The Plays of William Shakespeare: In Twenty-one Volumes, with the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators, to which are Added Notes, Том 2J. Nichols and Son, 1813 |
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acted alluded allusion altered ancient appears author's plays Ben Jonson called character Comedy of Errors copy critick Cymbeline death doth drama dramatick Drury Lane edition editors English entered at Stationers entitled entry exhibited folio Ford former French Gentlemen of Verona Hall Hamlet hath History honour Jonson Julius Cæsar King Henry VI King James King John King Lear King Richard labour late Latin learned letter likewise lines Lond London Lord Love's Labour's Lost Lover's Melancholy Macbeth MALONE mentioned muse observed old play original pamphlet passage performance perhaps piece Plutarch poem poet prefixed printed probably prologue publick published quarto Romeo and Juliet says scene Shak Shakspeare's play Shrew speare Spenser stage STEEVENS supposed Taming Theatre Royal thee Thomas thou Timon Timon of Athens tion title-page Tragedy translated Troilus and Cressida verses William Shakspeare words writer written