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Church, in which the author has ably discussed the position of the metropolitans, in the first centuries after the introduction of Christianity in the North, and in the succeeding times, when almost the whole power was in

their hands.

A period nearer to the present, the reign of the Empress Catherine II., one of the most important epochs in history, has furnished M. Lefort with a subject for inquiries, which are likewise of high interest, as that empress especially conduced to the introduction of European civilization. This book is a pendant to Golikoff's History of Peter the Great, and M. Lefort has filled by means of it a real chasm in Russian literature, which previously possessed no work sufficiently explicit relative to this important era. The impartial, author has not hesitated to acknowledge publicly the share which the French and Germans took during this period in the development of the Russian nation.

Terechenkow's great work, Biography of Russian Diplomatists, has received less commendation than it deserves. It is compiled, with the most scrupulous fidelity and sound judgment, from materials hitherto, for the most part, unknown. The Russian journals chiefly find fault with the style, which, to be sure, is rather careless; but overlook the assiduity and perseverance with which he has drawn forth from the dust of the archives a great number of valuable documents, which no one knew of, and which throw great light upon history. Under the title of a Biography of Diplomatists, this work is, in fact, a history of Russian diplomacy, and as such of great importance. It commences with the history of the most ancient Russian diplomatists, the priest Dimitri Mitay, and ends with Count Nesselrode, the present minister for foreign affairs.

The History of the Genoese Colonies in the Crimea, by Mursakewitch, belongs also to the year 1838. It is a most interesting contribution to the history of Tauris in the 15th century, which had not previously been treated of, and this work too deserves the thanks of the literati of Europe.

The publicis indebted to the government for the appearance of a Description of the Transcaucasian Possessions of Russia, which, founded on official documents, presents wholly unknown data of great importance. This work is the result of a scientific expedition to Georgia, undertaken at the suggestion of Count Cancrin, minister of the finances. It lasted seven years, and furnished clearer views of those countries, which have recently attracted particular attention. A geography of those provinces, as well such as belong to Russia, as those which are only under her protection, and statements relative to the means of communication, industry, commerce, literature, and the manners of the inhabitants, form the basis of this comprehensive work. The first preface contains a short sketch of the History of the State and Civilization of the Georgians; a second relates to the religious tenets and institutions of the Transcaucasian Mohammedans. A general map of the Transcaucasian provinces, drawn by Kolokoff in 1836, forms a valuable accession to the work.

Among the historical productions of 1838 must still be mentioned the Dictionary of Russian Literati, commenced by Eugene the metropolitan, and continued after his death by M. Sneguirew, formerly professor at the university of Moscow; also Passek's Sketches of Russia, containing inquiries concerning the orography of Russia, and an accurate picture of the present state of Siberia; and the New Geography of Gretsch, in which the author endeavours to establish a national orthography of foreign names, which is far more difficult in the Russian language than in any other in Europe.

The military sciences were enriched by General Medem with a work on tactics; by Colonel Jasikow, with a Military Geography, and also with the first volumes of a Military Library on the plan of that published in France, and destined to furnish the officers with information in the art of war.

In regard to the great alphabetical Encyclopædia, Russia has followed as closely as possible the great European movement, which has so multiplied

works of this kind in Germany, France, and England, during the last half century. Sixteen volumes have already been published, but it is to be feared that the frequent changes of editor, and the want of steady adherence to a regular plan, are doing great injury to this undertaking, and that it will not be able to compete with similar foreign works which find their way to Russia.

In the department of poetry and the belles lettres, in the strict sense of the term, Russian literature furnished in 1838 but a scanty harvest. Paltry collections of verses and petty novels may with propriety be left out of the account, though their number this year was not smaller than usual. Upon the whole, Russian poetry appears for the moment, if not on the decline, at least in a weakly state. Puschkin and Dimitrieff are dead; Jukowsky and Baritinsky have given up writing; Countess Rostopschin, who promised fairly, seems to have cooled in her zeal; Benedictow, instead of producing separate works, contents himself with contributing to journals, and thus fritters away his talent; and no fresh poets come forward. A tragedy by Polewoi, Ugolino, has been very successful on the stage, but does not stand the test of perusal in the closet. Among the recent novels there is scarcely any worth mentioning but The Seducer, by Sagosken: nearly all the others are more or less faithful and happy imitations of French novels, especially of Balzac's.

During the past year, a taste for illustrated editions has been strongly manifested in Russia. Instead of importing such books from France and England, as they formerly did, the Russians themselves now produce them. This, however, applies only to the text, for France furnishes the copper-plates and the wood-cuts, as in the case of the Don Quixote and the illustrated Bible, published by Pluchart. This is the place to mention also the Pantheon of Contemporaries, which contains a series of biographical sketches accompanied with portraits. The splendid edition of Karamsin's History is a truly national work; the lithographic portraits belonging to it are upon the whole well-executed. All these illustrated editions are warmly encouraged in Russia, and several enterprizes of the kind are in preparation.

In regard to translations, it may suffice to observe that the most remarkable new French, English, and German works have made their appearance in a Russian dress; if there are to be found among them many indifferent novels, dramas, vaudevilles, &c., this is not to be wondered at. The total of the works translated into Russian in 1838 amounts to 300; that of the original works is about 700; which disproportion is still very considerable, but yet shows a favourable progress, since not long ago the proportion of original works to translations was the very reverse.



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