mighty rushing wind,") one hundred or more, in the space of one week, had evidenced a work of grace, begun in their hearts. My neighbors and town's folk, having now a large portion, sat out for the kingdom; I could with more cheerfulness leave them, than ever before; hoping, that He who had begun a good work would "carry it on, unto the day of redemption." In the month of August, I attended a general meeting in the town of Milton; from thence a second, (of the Christian connection,) in the town of Durham. At the latter place, I had the privilege of seeing, for the last time, our beloved sister Judith Mathers. This young woman had suffered much opposition in the work, "the LouD had appointed her," from her nearest kindred; but she chose rather to forsake them, and her parents, house, than to disobey her Heavenly Father. She therefore for a number of years, had devoted herself to the work, of "exhorting sinners to repentance," from place to place. At this meeting, which I attended with her; she had a "message, the that she wished the privilege of leaving with preachers. After many sighs, groans and tears, too big, as it were, for utterance; she begged permission to go into their "CONFERENCE." This being granted, she left her "last, and dying testimony with us all, (as it proved,) "to be faithful to the LORD JESUS;--and in the discharge of our duly, to precious souls, &c &c. Not long from this, although at the time in perfect health, the solemn tidings reached me, that Judith Mathews, had "finished her course" below. died; while those of her accusers, were far C She away! Of her, either in life or in death,--they, were not worthy. from I visited Newmarket, and saw Jane Perry, the "eastern country," who had travelled some years as a witness for JESUS. (I would, that GOD'S people "all were such as Moses, Aaron and as Miriam were!) I went to Lampry River, and attended one meeting: from thence, I spent some days at Kittery Point, and Old York; saw some embrace the truth: and my work, I now imagined, was ended, in this part of the LORD's Vineyard. I returned home, and spent two weeks with my relations; and was sensible, that the "field of my labors" was now about to be extended,far and wide, as it were, over "the whole creation. VOYAGE TO BRITISH AMERICA. Oct. 28th, 1827. Having viewed it, for a considerable space, the order of Divine Providence, that I should visit the eastern part of the State of Maine; I therefore, with that intent, bade my parents and friends in Hampton adieu, and came to Portsmouth; but with some expectation, however, of a return the Spring ensuing. Nov. 13. I left the harbor of Portsmouth in the schooner Dove, [J. Frisbee master,] and after seven days sail, reached Eastport. Being altogether unaccustomed to this mode of travelling; and no female friend, or acquaintance of any discription, to attend me; I was apprehensive at first, of many inconveniencies by water-sickness, &c.; but confiding in the Great Controller of all events, my mind, at length, was "kept in perfect peace At Eastport, I continued three weeks; and held meetings at the Steeple-house, of the Christian Society, with good success. There, I may add, moreover, my joy was full; on beholding the beams of Heavenly day, arising, upon those "islands of the northern sea." From Eastport I was providentially led to Lubec, into a scattered society of Congregationalists. With them, I labored incessantly for the space of ten weeks; and saw myself, in the end, "from the joy of many," abundantly crowned. At my departure, howbeit, some expressed their thankfulness, by firing a salute of cannon, in the rear! but from the herd, we expect that, "they will turn again and rend" us. Says the Great Master, "me the world cannot receive, because I testify against it, that the words thereof are evil." March 1st, 1828. I returned to Eastport; from thence, I visited and held meetings, at Deer Island; for the first time on British ground. Next, I crossed over to Campobello (British;) and was made glad to see "the isles, that had sat solitary," break forth together, into singing! I continued my travels by water, and ascended the river Scoodic, to the places known by the name of St. Andrews, Warwick, St. Stephens and Schoodic In these, severally, I spoke to thousands at the peril of my life: especially St. Andrews, a place so noted for impiety. As I was there addressing a congregation, an officer of the British Navy was sent to take me off, by open violence. He waited, in the attitude of seizing his prey, for the space of 40 minutes; but, (before my conclusion,) his hardiness failed him, and he returned to his own company! This circumstance reminded me, of the enquiry, concerning the blessed JESUS, "Why have ye not brought him?" On another occasion, it was imagined that 'a mob' had surrounded the house; when the congregation, left their seats, to defend themselves; but they all dispersed, and went their own ways. From St. Andrews, I passed again the boundary line, into Robinston, (Maine;) and addressed a solemn auditory, in a steeple house of Congregationalists: from thence, I proceeded on the same route again, to Eastport. May 27. I began to think of bending my course to the city of St John's; situated upon the river St. John's, sixty miles northward To this place many of my friends, in an especial manner, besought me not to go, as they said, "They will kill you there.” But I felt devoid of fear, either of men, death or devils, while confident, that "a stronger than they," had bid me, "go. I consequently sat sail again; and landed at Beaver Harbor,for a space, thirty miles onward. I there, held three meetings, in what is called, "a Church of England." Much of the Divine power, was there manifested; stubborn hearts were melted; and many entreated my stay: but still the word to me, was, 'go.' "The LORD's ways are not as our ways; nor His thoughts as our thoughts." It pleased Him, very signally to bless me at St John's; and I trust, to make me a blessing, to not a few. My labors were principally, among a people, designated by the title of Church Methodists. The use of their commodious preaching house, they very cheerfully, granted me, at my pleasure: and there, "praise the LORD," a glorious work commenced; which issued, in the salvation of hundreds! The British Commissary and wife, I had the joy of beholding, more than once, with the penitents at the altar. Here I had also, some very narrow escapes, with my life--for instance: Such a crowd, at one time, had collected, in the shell of a dwelling house, as to cause the foundation of the building to give way, and I chanced to be the first, of a great number, precipitated into the cellar: but, through mercy, without any essential injury, to any individual. Again, a circumstance of the kind had nearly occurred, which must have cost hundreds their lives, had not "an Arm, unseen," interposed to save. In our congregations, we were likewise, frequently, saluted of guns, drums, stones, powder, fire, threats, &c. &c.; but no man was allowed, after all, "to set upon us," or to do us any harm. In the course of the Summer, I visited Carlton, and spoke in the Baptist preaching house, to some of the hardest of the hard. There, I met with a "female preacher," for the first time, who was a rigid Calvinist. I likewise ascended the river St. John's at different times, 20 miles farther northward; and held meetings with Church Methodists. Many of them I found, "rejoicing in hope, of the glory of GoD." It began to be about the middle of September; and I desired to see other cities also;" therefore |