Allude, imply, suggest, apostrophize; Or touch, when wandering thro' the past, on moods Of mind thou never felt'st, the meaning still, With easy apprehension, thou shalt take; So perfect here is knowledge, and the strings And every feeling uttered, fully felt. So shalt thou find, as from my various song, That backward rolls o'er many a tide of years, Directly or inferred, thy asking, thou, And wondering doubt, shalt learn to answer, while I sketch in brief the history of Man. THE COURSE OF TIME. BOOK II. THUS said, he waked the golden harp, and thus, While on him inspiration breathed, began. As from yon everlasting hills, that gird Heaven northward, I thy course espied, I judge Thou from the Artic regions came? Perhaps Thou noticed on thy way a little orb, Attended by one moon-her lamp by night; With her fair sisterhood of planets seven, Revolving round their central sun; she third In place, in magnitude the fourth; that orbNew made, new named, inhabited anew, |