A. No. He kept his object and operations concealed from the publick. It was a private undertaking of his own.

Q. Were not the principal persons who embarked in Miranda's expedition, bankrupts and broken merchants?

A. I was not acquainted with their circumstances: there might be some of this description.

A number of other questions were put, and answered; but being of a triHing nature, comparatively speaking,

are not here inserted.

After they had finished examining the prisoner, he was then told by his judge, that if he would relate every thing he knew relating to the expedition, the names of those who were concerned in it, and those that were expected would join Miranda, his chains should be taken off, and he set at liberty, and sent home to America. To which he answered, that he had disclosed all he knew of consequence, or particularly recollected.

The following were questions put to another prisoner, who has also effected his return home.

Q. What religion are you of?
A. The presbyterian persuasion.
Q. Where was you born and brought


A. In New York.

[blocks in formation]

Q. Did you know Miranda, in New York?

A. No. I did not know him until I was six days at sea.

Q. Where was you engaged to go? A. I was engaged to go, in the first place, to Alexandria, where I was to land. From thence I was to march to Washing ton, where I was to be equipped with a horse, saddle, and bridle, and in company with other persons, I was to march to New Orleans to guard the mail.

Q. Was Miranda's expedition sanctioned by your government?

A. I do not know. I did not know there was such an expedition as it afterwards proved to be.

Q. Do you know the names of any Spaniards here, whom Miranda relied upon joining him?

A. I do not.

Q. Was you not occupied in Jacmel, in putting handles to pikes?

A. Yes; I was obliged to do it.

Q. Did you not bring those axes [point ing to some on the floor] for the purpose

[blocks in formation]

A. No. I have always understood that self-preservation was the first law of na ture.

Q. Why did you not all rise and take command of the schooner, after you dis covered her intention?

A. We did attempt it once, but failed. We had agreed to attempt a second time, on the evening of that day we were taken,

After the examination of all the prisoners was gone through, they were again brought up the second time, when similar questions were put to them as before, and similar answers made.

The examinations were then ta ken by the lieutenant-governour and understood, they were laid before a judges to Caraccas, where, as was military court, assembled for the purpose of pronouncing judgment. They remained under their consideration for several days, before any thing was determined upon.

During that time the prisoners remained in confinement, suffering almost every deprivation, and reflecting upon what would be their doom. Some were entirely indifferent, and than endure their situation. Emaciwere willing to meet death, rather ated, sick, and obliged to endure filth. bad air, and unwholesome food, many were tired of life.

On the 20th of July, about eleven o'clock in the morning, the prison doors were thrown open, which pre sented to our view a large body of armed soldiers, drawn up round the prison door with muskets aimed to wards us, loaded, cocked, and bayo nets fixed. All expected instant death. However, we were ordered out, and placed in a line for marching; the soldiers on each side with their mus kets pointed towards us. There was

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