The course of time: a poem, Объемы 1-2London, 1827 |
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Стр. 9
... truth ! to whom All things seem as they are ; thou who of old The prophet's eye unscaled , that nightly saw , While heavy sleep fell down on other men , In holy vision tranced , the future pass Before him , and to Judah's harp attuned ...
... truth ! to whom All things seem as they are ; thou who of old The prophet's eye unscaled , that nightly saw , While heavy sleep fell down on other men , In holy vision tranced , the future pass Before him , and to Judah's harp attuned ...
Стр. 10
... truth - Time gone , the Righteous saved , The Wicked damned , and Providence approved . Hold my right hand , Almighty ! and me teach To strike the lyre , but seldom struck , to notes Harmonious with the morning stars , and pure As those ...
... truth - Time gone , the Righteous saved , The Wicked damned , and Providence approved . Hold my right hand , Almighty ! and me teach To strike the lyre , but seldom struck , to notes Harmonious with the morning stars , and pure As those ...
Стр. 25
... While round him gathering stand the youth of Heaven With truth and melody delighted both ; To him this path directs , an easy path , And easy flight will bring us to his seat . So saying , they linked hand in hand , spread BOOK I. 25.
... While round him gathering stand the youth of Heaven With truth and melody delighted both ; To him this path directs , an easy path , And easy flight will bring us to his seat . So saying , they linked hand in hand , spread BOOK I. 25.
Стр. 41
... truth , and love ; with reason high To balance right and wrong , and conscience quick To choose or to reject ; with knowledge great , Prudence and wisdom , vigilance and strength , To guard all force or guile ; and last of all , The ...
... truth , and love ; with reason high To balance right and wrong , and conscience quick To choose or to reject ; with knowledge great , Prudence and wisdom , vigilance and strength , To guard all force or guile ; and last of all , The ...
Стр. 42
... truth . Of every tree that in the garden grows Thou mayest freely eat ; but of the tree That knowledge hath of good and ill , eat not , Nor touch ; for in the day thou eatest , thou Shalt die . Go , and this one command obey Adam , live ...
... truth . Of every tree that in the garden grows Thou mayest freely eat ; but of the tree That knowledge hath of good and ill , eat not , Nor touch ; for in the day thou eatest , thou Shalt die . Go , and this one command obey Adam , live ...
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
age to age angels bard beneath blasphemy bliss blood blood divine breath burning busked chariots of fire curse damned dark death deeds deep divine earth earthly endless endless pain eternal everlasting evermore face fair faith fear fell fools gave gazed glorious glory God's grace grew groan hand happiness harp hast heard heart heaven heavenly hell hills holy honour hope horrid immortal infinite Jehovah light living looked loud lyre mercy Messiah morn mortal mortal vision ne'er night numbers o'er Omnipotent peace praise redeemed retired righteous ROBERT POLLOK rolled rose round sacred saints Satan seemed seen seraph sighs sight sincere sing smiled song sought soul stars stood sung sweet taught thee things thou thought thro throne thunders took truth Twas utter vale virtue voice walked weep wicked winds wing wisdom withered wonder wondrous words wrath youth
Популярные отрывки
Стр. 40 - Star of eternity ! the only star By which the bark of man could navigate The sea of life, and gain the coast of bliss Securely...
Стр. 193 - Hail love ! first love, thou word that sums all bliss ! The sparkling cream of all Time's blessedness : The silken down of happiness complete ; Discerner of the ripest grapes of joy — She gathered, and selected with her hand. All finest relishes, all fairest sights ; All rarest odours, all divinest sounds ; All thoughts, all feelings dearest to the soul ; And brought the holy mixture home, and filled The heart with all superlatives of bliss.
Стр. 197 - With glory crowned of righteous actions won, The sacred thorn to memory dear, first sought The youth, and found it at the happy hour, Just when the damsel kneeled herself to pray. Wrapt in devotion, pleading with her God, She saw him not, heard not his foot approach.
Стр. 112 - He was a man Who stole the livery of the court of heaven, To serve the devil in...
Стр. 44 - In horrible suspense all mortals stood : And as they stood, and listened, chariots were heard Rolling in heaven : revealed in flaming fire, The angel of God appeared in stature vast, Blazing ; and lifting up his hand on high, By Him that lives for ever, swore, that Time Should be no more. — Throughout creation heard And sighed...
Стр. 219 - Our sighs were numerous, and profuse our tears, For she, we lost, was lovely, and we loved Her much. Fresh in our memory, as fresh As yesterday, is yet the day she died. It was an April day ; and blithely all The youth of nature leaped beneath the sun...
Стр. 68 - That morning, thou, that slumbered not before, Nor slept, great Ocean ! laid thy waves to rest, And hushed thy mighty minstrelsy. No breath Thy deep composure stirred, no...
Стр. 173 - It scarce deserved his verse. With nature's self He seemed an old acquaintance, free to jest At will with all her glorious majesty. He laid his hand upon the
Стр. 178 - Proof this, beyond all lingering of doubt, That not with natural or mental wealth, Was God delighted, or his peace secured ; That not in natural or mental wealth, Was human happiness or grandeur found. Attempt how monstrous, and how surely vain ! With things of earthly sort, with aught but God, With aught but moral excellence, truth, and love, To satisfy and fill the immortal soul ! Attempt, vain inconceivably ! attempt, To satisfy the Ocean with a drop, To marry Immortality to Death, And with the...
Стр. 175 - And seemed to mock the ruin he had wrought. As some fierce comet of tremendous size, To which the stars did reverence, as it passed : So he through learning, and through fancy took His flight sublime ; and on the loftiest top Of Fame's dread mountain sat : not soiled and worn, As if he from the earth had laboured up, But as some bird of heavenly plumage fair, He looked, which down from higher regions came, And perched it there, to see what lay beneath.