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Surgeon of the Fleet.... Surgeons.


Surgeon of the Fleet.

523..........In addition to the duties prescribed by law, and by the “Instructions for the government of medical officers," the Surgeon of the Fleet will be required:

1. To inquire into the practice of all the Surgeons or persons acting as such in the fleet or squadron to which he may be attached, and will report to the Commander-in-Chief any neglects which he may discover.

2. To suggest to the Commander-in-Chief and Commanding Officers of vessels, for their consideration and decision, the most proper measures for preventing or checking disease, or for promoting the comfort of the sick or wounded.

3. When required by the Commander-in-Chief to specify those vessels which may appear, from the state of the health of the crews, least fit for active service, or most in want of refresh ments.

4. To keep a medical journal of the health of the fleet or squadron, from which he shall report to the Medical Bureau.

5. After an engagement to require a report of killed and wounded from the Surgeons of all the vessels engaged, which he will imbody in a general report and forward it to the Commander-in-Chief.


524.....The Surgeon or the senior Medical Officer ordered to a vesgel will, in addition to the duties prescribed in the "Instructions for the government of medical officers," examine the dispensary, medical store-rooms, and sick bay; to see that every preparation is made for the reception of stores and medicines, and for the proper care of the sick and wounded. In case of any defect in the arrangements he will report it immediately to the Commanding Officer.


525.... The sick bay, dispensary, and medical store-rooms are under his immediate charge. He will see that they are kept in proper condition, and will report them daily for inspection to the Executive Officer, at such times as the Commander of the vessel may direct.

526.... He will be particularly attentive to the comfort and cleanliness of all patients under his professional care.

527.... He will report to the Commanding Officer daily the names and condition of the sick, according to such forms as may be prescribed, and will, at the same time, suggest any measures he may deem important for the health of the crew, and will cause to be deposited daily in the binnacle a list of the officers and other persons whose condition requires that they should be excused from duty.

528.... He will take every precaution to prevent the introduction or progress of any infectious disease, and make immediate report to the Commander of any probable danger from or the appearance of any such disease.

529.... He is carefully to examine the crew, as soon as practicable after joining the ship, for the purpose of reporting to the Commanding Officer any necessity that may exist for vaccination, which, if possible, is to be performed before the sailing of the vessel.

530.... He will be allowed to his exclusive use a convenient storeroom for the preservation of articles in his charge, and will, upon application to the Commanding Officer, be allowed proper persons, in addition to the established attendants, should they be necessary, to assist in the care of the sick and to perform other services for their comfort.

531.... He is at all times to have in readiness everything necessary for the relief of the wounded.

532....On the probability of an engagement he will cause a sufficient number of tourniquets to be distributed to the officers in different parts of the ship, and see that all persons stationed with him, and such others as may be designated, are instructed in the proper mode of using them.

533....He will cause the boats attending the ship with articles of food for sale to be examined, and if any contain articles the use of which would, in his opinion, be injurious to the crew, he will represent the same to the Commanding Officer.

Surgeons.... Passed and Oher Assistant Surgeons.

534....The journal of his daily practice shall be subject to the inspection of the Surgeon of the Fleet, and be forwarded, as directed, for correspondence and other reports, to the Chief of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery at the expiration of the cruise.

535....Whenever any person on board shall receive any wound or injury which may probably entitle him to make application for a pension, he shall report the same to the Commander, in writing, before the person be removed or discharged from the vessel, that a proper survey may be held and certificate issued, according to such form as may be prescribed by the Pension Office.

536.... When practicable such persons who may be sent to a hospital or a hospital vessel are to be accompanied by a medical officer, and the Surgeon will send with them a statement of their diseases or injuries, with a synopsis of treatment, according to such forms as may be prescribed by the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery.

537.... He shall inspect the provisions for the crew, and report to the commanding officer when he may discover any that are unsound. Also, he will cause the purity of the water to be tested before it is received into the tanks, and he will make known to the commanding officer any want of care or cleanliness in the preparation of food for the crew, or any instance of personal neglect with regard to it, of which he may be cognizant. In fine, everything which may come to his knowledge as conducive to, or militating against, the general health and comfort of the ship's company, he will make known to the commanding officer.

538....After battle, he shall make out in duplicate a careful report of killed and wounded, one copy of which he will send to the commander of the vessel, and the other shall be forwarded, through the proper channel, to the Surgeon of the Fleet.


Passed and Other Assistant Surgeons.

539....They shall perform all the professional duties which may be required from them, and conform to the instructions which may be given by the Surgeon of the vessel to which they may be attached,

Passed and Other Assistant Surgeons.... Fleet Puymaster.

and will be unremitting in their attentions to the comfort and cleanliness of the sick, and exact from those under their direction a rigid performance of their duties.

540....Assistant Surgeons, whether passed or otherwise, shall attend personally, to see that medicines are properly weighed or measured, and labelled for distribution to the sick.

541....In the absence of the Surgeon, the passed or other Assistant Surgeon, oldest in commission, is to perform all the duties of the Surgeon.


Fleet Paymaster.

542....When a Paymaster is detailed to discharge the duties of Fleet Paymaster, he will be attached to the flag-ship. His duties will be as follows:

1. To exercise a general supervision over all the Paymasters of the fleet or squadron.

2. To keep an account of the stores on board the store vessels of the squadron, and at depots on shore within the limits of the Commander-in-Chief's command

3. To receive and classify the returns and requisitions of Paymasters of store vessels and depots, as well as of all other vessels of the squadron, and to receive, examine, and forward to the Department, Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, and Fourth Auditor of the Treasury, all returns and reports required to be made to them, taking care that the returns shall be in proper form, and accompanied by the required vouchers.

4. To keep the Commander-in-Chief informed of the quantities and condition of the Paymaster's stores in the fleet or squadron.

5. To distribute promptly the orders, circulars, and decisions of the Department, Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, Fourth Auditor of the Treasury, and Commander-in-Chief, in all matters relating to his department.

6. To draw all money for the fleet or squadron except in cases

Fleet Paymaster.... Paymasters.

of actual necessity when vessels are absent from the flag-ship, and to pay out the same on the requisitions of the different vessels duly approved by the Commander-in-Chief.

7. To make such recommendations to the Commander-in-Chief as will, in his opinion, tend to promote efficiency, uniformity, and economy in his department of the service.

8. And, finally, to perform such other duties relating to his position as shall be assigned to him by the Commander-in Chief. All returns and requisitions made by the pay officers of the fleet or squadron are to pass through his hands, unless from his absence injury to the public service will ensue by delay.



543....The Paymaster when ordered to a vessel will, in addition to the duties prescribed in the "Instructions for the government of Inspectors in charge of stores, Naval Storekeepers, Paymasters, and Assistant Paymasters," and in the "Rules in regard to the transaction of business at the office of the Fourth Auditor," carefully examine the bread-rooms, store-rooms and issue-room, and report immediately to the Commanding Officer any defect in their arrangement or construction that he may discover.

544....He will make requisitions for money, and for such provisions, clothing, small stores, and other articles as may be needed; but such requisitions are at all times to be subject to the approval of the Commanding Officer of the vessel, and the revision and approval of the senior officer present in command.

545....When he shall present a requisition for money, for the approval of his Commanding Officer, or such Commanding Officer shall direct him to prepare a requisition for his approval, the Paymaster shall present a statement of the amount of public money then in his possession; and the Commanding Officer shall not direct or approve a requisition for a larger sum than may appear to be necessary for the

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