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Part 2. dom, must be brought to an extremity that may be

A conje


which may

called death.

We are in my opinion certainly in this perfece tion, which muft extinguish the true Religion for three years and a half: if we will reckon these three years and a half, from the abrogating of the Edict of Nantes, in the moneth of October 1685. the deliverance of the Church, will fall out in the year 1689, and this is abfolutely the conjecture of Monfieur du Moulin, in his Accomplishment of Prophecies; he hopes, that the perfecution of the Church by the Antichriftian party,fhall cease in the year 1689.

If this should happen, it would be a purely caature of M. fual event; for the foundation on which he builds, d Muslin, is altogether void of folidity: he takes thefe three prove true, days and a half, for fix hundred and thirty years. He upon falle fuppofeth, that the whole duration of Antichrists foundati- reign (which is 1260 years) is confidered as one

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week: now a week is feven days, the half of feven days is three days and a half; and if this fignifies the half of 1260 years, it is 630 years. He fuppofeth therefore, that the Holy Ghoft intended to fay,that the perfecution made by Antichrift,fhall laft the half of his reign. After this, he finds that the first perfecution for the fake of Religion, was that which was rais'd against Berenger in the eleventh Age, on the account of his fentiment, concerning the real prefence, in the year 1059. Add to 1059 the number 630, this makes 1689, in which year all perfecution muft cease, so as never to begin again: though in his opinion, Antichrifts Kingdom and the Papacy muft continue ftill after this above 300 years; for he makes them laft untill the year 2015. 'Tis plain, his fuppofitions deftroy themselves, or are not Arong. First, 'tis not true, that the first perfec

tion on the account of Religion was that, which Part 2. the Popes rais'd against Berenger: that which was rais'd by the Image-worshippers, against thofe whom they call'd Iconoclafts, or Image-breakers, was more cruel, and happened a long while before. Again, what probability that the Popedom can reign or fubfift 326 years without perfecuting the true Chriftians, as this hypothefis fuppofeth? Befides, what is meant by that which is faid, that the Witnesses after three years and a half, muft afcend into heaven? After the year 1689. the faithfull fhall reign and be exalted; and notwithstanding the Popedom fhall laft ftill 326 years, these things are incompatible. Lastly, to take three years and a half, for 630 years, is a thing that hath no example in all the Prophecies.

ceafe in the

year 1689.

not from

reckon the

Nevertheless, after all this, 'tis not wholly im- The perfeprobable, that the perfecution may ceafe in the year cution may 1689. but this depends upon reafons much differing from those now mentioned. For God, if he pleaseth, may reckon the three years and a half, of the death of the Witnesses, from the time of the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, made in the year 1685. in the moneth of October: but we have no We know certainty that God will do fo. Who knows whe- what time ther God will not extinguifh the Reformation in God will all the Countries, where the Dominion of France three years does, or fhall reach. Without doubt, the Prote- and a half. frant Religion will be extinguisht in Strasburg; which depends upon France, and in other places. But this not being as yet done, the death of the Witneffes in the reckoning of God, perhaps muft not begin till the time in which this work shall be finished. The Court of France defires alfo to extinguish the Proteftant Religion in the Vallies of Piedmont, which are under the Duke of Savoy, and

Part 2. this is now a doing: France making herself the executioner of thole thundring Arrests, which the had procured at the Court of the Duke: which per haps is the moft fingular example of the spirit of perfecution, which was ever feen. All other perfe cutors have been content to perfecute their own Subjects, or Countrey-men. But behold perfons, who after they have reduced the Subjects of their own King,to the utmoft extremities, go and make them. felves the Hangmen & Murtherers ofthe Subjects of Forreign Princes. Ifthe three years and a half of the death of the Witnesses, must be reckon'd from the deftruction of these Waldenfes; here is one years delay of the deliverance of the French Churches. Who knows, whether there be not other Countries, which we do not know, or are not willing to name, in which the Profeffion of the Truth must be extin guifht, before we enter upon the three years of the death of the Witnesses? Who knows, if God will not reckon these three years and a half, from the time in which there shall not be so much as one in France who ftands firm, and is not fallen? We know not, whether fuch a misery must come, the I hope it fhall not. There are as yet in Francemore then a hundred thousand perfons, who either have not figned, or have repented after their figning. If all these muft fall off, there is yet a long time to tarry. Lastly, who knows, whether God will not begin to reckon the three years and a half, untill other Princes have wholly extinguifht the Reformation in their Dominions? 'Tis therefore rashness to affirm, that deliverance must exactly come in fuck a year. But that.which I am perfwaded of, and believe that others may be perfwaded of without rafhness, is, that we are now in the last perfecutionǹ that this perfecution shall be most effectual, as it is


