Shakespeare: The Golfer's CompanionTrafford Publishing, 2005 - Всего страниц: 147 The Golfer's Companion departs from the usual style of reference book of quotations. It allows the reader to accompany the Bard as he stumbles across the many aspects of golf on his wayward journey through its curiously complex world. As you share this companionship you will also delight in a treasure chest of descriptive images which you might use to impress fellow golfers as the occasion lends itself. The book features forty-two aspects of golf, each with its own chapter. Each chapter has an introduction preparing the reader for a varying number of quotations which are serious, flippant or have double meanings. A book to be dipped into for fun or to provide a ready reference source for the apt witticism, pertinent quip or serious comment. A key word index is appended for rapid reference.
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Chapter | 9 |
The Golf Lesson | 11 |
Hazards | 15 |
Gamesmanship | 19 |
The First Tee | 23 |
The good bad and the ugly | 25 |
The brave and cautious | 27 |
The End Game | 31 |
The Golf Widow | 73 |
The Ancient Royals | 77 |
Rub of the Green | 81 |
Foul Weather Golf | 83 |
The Final Farewell | 87 |
Consolation | 89 |
Winning is all | 91 |
Early Morning Golf | 95 |
The Nineteenth | 33 |
Putting | 37 |
Club Characters | 41 |
Etiquette | 45 |
Abuse and other homespun discourtesies | 49 |
Hanging Fire | 51 |
Dress | 53 |
The Rules of Golf | 55 |
The Philosophisers | 59 |
Do you come here often | 61 |
The Big Match | 63 |
Body Language | 65 |
A Mans Game | 67 |
Links Courses | 69 |
The Caddie | 71 |
Game of Love | 97 |
Selfchastisement | 101 |
Epitaphs for Golfers | 105 |
Honour | 107 |
Dejection | 109 |
Keeping a cool head | 111 |
Ambition | 113 |
The Afterdinner Speech | 117 |
Hospitality | 119 |
Golf Boasts | 121 |
Hole in one | 123 |
If it works dont fix it | 125 |
Appendix | 127 |
Key Words | 129 |