The Federal ReporterWest Publishing Company, 1932 |
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Стр. 23
... Act 1918 ; Revenue Act 1921 , § 250 ( d ) ; Revenue Act 1926 , §§ 273 , 274 ( a ) , 26 USCA §§ 1047 , 1048 ) . 2. Internal revenue25 Question of income tax deficiency in- volves entire tax , which must be recomputed ( Revenue Acts 1924 ...
... Act 1918 ; Revenue Act 1921 , § 250 ( d ) ; Revenue Act 1926 , §§ 273 , 274 ( a ) , 26 USCA §§ 1047 , 1048 ) . 2. Internal revenue25 Question of income tax deficiency in- volves entire tax , which must be recomputed ( Revenue Acts 1924 ...
Стр. 1122
sequently sold by it in determining profits ( Rev- enue Act 1921 , §§ 202 ( a ) , 234 ( a ) ( 4 ) .- John- son v . Commissioner of Internal Revenue , 56 F. ( 2d ) 58 . tor rather than fiduciary relationship as re- spected right of ...
sequently sold by it in determining profits ( Rev- enue Act 1921 , §§ 202 ( a ) , 234 ( a ) ( 4 ) .- John- son v . Commissioner of Internal Revenue , 56 F. ( 2d ) 58 . tor rather than fiduciary relationship as re- spected right of ...
Стр. 1124
... law , " and there- fore not basis for deductions from gross in- come ( Revenue Act 1921 , §§ 244 ( a ) , 245 ( a ) ( 2 ) .- Id . 7 ( 27 ) C.C.A. Organization actually oper- transferor , creating reasonable fear of imminent death . - Id ...
... law , " and there- fore not basis for deductions from gross in- come ( Revenue Act 1921 , §§ 244 ( a ) , 245 ( a ) ( 2 ) .- Id . 7 ( 27 ) C.C.A. Organization actually oper- transferor , creating reasonable fear of imminent death . - Id ...
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26 USCA 33 USCA action affirmed alleged amicus curiæ amount appellant appellee application assessment attorney bankrupt bankruptcy bill bleaching Board of Tax Bulk Sales Act Circuit Court Circuit Judge claim claimant Commissioner of Internal Company compensation contract corporation counsel Court of Appeals creditors D. C. Wash decree defendant defendant's District Court District Judge dying declaration Edmund Waddill equity evidence fact fendant filed held income infringement injury Internal Revenue Judge Waddill judgment jurisdiction jury lien machine ment mortgage motion National Prohibition Act Netherton operation opinion paid parties patent in suit person petition petitioner plaintiff prior prior art question Revenue Act rule South Carolina Stat statute supra Supreme Court taxpayer Territory of Hawaii testified testimony thereof tion trade-mark trial trust U. S. Atty United States C. C. A. USCA Wirthlin York City