the most terrible that was ever feen; that the Wit- Part 2. neffes of the truth, that is to fay, all preaching of the purity of the Gospel under the Crofs, and under popish Princes, will fhortly be fuppreffed: that, from that time the three years and a half must be reckon❜d, at the end of which we fhall fee come to pafs the most wonderful events ofour days. Many now alive, fhall without doubt fee them: for I believe the thing is very near at hand.

Among the confiderations laid down by me in the Preface, which induce me to believe, that this perfecution is the last. I mention'd the fingularities of it, Inamed feveral fuch; Behold one, which in my judgement deferves to be added to the reft. 'Tis the horrible Edict, which commands, that the new Converts being fick, fhall communicate after the popish way: This is the worst effect that ever was produced by the spirit of rage and reprobation. And 'tis not conceivable, how a Clergy that will be called Chriftian, can do fuch horrible actions. The Edict ordains, that they who will not communicate, fhall be sent to the Galleys, if they recover. There is none who is fo mortally fick, that is fure that he fhall dye, and fearing to recover, he will alfo fear to go to the Gallies, and this affrighting object, is able to induce a fick man to communicate without faith, and to worship that which he judgeth to be a piece of bread: that is to fay, to commit a horrible facriledge, and an act of Idolatry, and confequently to damn himself certainly. So that properly this Edict is a trick of the Clergy, to procure the dam nation of all the new Converts. This is perfectly to imitate that Italian, who, that he might take a compleat vengeance, having his enemy in his power, promis'd him his life, on condition, that he would deny God; which having done, he mur


Will men ne

Part 2. ther'd both his body and foul. ver open their eyes, to behold fuch objects a these?

The Refor

mation is

foretold by three figures, figthree Me



The Refor



And the fpirit of life from God entred into them. These words teach us, how the Reformation fhall be re-eftablifht in France: for in thefe Prophecies I find three ways, by which the Truth is eft. blifht, or re-establisht The first is by lightnings, voyces and thunders; thus after the feventh viol was pour'd on the air, the Reformation in the last Age was made by lightnings, voyces and thunders, i.e.by the preaching of the Divine Oracles. And the fe venth Angel pour'd out his viol into the air, and there were voyces, and lightnings, and thunders. In this Prophecy thunders always fignify the Divine Oracles. The feven thunders that uttered their boyces in the tenth Chapter, are the Oracles of God, which ought to be uttered in the fequel.Thus the Reformation was made in the laft Age, in a moft fenfible manner, by the preaching of the word.

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But behold a fecond way of reforming: A Spirit shall come of life from God enters again into the dead Witinto France neffes; i. e. thofe who are at this day under opprefby way of internal fion, fhall fuddenly rife up again by a fecret opera


tion of grace, and an extraordinary motion; not by the means of preaching the word, not by the miniftry of fome new Preachers, but by a heavenly operation, that fhall open the eyes of them who are as yet in darkness, and ftrengthen again the hearts of those who at this day have fallen through weaknefs. At that time in all appearance, the yoke of the Perfecutor fhall be broken, a time of eafe fhall come, and all those who at this day groan under the Captivity of Babylon, fhall lift up their heads, and fhall improve that feafon of calm to repair that which they are now forced to do by violence. "Tis,


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